Chapter 30

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  Once left everyone at the ceremony, that was left, to go join my little meeting in my office with Ralph and his wife Jackie. As I walked into the room, Ralph and Jackie were coming up the stairs.
  "Alpha!" Ralph called out to me as I was about to close the door.
  I opened it back up and looked out and saw them. "Ralph, Jackie came in and sit." I said as I moved to the side skin they could come in.
  Once they came in, I shut the door and walked over to my desk and sat down. Once I sat down, I put my arms on the desk and put my hands together.
  "So let's get down to business here." I said.
  "Yes, as you promised, for your men to go find my wife and bring her back here, and for me to help you with what's going to happen soon."
  "Yes and for that, you wanted me to change your wife into a wolf?" I had asked.
  "Yes," he had said.
  "Wait, before you do can I ask you something?" His wife asked me.
  "Yes, you can ask me anything."
  "Does it hurt?" She asked.
  "Only for a little bit. When I bite you in the neck, you will feel it for a few minutes but then the easy part is over. The hardest part is the change, it takes up to 24-48 hours to the DNA to chance a little from your human DNA to your wolf DNA and move/reshape your bones around." I told her. "Oh and there might be a few problems along the way but you will be fine. I'll mind linked a dr to set a room up for you so they can keep an eye on you. And since I'm the alpha with powers it should work faster and easier."
  "Thank you so much for this." Ralph said.
  "My pleasure. So when do you want to do this?" I asked.
  "How about tomorrow night. So that I can rest up and spend some time with him a little before I feel all the pain that's coming my way." Jackie told me.
  "Sure, just call me and we'll get it together." I said smiling at them as I stood up. "Rest up and I'll see you tomorrow."
  "Sure will. Enjoy your ceremony alpha and congratulations as well." They both said.
  I nodded at them as I walked them out of my office and closed the door. Once they were gone, I went back to my desk and gone through some office work.
  I started working at my fathers company and everyone there was highly glad I'm there. My father spoke highly about me to them through the years of me growing up. They loved me before they even knew who I was or looked like.
  As I was filling out a work opportunity for a new transfer over seas, to expand the company. There was too much money into the business and a lot of time on their hands I thought it would be great.
  I had a friend from school that moved to Hawaii a while back and I got ahold of him to see if there was any places there and I there is, I'm willing to travel there for a weekend or a week to look around and see if. And if I get the spot I was gonna see if he is willing to work with me as a good opportunity and hire whoever fits for the job.
  As I had wrote him, I was slowly falling asleep on my desk but something in me jolted me up. When I looked I was in my office but when I looked there was a woman sitting across from me. It was my mother.
  "Son, I see your already changing things around here. For the better good I hope."
  "Mother, where's father?"
  "He's still up there. Mary only let me come down."
  "Wait, your down here on earth? In my house, in my office."
  "Our house, but yes. Mary saw what happened earlier with the alpha king. And I am sorry for how he became of things. He is a little feisty one. The 1st times I saw him was right before I found out about you."
  "Well I don't really like him. He brought you up and it hurt. I wanted to kill him."
  "Son, you can't do that just yet. I actually was told that because of your powers and strong alpha genes, you can become the alpha king but its only matter of time. Mary said your not ready just yet."
  "What does that mean mother?"
  "She'll let you know when the time comes. But I also saw that your gonna change a human into a wolf, why is that?" She asked me.
  "Ralph is a witch and he's gonna help me fight the ones that took you and father away from me. Plus to save his daughter and in exchange for that, to change his wife. I believe I can do it."
  "You can with your blood and powers but just be careful son. You don't want to kill her as well."
  "I won't."
  "Okay, I gotta go, my time is up. Until next time my son." She said.
  One moment she was there then the next she wasn't. I found myself facing down on my desk when I was being shaken to wake up. When I sat up, it was Phil.
  "Come to bed babe." He said as he closed my laptop and grabbed my hand.
  I did just that and went to our room to go to sleep. I guess I was more tired than I was. Or just my mother took more of my energy than I thought.
  The next day I woke up to loud noises outside. When I got up, I saw some of the alphas arguing. When I came down, I growled at them, making them back away from each other and from me.
  Bailey and Phil ran out with me and stopped next to me.
  "Some of us don't think your capable to run this pack." A man had said.
  "Some of us didn't want to speak of it durning the ceremony to be rude." Another has said.
  Was this seriously happening now. After I had brought the challenge yesterday before the ceremony. Phil stepped up and asked them why now. Guessing he was thinking the same thing now.
  "There's never been a gay Alpha let alone a wanna be Luna." The first man had said.
  "Wanna be Luna, excuse me? There always a wanna be Luna. Some of you alphas don't find your mates and pick the first she-wolf you like and use her so try again." Bailey said.
  "Well its uncalled for."
  "Not even the Moon Goddess herself choose it herself." Phil had said.
  After a few arguments of them having, a bolt of lightening had struck between us and them. I looked up and smiled. I knew it was and she wasn't happy. The alphas were looking all around for the witch but he wasn't near us.
  "Your pissing her off." I said softly then my eyes started to glow. "The Moon Goddess doesn't like it when you're talking shit about her on what she made or done things." I said.
  "And how would you know?" One of the alphas asked.
  "Because she's in my head right now. Just look me in the eyes they ain't my normal color."
  "He's right, his eyes are purple when he uses his powers and right now they are blue." Phil and Bailey said together.
  It was the first time the Moon goddess had showed her self in my body or someone else's. I wonder if this is what my mother was saying last night.
  As they all were chatting, the alpha king showed up and stepped in front of them.
  "My goddess, we're sorry. We don't mean no disrespect here. They just don't see Devin can run this pack." The king has said.
  "SILENCE!" I roared out loud.
  When I did, everyone came running out of their homes to see what was going on. My guards and warriors were wrapped all around us. Damon, Stefan, and their sisters were right on our butts.
  "Mary, its not like that. I'm the king here and I should say what is wrong and him being gay is wrong."
  As he said that, everyone from my pack just growled and roared on what he had said. It just brought more fuel to the fire that was running through my veins where it made me flame on.
  Everyone all around gasped but didn't care nor did she.
  I shifted into my wolf and ran towards him he shifted just as I attacked him. He was strong but not enough for my powers to kick up a notch. I had my powers and the moon goddess powers running through me. It was happened so fast that I didn't know what was happening because I didn't have control of my body. She did and the way she moved was amazing.
  I heard a yelp and when I looked I saw she had grabbed his leg and broke it. He had slapped her or me in the face knocking us off of him. Once he had got up and got over to us, he scratched us on my side but I didn't feel it or make any noise. I did smell blood but I didn't have time to react nor did she.
  I spin around hitting him in the face with tail then surprising him with a quick attack to the side. I bit down hard as I could and ripped out a flesh of his skin and meat when he couldn't move. He tried to but everyone single move he made, he bleed out faster. I walked over to him and stepped on his throat and burned him as I stood, digging my nails into it then ripped out his throat all in one move. When I saw his eyes turned white I just knew he was dead and so did she. We howled up to the sky and a bolt of lightening struck him catching him on fire.
  As well turned around the other alphas stood there scared shit less, not knowing what to do now. As we walked over in front of them they bowed their heads at me. When I looked around, I saw everyone that was in my pack, was doing the same thing.
  "As Devin killed the king with my help, he is now the alpha king. What he says goes from now on, no matter what. He calls you, you jump. Especially since there is a war coming soon." Mary had said. "Now since this is all over with, y'all may go back to your packs and wait for the call. Build up your army good, its gonna be an ugly fight."
  After she said that, lightening struck again between us and felt her disappeared. I swayed back a little making Phil and Bailey grab me.
  "Alpha king, we so sorry. We'll leave asap and wait for your call. Thank you for having us." One of the alphas had said then they turned away going back to the pack house to get their shit and leave.
  As they did, I looked all around and seen everyone smiling at me. The goddess gave me my wish and I got it with her help. My mother just said a matter of time just I wasn't expecting this soon.
  As I circled around looking at everyone around they all cheering, howled for me. All saying; "All hale the alpha king!" It was nice to hear my pack say it. Knowing its true and I wasn't just imagining what just happened, happened.
  I knew I held great power but not that much to become king. But it was a great reward though.
  Later on that night, the dr had called me and told me the room was ready for Jackie. As I called Ralph and told him, him and Jackie met me as soon as possible. When I got there, she was getting hooked up to machines to keep an eye on her while she was in transition.
  When I stepped close to her and grabbed her hand and spoke. "Are you sure about this?"
  "Never been more sure. I've always wanted to be a shifter, you've just been the one to do it." She said.
  "Okay, here it goes. Count of 3 take a deep breath it will help with the pain of my canines." I told her.
  She nodded then I moved my head to her neck. As I counted to 3 she took a deep breath at the same time I bit her neck. As I let my blood and power of my wolf run through me into her to change her perfectly. Once I was done, I felt her good limp for a moment then she took a deep breath.
  "Thank you." I heard her say as she closed her eyes from passing out from the pain.
  "Is she okay?" Ralph asked me and the dr.
  The dr answered for me. "Yes, she's fine. The pain was to bearable for her so she had passed out. But in 24-48 hours she'll be fine and a wolf. Just stay by her side where she will need you." The dr told him.
  I sat down in a chair and watched for a few to see if I did had helped. As time was coming fast, I could see her heart beat become strong and then here came the breaking. I heard some of her bones were breaking and forming. Ralph started to cry for her because all she did was screamed from the pain.
  I felt sorry for her because I know how it felt when I got my wolf. It was painful but not like that. She was human getting turned into a wolf, much different from being born as a wolf. But this wasn't the end for her just yet.
  So I know its a little twist from what I normally do in my stories but how did y'all like it so far. The moon goddess taking over Devin's body to kill the king to Devin turning a human into a wolf. It just happened so fast and scary all at once.
  But it's not yet over.
  Just stay tune to see what happens next. It could be bad or it could be good. We'll have to see.

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