Chapter 37

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  A few weeks had passed since we've been home. Everyone heard about the good news once we set foot back onto our lands. Everyone cheered for their alpha and their soon to be luna getting married. All the women gathered around Bailey talking more like gossiping than anything, about how I did it. Asking her how does she feel about being with two men. She would just blush away and tell them everything.
  When we told our parents, they were excited, well my parents were. Hers not so much. But gave us their blessing.
  My grandmother, she's stolen my luna to plan the wedding of the century she says, but I just let the women be women and plan what they want. Phil was gonna help with some of it but it was mostly Bailey and my grandmother.
  The date was set for 6 months to a year, just in case if something came up and knowing us, something always happens.
  As everything was going good, like I had hoped it would be. The training getting better than it use to. For myself and my warriors and non warriors. I wanted everyone to learn how to fight, at least protect themselves if their out and about or if were under attack and they want to help.
  Since I've became alpha, we've had some rogues come to join us. Refugees from other packs that either kicked them out or they ran away/left, or they got hit and had no where to go. I'm not like most packs, turn down someone in need, I want to become the alpha that's there to help everyone and do everything that I can when I can.
  Hell I'm the mother fucking "Alpha King" of this pack and of all other alpha's. It was a hell of a fight to get it but I got it and well I feel great about it. Even if I have to break a few things to get what I need, I repay it back by helping those that need help. That is what my job is as king.
  As I done some of my office work from home, while Phil went to the office to cover for me. I haven't been feeling so good lately. I might've got the flu from the weather. From it being hot as fuck in Hawaii to coming here back home to Mississippi where its been cool and raining lately. But that what happens when its fall. Usually its hot and muggy but all we've been getting is rain and cool air. But it's good, no more hurricanes. The water is cool enough now.
  "Babe, how you feeling?" Bailey asked as she just got home from school.
  "I feel like shit. But how was school?"
  "Same ole, same ole. Just glad that I only have a few more months left of it. Wish you or Phil were with me." She told me as she sat on my desk.
  "I know, but for us to run this pack and work, we both had to drop out."
  "I understand that just I feel all alone there. Yes some of the pack goes with me, its just. Its not the same. Wish I could just finish my schooling from home. So I can be with y'all."
  "I know but you heard them, it would take longer if your trying to graduate sooner."
  "Why do you got to do that to me." Bailey whined.
  "Because he's the alpha king and your mate.' Phil said walking in to the office, taking off his tie.
  "What he said." I agreed.
  Bailey growled a little which only made me and Phil chuckle some.
  As Phil took his time off he wrapped it around Bailey, pulling her close to him so he could kiss her. Making her giggle a little. They were cute together just it is for me.
  These two makes me feel all weird inside but the good kind other than right now. I just feel like my head is about to explode from how I don't feel good. But this alpha work has to been done.
  "Too cute." I murmured as I smiled some.
  "Awe, someone want some love too?" Phil mockingly asked.
  "Why you have to ask that, you know I do." I told him.
  "Well, to bad because your sick right now and I ain't trying to get sick. None of us need to be sick. Especially with a wedding that needs to be planned and a war that's coming soon." Phil reminded us.
  I growled. Of course he would have to remind me of that.
  "Babe, why don't you go take a warm bath to break the fever and rest. I got this alpha crazy handle and if I need any help I can call your uncle Damon for help. And Bailey you can either help him or go to your office and do you school work. I know you have a English test and essay coming up. Ain't it one of your big ones that's half your grade?"
  "Oh shit, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me." Bailey said as she slid off the desk and ran out of the office.
  I shook my head at her as I got up.
  "Fine, I'll go do what you've said. But call for me if anything gets out of hand."
  "I'll try not to call you." Phil said smirking a little.
  As I walked out of my office to go to our room, Bailey was running down the stairs with some stuff in her arms towards her office, which was two doors down from mine. I shook my head once again at her and she just giggled. God she's so freaking cute that I can't even stand not touching her or the other way around. But Phil was right, no one needs to get what I have.
  Once I got to the room, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the tub with the hottest water I could stand. Once it was filled, I got in it and relaxed.
  I hated the flu and because were wolves we get it bad, worse than humans. Yes, they get sick and everything but because everything on us is 10x more than normal, we feel like shit. Like were dying or whatever but with me, I'm trying to pull it through. I don't want everyone to think I'm weak when I am. Especially if we get attacked.
  This is going to be a 3 part chapter. "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". So if it looks like I'm cutting off short towards the end, I am but I ain't. Yes, cliffhangers suck but I don't want my chapters to be super long and they drag and gets boring. Sorry, if its taking awhile for me to write been busy with work and everything. This overtime is killing me but love the money.
  To keep up with my stories please follow me on my facebook at Novel book's by Heather Reed/Heatherbug95. And feel free to inbox me about more info about anything about my books or even post in the group page.

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