Chapter 39

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Phil's POV

Two days.
Its been two days since Devin has been out.
The doctor said he has Scarlet Fever on top of Pneumonia. Which either isn't well. He said since he has Scarlet fever he wants him be quarantine. Which meant no one was allowed in the alpha house other than me and Bailey and our back ups. Which was rarely them, only us 3.
The witch put a little spell on him to help him get better faster than normal. And on top of that, he done a supernatural spell to see if someone had done anything to him while it was on his trip. Good news no one did, bad news he just got a sickness.
While Bailey stayed in the guess bedroom to be away from him for her sakes since she's still in school. Me, I've been sleeping in the office, keeping up all the alpha shit. Which isn't very easy. I don't know how his parents and grandparents done it.
As everything was going to shit, I get a mind link of there being an attack. On top of everything, I knew something like this would happen.
I ran out of the office, Bailey came running down the stairs. I looked at her and pointed up stairs.

"Guard Devin. I don't want you out of this house do you hear me Bailey?" I ordered her.
"Yes, Phil." She said then ran back upstairs.

As I got outside, I shifted and ran to where the attack was.
Two of my warriors down but not dead. I took out those that was around them. Quickly, no one saw me coming. That's when I saw him. I was shocked, speechless. It was my old alpha, Shawn. Devin's god father, the one who saved him.
As I was running forward, he attacked two more of my men. I growled at him. He stopped what he was doing, growling back making his men do the same. One of my men went to go at him but I stepped in his way and growled.

"No one attack him!" I ordered then shifted. "Shawn shifted back." I ordered him.
"Well, well, well." He said as he shifted. "Where's the alpha king at?"
"He's not here? He's out." I said, more like lying.
"That's too bad," he chuckled a little.
"Why are you here attacking my pack?"
"I came here for someone. And your alpha king took him in."
"We took a lot of people in. So I don't know who your talking about."
"I see that. This pack never had this many people almost 17 years ago." he said.

As he said that, I started thinking about what he meant. Devin was almost 19 years old, so that makes Shawn the one that has killed off his parents.

"It was you!" I growled. "You killed the former alpha and luna, Devin's parents!"

As I said my whole pack growled at Shawn.

"Ah, I see your putting that beta mind to some use." He said laughing some. "I just came here for the witch. He owes me his life along with his wife since their daughter didn't pass on their witch side on to my son."
"What!?" I growled. "Heather's their daughter, you kidnapped her to have a hybrid son that didn't come how you wanted did it. Jackie was human so of course Heather didn't get her fathers genes."
"What do you mean she was human?" Shawn asked.
"Devin turned her." I said as Jackie walked over to me and growled at Shawn.

That's when a fireball came out nowhere and hit Shawn. When I turned my head it was Ralph doing it again. But he wasn't the only one. Devin was in his human form on fire helping Ralph.

"Shawn, I heard it all. I can't believe this." Devin had said.
"I see you don't look so good." Shawn said back.

Devin's POV

As I was laying here as sleep feeling like shit. I felt something weird, power, but not like mine. Just alpha power. There was an alpha in my lands.
Then I got a message of there being an attack. I had to get up but I couldn't. I felt like I was glued to my bed.
My eyes snapped open and all I saw was Ralph whispering in latin next to me.

"Ralph what's going on?" I asked.
Ralph stopping whispering then looked at me. "I'm trying to heal you, because who has sent me is here, attacking your pack." He said then grabbed my hand.

A wave of power was sent through me. The most powerful feeling I've ever felt. More than the goddess being inside me or the powers that I have.
After that wave had hit me, we both got up and ran out the house. As I saw the damage around the pack, I had heard a familiar voice speaking. When I heard Phil say Shawn had killed my parents, the anger inside me went on full power. I flamed on and Ralph saw that I figured it all out.
With all I had, I sent a fireball towards Shawn with the help of Ralph. When he looked at me, he was shocked.

"Shawn, I heard it all. I can't believe this?" I said.
"I see you don't look so good." Shawn had said back.
"Don't worry about how I feel or look. I have  enough power just to kill you for what you done to my parents." I growled.
"I didn't mean to kill her. I just wanted you." Shawn had said. "She just got in the way."
"Why!?" I growled.
"I wanted to build an army to take over the world. I wanted to be where your at. The king!" He howled king.
"Your not strong enough to become king."
"If it wasn't for the goddess, you wouldn't be king." He growled.

As he said that, there was lighting striking everywhere around us. And it wasn't me. But just like that, there was a flash of light before me then there was like 10 people standing in front of me and I couldn't believe my eyes whom they were.

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