Chapter 25

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  Driving those many hours to get here was a killer but it was all worth it. I just know its gonna be a lot going to work and back, but its worth it as well. Gonna need to make some money for this pack.
  Once I turned off on the exit, I just knew I was making the right choice to come back home and take over my Father's pack. Only if he can see me doing so in person himself but he has to watch from a far, that's if their still there.
  As about 20 minutes or so, we finally made it home. Wolves running towards us howling, some were bowing, some were jumping for joy that I was back and it just made me feel wanted. I reached my arm behind me and touched Bailey's leg and shook her to wake up. When I saw on the mirror she was awake, she looked both sides of the car and saw what the wolves were doing. I saw she was smiling from ear to ear, that she was wanted by another pack. Phil grabbed my hand and smiled at me, he knew they would except us not only I was the alphas son but for the missing piece of the puzzle that was finally found and brought back.
  We pulled up to the house, Stefan got out and looked back at me. I smiled and nodded my head.
  "Ah your back so early my nephew." I head Damon call out behind me, putting shorts on. He was probably one of those wolves or just got back from a run.
  "Well I couldn't stay away, plus didn't take long then I thought for us to pack." I said.
  "Well least you can have a few extra days to relax before the ceremony, right?" Damon said.
  "Yes, that we can agree upon." I said as we got to the truck. Stefan lifted up the back and Damon looked in.
  "Well, I was actually expecting you guys to have more shit." Damon said laughing.
  "Stefan said the same thing. But no we brought what we wanted and left the rest behind. We're here to start over new. What money we 3 have saved gonna use to buy us some new shit." I said.
  "Well we have money in the pack savings if you need some of it. Its not much but its how we get by now. With some of us little working it helps but the real big money is out of the way since Jackson passed away." Damon said looking down.
  "What!?" I growled. "When did he?"
  "Last night in his sleep. But he left a note for you, its in my office. Well soon to be your office." Damon said. "He was waiting for you to come back this weekend but without his wolf, he was aging faster and getting sick more. I knew believe what they stories say about us once we lose our wolf but seeing it in person, its sad."
  "Guys can do bring this up to our room. I need to go take a walk." I said as I started to head towards the woods.
  Losing the only thing I had left from my father was gonna be hard on me. I knew he was getting close to dying just didn't think it would be his time, just yet.
  As I shifted, ripping my clothes, I ran as fast as I could to get away from this place.
  Phil's POV
  As Devin had said he needed a walk, I just knew he met needed to get away. I would have done the same, especially the last person from his father is now gone.
  "Well he's gonna be gonna for awhile." I had said looking at the guys and Bailey.
  "For how long?" Damon had asked.
  "Last time this had happened was when me and him got into it, when we became mates and we were out on a date, he was gone for I think a few hours."
  "Phil that was when his powers were acting out. He has full control of them now. He could be gone all night." Bailey had brought up.
  "Either way, let him be and grieve we'll take care of this." I said.
  Damon and Stefan nodded their heads in agreement of letting Devin alone to grieve. The warriors took all our shit and brought into our room. Thank god his room had two walk in closets. Bailey of course took one and the other one was from me and Devin. We basically share our clothes anyways, we're the same size.
  Once everything was brought up to our room, I had to guess what was staying out and what was getting put up for now. I really wish, he would come back and help. I need him.
  Bailey was done with her stuff, she put all her clothes away in the closet and put her socks and underwear in one drawer in the dresser. And I done the same with mine and Devin's. She basically took over the bathroom with all her girly stuff but was big enough to do so.
  When I was done, I saw it was little over 3:30 pm and I was hungry. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen to look over everything. Usually this is the Luna's job but she doesn't know a damn thing about cooking to save her life.
  I remembered she tried to cook us something to eat the 1st time of us all being together to be nice and burned what she was cooking.
  I grabbed the cooking folders and scheduled what needs to be made for the alpha house. As I was doing so, an older omega came in to start cooking. She didn't even see me until she went to throw something away.
  "Oh my," she said holding her hand. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you there." She said looking down.
  "Its fine. What are you cooking tonight?" I asked her.
  "I was gonna do a honey glaze ham with home made mac and cheese, garlic potatoes, bake beans. Alpha Damon mindlinked me earlier to make this for you guys. Since y'all were busy unpacking." She told me.
  "That actually sounds great. Thank you." I told her as I went back down to what was doing.
  It was quiet other than the cooking and all the smells was making me more hungry then I was. As I was putting what needed to be made for Wednesday, she placed a bowel of fruit in front of me. I looked up and thanked her as Bailey came down the stairs.
  "Oh what's that amazing smell." She said as she sat next to me to steal a piece of my fruit.
  "That would be dinner, ma'am." The omega told her.
  "Mmmm, I can taste it in my mouth." Bailey said drooling a little.
  "Umm, Bailey your drooling." I pointed out.
  The omega laughed as she went to take out the ham. When she did, Bailey reached over to take a piece but the omega slapped her hand away. Bailey whined then growled but the omega didn't back down.
  "Its not quite done ma'am." She told her.
  Bailey whined some more as she put her head on my shoulder.
  "Sorry about that but I had to do it." She apologized.
  "Its fine." Bailey and I had said together. Then I added. "Wait til she's your Luna, she'll be barking orders then on the food. But don't let her cook though."
  "Hey, I burnt the food one time and you never get over it." She scolded me.
  "Yep, that's why I'm making the menu now." I said pointing to the folder.
  "Ooouu, I wanna help. Make Tuesday, taco Tuesdays and Monday, meat madness Monday." She said.
  "What for Monday?"
  "Meat madness, basically a few meats as the course and whatever sides. They had that in school don't you remember."
  "Yes I do. Fine Mondays are meat madness, Tuesdays are tacos or pizza nights, Wednesday are meatloaf, turkey, ham, chicken, or roast night, Thursday is steak, pork chop, brats/sausage night, Friday is pasta night. Giving us the weekend to order out or have leftovers. So Miss," I said as I looked at the omega.
  "Its Marybeth or Miss Mary."
  "So Miss Mary can have the weekends off."
  "What about sides?" Mary asked.
  "Sides, hmm." I said then starting thinking what sides would be best for the meals. "Whatever you think is best. Since your the cook. But I'll leave a list with money every Monday for you."
  "Oh, that's great. Alpha Damon usually has me cooking whatever and the same with Jackson, rest in peace, but I love it when its planed out. The former Luna, rest in peace, always had it planned out just like your doing. I'm so glad I'm going to be going back to that. Its hard to cook for these men half the time."
  "Well just think of us two and Devin as girls then. Because Devin and I are gay and she's our partner." I had said.
  "Okay, that's great. Speaking of Devin, where is he? I haven't seen him since he was a pup. I didn't get to see him the last time y'all were here."
  "He's, well okay other then what we just found out with Jackson."
  "Oh, I forgot Jackson was his grandpa. Please give him my condolences." She said.
  "I will, Miss Mary." I told her as she brought the ham back out and started cutting into it and serving us since we were here.
  After a few moments Damon and Stefan came down the stairs to eat. Paige came in from outside and perked up when she saw us.
  "Where's DJ?" She asked.
  Bailey looked at me then back at her. "He's out and about. He needed a walk after he heard about Jackson." She told Paige.
  "Oh god, you told him. You said you were gonna wait til they got settled in." She yelled at her brothers.
  "I know I was, but it just came out."
  "Came out my ass, now he's out there god who knows what."
  "Devin, is actually taking a walk. He doesn't go all hulk, he just needs to be alone." I said as I got up and handed Miss Mary the folder.
  "Why did you have that?" Paige asked. "That's her job, as the Luna."
  "Oh no, you don't want her doing any of that." I said chuckling.
  "Hey, I just helped you for two of the days."
  "Yes, I know. But still, just be lucky I let you have those days." I told her as I leaned over to kiss her nose.
  As well all ate our food, we all talked about what needed to be changed and how it was gonna be changed. Damon agreed and so did Paige. They bought up how when Devin was here the last time, they saw a little changed in the people that their rightful alpha was back.
  Devin's POV
  I ran as far as I could go until my legs gave out. I was still in the pack lands just didn't know where just yet. All I know is that I was by water. And if I remembered right, Damon said they lived down from the falls and the way the water was flowing, I was down from it.
  As I walked up the river, I saw the view from a far of the falls. It was beautiful and I couldn't wait to bring Phil and Bailey here on a date.
  I laid down for a moment to think about what I was told and that I shouldn't have left like I did. But I didn't want to be around anyone. As I was watching the fish swim in the river, a woman had popped up, glowing in the water. When I looked up, it was Mary, the Moon goddess herself coming to the real world.
  "My child, I know your down in the dumps but no need to leave your pack behind. Jackson sends his love and says he's happy now. He's with his wife and family now and never been anymore happy now than he was. He knew his time was up just stayed holding on til you came and took your place." She told me.
  I looked down not knowing what to say. I mean I was in my wolf form so I couldn't speak to her and wasn't shifting either just in case a rogue comes along.
  "I came to your grandfather last night and told him you were coming that you made your mind up. He was happy that you did and told me he was ready to be with his mate. You know better than I do, that once your mate is gone, your wolf tries to hang on with you til he can't and once your wolf is gone, its just time till your ready to go." She said as she rubbed my head. "Now run along back home and be with your love ones." She said as she smacked my butt.
  I growled at her and she gave me her finger like don't I dare growl.
  I got off the ground, licked her face before taking off.
  As I ran, I mindlinked Phil and told him I was coming back that he didn't need to worry about me anymore. When I heard him sigh in my head that he was happy I was on my way back.
  This was my time to shine, my time to start a new life here in this pack. To began a new world order, to grow old with my family that is left and run this pack like it needs to be. But once I'm settled in, its game on from here on out. Once this weekend comes and I'm alpha I'm finding out who this guy is coming to my land and kill my folks.
  Its a whole new me and they better like it if not, I don't care. They can either leave the pack or stay and fight along my side. Because this is gonna get ugly before it becomes pretty.

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