Chapter 29

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  Once we were dressed it was now time to start the show.
  As we all headed downstairs to the kitchen, the family was there all talking about what's gonna happen or what needs to be done. But when I stepped in they stopped and looked at us 3. My mother and grandmother started to tear up on how cute we were all matching. They both have us 3 a hug and a kiss for good luck. As we were all about to head out, someone had came in from the front and called out Bailey's name. When we all looked it was her parents.
  She ran to them in happy tears, so excited to see them. When she had called them and told them about today they said they wasn't gonna come, because it wasn't right for her to be Luna since she wasn't my mate. But clearly they changed their minds.
  "What changed your minds?" She asked them.
  They looked at me then to my left to mine and Phil's parents. "Someone told us that it doesn't matter who's fated or chosen, its all about the love and respect that makes them a Luna." Her mother had said.
  "And we couldn't be any happier for you 3. But mostly you, honey. Your gonna be damn good Luna to this pack along with your mates." Her father had said putting his hand on her shoulder.
  I started smiling at them for saying what they said, which was what I been telling her this whole time but I guess she needed someone bigger than me to tell her that as well. As she walked over to me with her parents, they both hugged me and Phil before we all headed out.
  As well headed towards the stage, the alphas were on the right and the family and friends were on the left. Us three went to the stage with both Damon, Stefan, and Paige. She was the acting Luna when the brother weren't here in the pack even though she's the gamma of the pack. Which you can have more than one of in a pack.
  Once we were on in our spots, Damon stepped up to the mic and began speaking.
  "Welcome all family and friends, alphas, beta, and deltas and of course the alpha king as well." Damon had addressed. Once everyone heard that the alpha king was here their were some murmurs from our pack. "Silence everyone," he called out. "As today were all here to pass on the alpha title to the rightful person of this pack and just wish his father was here to see it for himself. Devin, son of Alpha Gavin and Luna Zara, please step forward."
  As he said that, I got up from my seat and walked over to him and looked at everyone single person that was in the crowd. When I seen my grandparents, I saw my parents in them, well at least my mother. I smiled at them then looked at Damon.
  "It was sad when we lost your parents and you that same day, but as years came and gone, you somehow found your way back to your place in this pack and now its time for you to take your place as alpha. So I, alpha Damon, of Blue Bloods, pass on this title to you, Alpha Devin of Blue Bloods." Once he said that he cut into both of our hands then we put our hands together and letting the power flow from him to me. Once I felt more of it, my eyes changed to a bright dark purple color. "Your alpha!" Damon called out.
  He stepped away and I turned to everyone and howled into the air along with me everyone had done the same.
  Paige came forward and stepped next to me and smiled.
  "Now its time for my Luna. Bailey, darling step forward please." I had asked.
  Bailey stood up and came over to me and Paige. As she stood between us, I looked at her then to Paige. As I grabbed the knife from Damon I placed it on Paige's hand then spoke.
  "I, Devin, alpha of blue bloods take away you luna position and pass it on to my mate, Bailey. Bailey, do you promise to stand by me and protect this pack with your life. To love it and help those who need it?" I had asked her.
  "I do." She said.
  "Bailey, luna of blue bloods here by stand here as our luna!" I called out as I cut both their hands so they can pass it on.
  Once that was done and over with she stepped forward as I did and howled. We all joined her.
  "Paige, as your were gamma and still is for your luna and this pack, are you willing to do the same forever and always."
  "I do." She has said.
  "Your gamma, people." I said as I waved my hand towards her.
  She howled and we all joined. Once she was done, Stefan came forward and stood next to me.
  "Phil, step forward please." I asked. "Stefan, beta of blue bloods passed on this position to Phil then become our gamma to your alpha?"
  "Yes and I do." Stefan said.
  "Phil do you promise to stand by me and protect this pack with your life as beta?"
  "Yes and I do." Phil said.
  "As alpha, I here by give you your beta Phil and your gamma Stefan." I said as I cut into their hand and held their hands together.
  As they did they howled and again we howled.
  "And lastly, Damon to you accept to be delta of this pack and protect us with your life?" I asked.
  "Yes and I do." He said.
  "I give you your delta!" I called out then he howled out and we joined once more.
  "As of today, we all stand as one. To protect one another and love and care for each other. I may not be my father or my mother on how they ran this pack, but I promise you all, I will do my damnest to protect each and everyone single one you with my life." I said as I step forward and flamed on. "With or without my powers, I'm willing to do what its cost to keep you all safe." I said as I turned my flame off.
  "TO OUR ALPHA." The male witch had stood up from his seat where he was sitting at all of the close tables and threw up his hands and shot out fireworks.
  "TO OUR ALPHA!" Everyone called out.
  Once they said that, I looked right into the alpha kings eyes and smirked at him. He just grin at me and nodded his head at me. Something was up with him and I didn't like it.
  "For all of y'all coming tonight, I had put down a little something for y'all." I said as I waved towards the end of the opening of the aisle.
  As the omegas brought each and everyone a plate of food and drinks. The music started to play and I saw everyone was enjoying the food and music. Some got up to dance with their mates or with their friends. It was nice for a change and I loved it.
  As I brought my hand out towards Bailey, we headed down to the ground and started to dance a little. After a few, Phil had danced with her as well as I went over to where my mother and father was to butt in and have a dance with my mother. She blushed as I twirled her a few times.
  "Son, your real mother would be very proud of you as I am."
  "I know she would and I know she is. I can just feel it in my blood once I flamed on earlier. I know their watching me at this moment and I know they'll keep me safe." I said as I hugged her. "Just like you kept me safe."
  "I will always keep you safe no matter what. You will always be my son in my heart." She told me.
  I nodded my head and leaned down a little to kiss her cheek. I may not have been very nice to her in the past but I am willing to change it all.
  Change everything for everyone, just to make sure they are safe from harm. From anything, no matter who or what its from. That is my job from now on and I'll be damned if another person from my family will get hurt.
  As the night was coming, and everyone was either still partying or going their own ways. Most of the alphas were gone for the night but only one that stands was the alpha king. He was talking to my uncles and grandparents at the table there sitting at. As I walked over there, they all looked at me and smiled. Of course I smiled back then walked behind my grandmother and lean down to kiss her head.
  "Alpha king, is everything okay?" I asked.
  "Yes, of course. I was just telling them about the upcoming meeting in a few months that was gonna be in my home but I think I had changed my mind on that place."
  "Oh you have, where are you gonna have it at this time?"
  "I was thinking here, if you don't mind. Its bigger than my place and I think you throw a very lovely party."
  "Of course, I'm willing to do that. Just email me the details and I'll get right on it." I told him just as Ralph came running over with a woman in his hand.
  "Alpha!" He called.
  I looked over at him and smiled. As they got to me, him and the woman had bowed their heads.
  "Ralph, thanks for the fireworks."
  "No problem, alpha. But umm this is my wife, she finally made it with your men."
  "Ah Jackie, I've heard so much about you."
  "Same to you."
  "How about us 3 meet up in my office in an hour and we can talk." I told Ralph and Jackie.
  "Yes, alpha." They said then walked away.
  "Well, thank you for coming, as I have to go and thank everyone else." I said as I bowed my head at the king and walked away.
  As I went around and thanked those whom came that were still here at the party. As I was about done, with all of that, I went to go get a drink and Phil came over and asked for one last dance. Of course I gave it to him. We laughed and smiled like it was nothing.
  My world would be nothing if it wasn't for him. As well held each other close it was just the perfect moment to ask him but I changed my mind.
  As the song ended and saw it was getting late and that I have a little meeting to hurry and get to before I can go to bed.

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