Chapter 8

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  The past few days, I've been in my room, not just working on my school work but hanging with my mate as well. After a while of us being together some has been noticing us and are happy for us. Bailey, she was happy for me that I finally got my mate and that it was my best friend but was a little freaked out when she found out it was with a man.
  But over time, she forgave me and we stayed real good friends. She even hung with Phil and I in my room and done out school stuff. And with us flirting and playing around she just laughed at us.
  "Y'all are too cute." She told us, after I had pulled Phil by his shirt and kissed him.
  "Thanks, its been awhile since I've actually done this And it was in front of someone." I had said.
  "Hey, I missed you in front of our parents when you came too." Phil said.
  "Yea, speaking of that. What happened? Why was you under for so long?" Bailey asked.
  "It was my powers, I fully came into them and well," I started to say then looked at Phil. "When we were starting to fight over us coming forth, him telling me no set my wolf off. He wanted to kill and that made my powers went into over drive. And before I done anything to him, someone told me to go. To run from him and my wolf listen. He took over and shifted and we ran to a cave and passed out. That is when I met Mary."
  "Wait, Mary as in the moon goddess herself?" Bailey asked.
  She was the only one freaked out over it than Phil and the others were. I mean it freaks me out when I'm going into that state a little.
  I explained to her what Mary told me from day one. How my biological mother had died at her prom next to her mate and best friends during a rogue attack. How when she has died, Mary had gave her these same powers to her to help her win the so called war. I even told her that, I wasn't even supposed to be here but because of all the good work, she gave her a chance to have me.
  Bailey started to tear up a little bit of what I just told her about me not being alive, she leaned over and hugged me. That made Phil hugs us both. When Phil let go of me, Bailey looked up at my face and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked at first and expected Phil to grab her but he didn't. I looked over while kissing her still and saw him smiling then nodded at me.
  This was very unexpected from both of them. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath then looked back at Bailey. I leaned her on the bed, to kiss her again. Pushing away our school stuff on the floor, in heard Phil get up off the bed and walked over to the door. I heard him lock it then came back over to us.
  When I looked up, over at him, he was taking off his shirt before laying back on the bed. Bailey snuck a kiss before pushing me on the bed and straddle me. She looked at Phil for a moment then took off her shirt and tossed it at him, laughing a little as she did.
  Bailey was cute don't get me wrong. And I been wanting to do her for some long, just never did and here is my chance. As I was feeling her, Phil leaned over and kissed me as she was kissing my neck. When they both were done, they kissed each other for a few moments as well.
  It was getting heated and all my wolf was doing was purring. He wasn't even upset on what was happening. All I know was that next moment my pants were being pulled off by Phil and the next Bailey was taking off her shorts and was hovering over my head.
  As I was eating her out and Phil was sucking me dry, we all didn't last long. Or did we. After that I felt like I zoned out and woke up to the next day to pee.
  When I woke up, Phil was laying on my left, with his back towards me and Bailey on my right, with her head on my chest with my arm around her. I signed, hopefully what happened was a dream but it wasn't. So I, slowly moved Bailey off of me, so I could get out of the bed to pee.
  She I got her off of me, I quietly climbed over her without even touching her at all, and headed towards the bathroom. When I got in there, I did my business and got out. I grabbed my shorts that I had hanging on my door, and headed out to the loft. I quietly opened the door and closed it and sat down on the little love seat couch I had out there.
  Once I sat down, I pulled my legs up to my chest and walked as the sun came up and looked out in the area. I saw some of the guards and warriors already heading out to train for the morning.
  I should be the one out there training right now but I'm not allowed to right now until I have my powers handled. But once I get this title, I'll have to start training again and help train some of the others.
  I was all in my thoughts when I felt and hand touch me, making me jump at the touch. When I looked, it was Phil. I smiled at him and patted the spot next to me.
  "For someone who has a great time last night, sure don't look like it." Phil said leaning his head on my shoulder.
  "So that did happen?" I asked.
  "Yep, and you were loving every second of it. Both me and her taking turns, god it was so hot just watching you do her." Phil said nipping at my neck.
  "Oh god, i thought it was a dream. I thought we just stayed up to late doing homework and talking."
  "So it was okay?" I asked. He nodded. "Well then, that was something else."
  "Yeah, I think she enjoyed herself." Phil said as he sat up and looked back in the bedroom. "Its 7am and she's still out like a light. She should be heading to go train like me as well. I have my beta training and you well can't train. Shit, I forgot. And how is your god father thinking this threw as you being the delta?"
  "One he's our alpha, two my father will help me do what in have to do." I told him as I kissed his cheek. "Go train, maybe later we can hang before the ceremony tonight at the bonfire."
  "Alrighty then mate. I'll miss you." He said as he got up.
  "Not as much as me." I told him.
  "Do you want me to wait her up?" He asked me as he opened the door.
  "No, I'll wake her up in a few." I told him.
  He nodded then ran off to go do his beta training. I sat here for a few more moments just watching the sky change the last of it colors before I got up. When the sky was finally blue, I got up and went back inside my room. I walked over to the bed, sat on the edge, and put my hand on her shoulder.
  "Bailey love, wake up. Time for training." I said shaking her shoulder.
  "Babe, no. I wanna sleep in." She whined.
  "Sorry, if Phil has to go train, so do you. I have to go meet with my father for my training so come on." I said as I slapped her ass.
  Kinda wish I didn't. She moaned and just hearing it, oh god. Stop it Devin, focus. I slapped her butt again a little harder.
  "Get your ass up, woman! Or no more of what we had last night." I threatened her.
  She rolled over to look at me with one of her eyes open.
  "You would not even dare." She said, glaring at me.
  "Try me, I'll just do Phil and you can watch." I told her.
  Even though I was trying to be serious here, she knew my bluff. She sat up from the bed and shook her head at me.
  "Well played DJ, well played." She said as she got out of the bed.
  She walked over to where she threw her clothes at and put them on. Once she was dressed, she came back over to me, kissed me on the cheek and left my room.
  Once she closed the door, I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was like that for about 10 minutes or so until there was a knock on the door.
  "Enter." I called out.
  I heard the door open then closed. Then heard footsteps come my way. When I looked it was my father with a weird look on his face.
  "What?" I asked.
  "Your room smells. Open the door windows, get some air in here." My father said as he opened them up. "What did y'all do here last night." He asked.
  I sat up and raised an eyebrow at him. He turned around and looked at me.
  "Nevermind, I don't want to know. I just can't believe you three did that." He said.
  "Of you knew, why you asked." I said as I went to my dresser to grab me a pair of socks.
  "I don't even know. I get your having fun with your mate and all but why bring your ex girlfriend involved."
  "Well it wasn't supposed to be like that. We was just studying and we walked about what happened when I blacked out. Bailey felt bad when I told her what Mary had said. About me not being here, alive at least. She hugged me then kissed me. One thing lead to another."
  "Ew, gross. I don't even think I could do that with your mother. Let alone share with my mate."
  "Eh, it is what it is." I said as well walked down stairs to the basement.
  When he got down there, Shawn was leaning against the wall waiting for us. He usually don't join just watches us but today looks like he wants to join.
  "So your gonna be fighting me today. Your father here has paperwork to do." Shawn has said.
  "Oh okay then." I said as I stretch.
  Once I got done stretching, I walked around the alpha to see what his move was gonna be. I stopped for a moment and closed my eyes. As I listened to what was around me and being down in the basement, it echoed. Until I heard a footsteps to my right, I opened my eyes and dodged the incoming pouch. After I dodged, I pouched the alpha in the side a few times.
  After a few blows, we were both all bloody and bruised from head to toe. But as an alpha, you don't back down from a fight. And I was surprised, I lasted this long with him.
  As we headed upstairs, to get something to drink, both the luna and my mother was in the kitchen with Bailey and Phil. When we walked in there, Bailey had gasped, dropping her bottle of water and covered her mouth. Phil looked to his left and saw why she done that. His eyes got big and ran over to me.
  "What the hell happened to you?" He asked me.
  I looked over at the alpha then back at him.
  "Blame uncle Shawn." I started to say.
  "Ah, wrong. Blame your father." Shawn had said.
  "What?" My mother had said. "James! Get your ass in this kitchen now." My mother had yelled.
  After a few moments, my father ran down the stairs into the kitchen and stopped at the door way.
  "What's all the yelling for?" He had asked.
  "Did you tell shawn to beat our son?" She asked as she turned me around to look at him.
  "What the hell Shawn, when I asked you to train him. I didn't mean to beat the living hell out of him. I don't even leave marks on him when we train. Let alone that ruff." My father hollered at Shawn as he was looking me over.
  "Hey now, the kid stuck through it. He's fine, look he's already healing, faster than me at least." Shawn had said. "I wanted to test his powers and see where his limits were and he handled it well. Maybe he can join the real training soon."
  After they arguing about me and my beating, Robert and his mate and child came into the kitchen. We didn't even know until someone had cleared their throat.
  "Hey, child in the room now." Robert had said. "What is going on anyways?" He asked.
  "Your father here was training with Devin and best the hell out of him." My mother had said as she was rubbing my back.
  "Mom, I'm fine. I'm all healed now. It was just training, it can't be no worse than regular training right Robert?" I had said.
  "Crap, I forgot about training this morning." Robert had said.
  "It was fine. You didn't miss much." Bailey had said.
  Robert nodded his head then looked at his parents.
  "Well I'm gonna run us in town to find some cute clothes for my women for tonight." Robert said.
  "Okay, don't forget to pick up tux at the dry cleaners." His mother told him.
  He nodded and they walked out of the room.
  "Well I need a shower, umm Phil." I had said as I looked at him.
  "Coming, dear." He said as he pushed himself off the wall.
  Phil grabbed my hand and we went up to my room. Once we got in their we headed to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower together. It felt nice after the beating I had got. And Phil knew where to rub me down just to loosen my knots.
  A few hours later, after our walk in the park, we finally made it home. When we came in the house, the omega were cooking up a storm in the kitchen. It actually felt really good in there where it was making me hungry again. When we walked in, the head chef handed Phil and I a plate of sandwiches. We sat at the island and ate while we watched everyone cook.
  After we was done, we headed the chef our plate then walked out to the back yard. Some of the guards and warriors were decorating everything around the stage, to make it look perfect for tonight. Then I saw our fathers, bring wood over to the bonfire pit to get it ready.
  "Wow, this is nice." I said.
  "Yea, it is. The alpha and luna sure does go all out. Last time, we had something like this was when our parents got married. Or even when the us kids were born. God I don't even remember anymore." He said as we walked over to our fathers.
  "The last time it was like this was when we got married boys." My father said.
  "Damn. When was that like 20 sum years." I asked.
  "Almost, about." He stopped and counted on his fingers. "Shit it's been 20 years. Wow I can't believe me and Jamie been together that long."
  "Wow, and I was guessing." I said then laughed.
  After awhile, everything was all set up and ready to go.
  A little after 6 pm, the fire was lit and everyone started coming around to sit and get ready for the ceremony.
  All our families were sitting at the tables in the stage waiting for us to walk on and get this started. I was in the kitchen waiting for Phil to come down. Once he came down, not even a few moments later, Robert and his mate came down. She smiled at us when they passed us to go outside. Of course we smiled back and done the same. Phil grabbed my hand and we followed Robert out to the stage right as the alpha was calling us up.
  "As my son takes his place as the next alpha and his mate as the next Luna, come on up and claim your marks." He had said.
  Robert and Scarlett walked up the stairs to the alpha and luna. As Shawn cut his hand then Robert's, they took their vows and held their hand together. I could feel the power that was leaving Shawn into Robert. Once that was over, he howled into the air and we all done it as well.
  Then the luna came up and stood next to the former alpha, and cut her hand then Scarlett's, they took their vows and held their hands together. We also felt some power their just not as strong as Robert's. Just as Robert, Scarlett howled as well and we joined her.
  "Now as our beta and delta give out the next beta and delta their marks." Shawn said.
  Phil came over and grabbed the knife from Heather, he stood in the middle and looked at Philip next to me.
  "As my son takes his place as the next beta." He said then Phil left my side to go join his father.
  As Phil Sr cut his hand then Phil Jr's hand, the said their vows the held their hands together. We also felt that power change and Phil howled into the air and we all joined him.
  Then last, my father had walked up to the middle taking the knife from Phil Sr. As he looked at me, I gulp the air that was in my mouth. I was scared a little it for this.
  "As my son takes his place as the next delta." My father had said.
  I walked up to the stage slowly because I was nervous and scared that the pack will turn me down for this. As I got to my father he smiled at me before cutting his hand then mine. Then we said our vows and held out hands together. I felt his power move into me and I felt so much stronger than I was feeling, even with the powers.
  As I was feeling everything, I bent down to one knee, feeling off, like my powers were doing something but I didn't know what. Phil came over to me and grabbed my arm for support. As I looked up at him, I felt my eyes change from my wolf to my phoenix.
  "Feel the power of the delta within your self, my child. Don't fight it, let it flow through you. You having all this power is taking a toll on you with the powers I gave you plus what you already have to what the delta gave you."
  "Wait what powers I already have?"
  "Your alpha powers. Why do you think you feel so strong, even when you fought against the alpha earlier."
  "Son, are you okay?" My father asked.
  "Devin, speak to us. What's happening?" I heard Shawn asked me.
  "All the powers, are combining together as one. Mary says its taking a toll on me. She told me not to fight it, let it flow through me." I said then stood up and howled into the sky.
  Everyone had howled with me then it all went black. As I felt myself falling, I heard someone yell.
  "Get him to his room now." I heard Shawn ordered.
  "He's bleeding from his nose." I heard Phil say.
  What was happening to me, like I didn't fight it, I let it flow through me. Or at least I thought I did.
  So what do y'all think what happened to Devin? Was the powers to much for him to take since he's already got alpha blood in him plus the powers that the moon goddess gave his mother and he was born with them, and now the delta power. Is it too much power for him or is it gonna take him some time.
  Stay tune and find out. Xoxoxo

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