Chapter 3

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  A few weeks after finding at Phil was my mate, I was happy about it. But I wasn't happy that I couldn't be around him, around him like normal mates do. But when we was together for our runs and training, we hung out and held onto each other like normal mates do.
  After awhile, his parents had him do his beta training which cost us our alone time. But I was happy for him, he deserves his spot to shine. While I was alone to wallow in the shadows because I couldn't be with him.
  It was like this until I was 16 years old and he was 19, with a while girl on his side. He tried to act normal and pretend to start dating this girl for his parents but I felt the hurt to it. And since he did that, I thought two can play this game.
  I was in high school, there were a lot of girls that would want me and hell they did since they found out I was one of the deltas children and had powers. But they didn't ask what they were.
  As I was entering the cafè, a girl name Bailey came to me and handed me a rose. I was confused for a moment why she was handing me a rose until I read the card. It was cupid day, one of the most romantic days of the year. I smiled at her when I took the rose from her hand. As I opened the card I saw she moved her hair behind her ear and waited for me to read it. I smiled again at her as I read it.
  "Rose are red, violets are blue, I think your cute, can you be mine? B." The card read. I looked at her, smiled and grabbed her hand and nodded. I mean she was a good looking girl and if Phil and I need to hide what we are well here goes anything. I leaned in and kissed her cheek and she giggled.
  "The card was sweet Bailey. Did you write it?" I asked her as I grabbed her hand.
  "Yeah, my mother kinda helped me get the rose. She kinda knew I had a crush on you since we were 14 years old." She told me.
  "Wait don't you live on the pack grounds?" I asked her.
  "Yeah, I live about 4 houses from the pack house. We use to play together when we were kids but with what was going on, you quit playing." She told me as we went and got our food.
  "I'm sorry, there been a lot going on with me. But I'm kinda back to normal." I told her.
  She smiled and nodded her head at me as well paid for our food. When we got to a table, all the girls were looking at us. Some were jealous, some were in lala land and then there's the one and only my soul called best friend looking right at me as me and Bailey sat down. I grabbed her hand and kissed it and she giggled. I looked at him the whole time.
  "This could be you, but your with her." I told him through our mind linked.
  "Devin don't start this please. I'm sorry that were not together as mates right now but I'm busy with beta training. And she's just a show for my parents and the pack." He told me.
  "What about us, we're mates? You know bad this hurts me, seeing you with her." I told him.
  "Believe me, I know. My wolf is whining right now." He told me.
  I signed then cut us off. As I looked at Bailey, I smiled again then ate.
  As the day started to end, I went out to do my run on the field in human form. I was so frustrated, I didn't know what to do. I ran my hardest and my fastest that I could do. With the training I've been doing, and these runs, I could do anything I put my mind to it. As I was running, I used the power within me and I could feel my eyes change, like I had his over drive on a suv or something. I was unstoppable, nothing could stop me until I was tackled.
  I was hit hard, so hard that it threw me like 15 feet where I was and it had pissed off my wolf where it wanted to come out and fight who just did that. When I got my sight back from the blow, I looked around and saw that it was Phil that had hit me. He was laying next to me shirtless as well.
  "What the hell Phillip!" I yelled at him.
  "Sorry, I called out to you and even mind linked you but nothing. It was like you were zoned out." He told me.
  "Sorry, I kinda was." I told him as I sat up and leaned against the tree.
  Phil nodded, as he got up and dusted himself off then came over to me and sat on my lap. I was confused at first but allowed it because my wolf was purring in my head. It was like I wanted this to happen but at the same time no. But then he had kissed me. This was our first kiss since we found out that we were mates. And I was actually enjoying it.
  I thought it would feel weird kissing a boy but it felt so right. It was like; 'I kissed a girl' by Katey Perry, was going off in my head.
  "I kissed a boy and I liked it taste up his cherry ChapStick." I sung in my head but guessing I had my mind linked opened to Phil because he started chuckling.
  "Really, now. Katey Perry?" He asked after he lifted up from our kiss.
  "Huh?" I asked.
  "You had your mind linked open to me and I heard you singing; 'I kissed a girl'."
  "Oh shit, sorry." I told him as I kissed his nose.
  "No, its fine. I get it, you finally got to kiss me. Let's just say, I've been waiting to kiss you since I found out you were my mate." He told me. "How about this, why don't we go into the locker rooms and take a shower together."
  "What if, what if someone comes in on us?" I had asked.
  "Devin, we all take showers together. Everyone seen what we have packen."
  "I know, its just," I started to say but he stopped me with a kiss.
  The kiss was lovely and I felt like I was in heaven. Only if heaven could have been just the two of us. The kiss lasted about a few moments until I heard a noise which made my powers click in and I bite Phil's lip.
  "Ow," he said. Then looked at me and seen my eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked me.
  "I thought I heard something." I said as I looked around us.
  "It was probably a deer or another animal or something. Its late no one is out here other than patrol." He said then kissed me one more time.
  It calmed me down some but I was still worried. Then he got up off of me then pulled me up from the ground. I smiled when I rammed into his chest. His nice tone out chest, with an awesome 5 pack and a v-line going all the way down to his man hood. The things I would do to his man hood right about now. I had bit my lip to control the need to jump his bones right about now. As I was thinking it, my wolf was purring in my head. Guess he would like it too.
  Phil must have felt the urge as well because he pulled me fast behind him towards the locker rooms and locked the door behind us. As he pushed me into a shower stall, he undone his shoes and shorts in all one move and grabbed ahold of me and pushed me against the shower wall. When my back hit the wall, he started kissing me on the lips then the neck where his mark is supposed to be which turned me on more.
  I kicked off my shoes, sliding them out of the stall and went to yack off my shorts until Phil had stopped me. I mean he was already naked why did I have to be dressed. As he grabbed my hands that were still on the waist band of my shorts, he slowly kissed my lips then slowly bent down to kiss my chest all the way onto waist. He slowly pulled down my shorts, helping me take one leg out at a time then threw them behind us.
  After he threw them, he grabbed ahold of my man hood and looked at me. I shook my head to tell him, its okay. He knew I was still a virgin since Bailey is the 1st girl I've been with but we haven't done it yet. But him, he's not. He hooked up with his girlfriend after they got together. Which I was jealous about but I knew why he done it.
  As I felt him take me in, I grabbed ahold of the shower handle and turned on the water on. As the water was hitting us, both felt so good. The warm water and his lips around me. After a few moments, he stood back up and kissed me.
  "Are you okay?" He asked me.
  "Yes, its just you know." I told him then looked away.
  "That your still a virgin, I know. You said you were saving it for me, wish I could have said the same but we do have our needs." He told me.
  I nodded then leaned in to kiss him once again. As I was kissing him, he grabbed my hands and brought my arms up over my head, letting the water both hit our heads.
  "Are you sure your ready for this?" He asked me.
  I nodded my head. "More than ever. Just got slow at first." I told him.
  He nodded then kissed me before he turned me over. As he ran his hands down my back to my ass, I felt him rub a finger down my ass crack to my balls before he parted my legs then slowly slide his man hood inside me.
  I took a deep breath to fight through the pain at first but then as he went slow at first, the pain started to go away. As he went faster and started to go harder, I knew what was going on was like riding a roller coaster at six flags, like we did when we went a few years back as a family deal.
  As he was pumping in me and slapping my ass, it all felt so good that I felt him release him all over me. When he was done, I turned around and looked at him and grabbed ahold of him and started jerking him off. He kissed me as I was doing it and I felt him tighten up once more. But then I stopped and he growled at me, I just chuckled as I turned him around and put myself into him.
  As I was moving in and out of him, just thinking what he just did to me, doing it all back to him. As I heard him moan for me, I knew he was close once more but I wasn't even there just yet.
  About 10 minutes later I felt myself really to release but I stopped, pulled out of him and he turned around and gave me head and let me explode in his mouth, at the same time he was jerking himself off. Once he was done sucking me dry, he stood up and I went down on him and done the same. Once he cam, he was sweet like apple pie on a middle fall evening. He tasted so good that I wanted apple pie.
  Once we were both done, we washed each other off while the water was still hot. When our showers were done, he grabbed a towel for me as I turned off the water, and wrapped it around me, as he wrapped his around him.
  "Well that was something." He said as he sat down on the bench.
  "You tell me, you've done it before." I said as I sat down and leaned back against him.
  "Yes I have with a girl. And well doing what I did to you in doggy style was different. I wasn't hitting your g-spot like i do hers. But you did great though." He told me.
  "Well there's more to come for later on in life. And once we both come out, you can kick her out of our bed." I told him.
  "Yes, I will or she could join us?" He either asked or was just saying. I didn't know.
  "I'll think about it. I'll have to try it myself first." I told him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and turned my head to kiss him.
  As he was kissing me, I felt so much better after we mated and I wanted to go for another round with him. As well were kissing, we heard the door to the locker room turn but couldn't open. Then someone had knocked on it yelling through the door.
  "Who's in here?" They yelled.
  I got up from my spot and went to the door and opened it. When I opened it, it was one of the guards.
  "What was the door locked?" He asked.
  "It wasn't locked, it was stuck." I said lying a little.
  "Mhm, sure. What are you two still up and out here? Its a school night shouldn't y'all be in bed." He said.
  "Yes, we was running a little and took a shower. We're going home now." Phil told him. "And as your soon to be beta, you don't have to be so harsh either."
  "Beta, shit your the betas son. I'm sorry sir." He said then bowed his head at me.
  "Yes, and he's the delta son. So either you want to keep your spot on the guard, show us a little respect here."
  "Yes, sir. Sorry to you both. I just have to pee." He said as he walked around us to go to the bathroom.
  I chuckled a little at Phil as he handed me my shorts and shoes.
  "I'll see you tomorrow. You want to go for a run before school?" He asked me.
  "Sure, bestie." I said all girly.
  We both laughed then headed home. As we got to each others floors, I went to my room. As I was walking into room, I heard my father behind me.
  "There you are? Where you've been?" He asked me.
  "Running on the track with Phil. I needed to get some steam off my chest." I told him.
  "Are you okay?" He asked me as he came forward a little.
  "Yes, sorta. My wolf just been on edge lately." I said as I looked down. "Its like when I run, it calms him down." More like when I'm around my mate calms him down.
  "Okay, try meditation as well. Maybe with your powers, they're probably growing. See if you meditate, if you can reach to someone. Someone like the moon goddess, she usually shows up and help guide us." He told me.
  I just nodded and he walked away.
  I went into my room and closes the door. As I sat on my bed, my phone had dinged. When I looked to see who it was, I kinda knew whom it was from.
  "Just know that if we ain't together, that I still love you. Just text me, call me, or even mind link me to talk." Phil has texted.
  I smiled at that and sent back the same thing to him.
  "I love you too and just know that when your not with me you can always text me, call me, or even mind link me as well." I said back.
  That night I slept like a baby a little bit. I got to mate with my mate just couldn't mark him just yet. And I kinda feel bad but we wasn't just there just yet.
  Hope no one gets all grossed out here. I tried my hardest to get it PG-13 here with the LGBT stuff and its hard for me to write sex scenes for guys because I ain't one. But I tried my best, hope y'all like it.

The Alpha's Lost Son book 3Where stories live. Discover now