Chapter 24

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  I wanted to sleep in for today, but something in me didn't want me doing that. So I got up, went out for a run with some of the warriors, to get my last look around the place.
  As my run ended shortly when Leon and Kane had stopped me. When I stopped, they looked sad and I asked them what was wrong?
  "Why the long faces, boys?"
  "Your leaving, we just heard." Kane spoke first.
  "Why is that?" Leon asked next.
  "To do a job that should have been done long ago but I was to afraid to do so." I told them as I step to the side to get a cup of water. "Let's just say my life depends on this pack and I want it to be better than it is now. I want to make my parents happy that I'm full filling, what they started together." I said as I looked up to the sky.
  "So your joining your parents pack?" Leon asked.
  "Will that be wise, to do so?" Kane asked. "Because there were rumors going around that only reason your joining is because some jackass wanted your mother to be his so he's killing off that pack."
  I turned around and grabbed him by his throat. No one knew about why I was doing this for. "Where did you hear this from?" I had growled with my eyes changing colors.
  "At a bar in town, delta. I over heard a few guys speaking about it." Kane has spoke.
  I was beyond pissed now that people were talking about this but who where they. Just as I were asking the questions, Stefan and his guys came over.
  "Alpha, its time to go." Stefan had said then said what was going on. "What's going on here?" He asked.
  "Nothing, just wondering who would bring something up that he heard."
  "Alpha?" Leon asked. "Your a delta."
  "Not anymore." I said as I let go of Kane.
  "Delta, alpha whatever, there the ones I've heard it from." Kane said rubbing his throat.
  I turned around and looked at them. When they saw my eyes were purple they backed up a little, well expect Stefan.
  "Who?" I asked.
  "The two in the back, delta."
  Stefan turned around and looked at them. "What is he talking about, alpha?" He asked them spoke to his warriors. "What have you two done while we've been here for a night?"
  "Nothing, beta." They both said.
  "Its gamma now." Stefan corrected them.
  "Kane overheard them talking about why I'm coming back. To save the pack from the jackass that wanted my mother. No one knew about that other than us, uncle Stefan. So they either heard it from you or uncle Damon."
  "It was neither of them, alpha. The witch had told us, when we gave him the sliver shot."
  "Yes alpha, he caught going on and on about it. Like your his favorite subject right now."
  "Either way, you don't talk about what's going on outside the pack lands. Human have ears and they can travel to spread the case. Now is everything good to go?"
  "Yes, alpha. You just have to wake up your mates and we're off." Stefan said glaring at his men.
  I looked at Kane and Leon and nodded at them then walked towards the house with the boys behind us. I can hear Stefan cussing them out for their foolishness and it was quite funny how he was doing it. Once I got to the house, I ran up to my room and woke my mates up.
  Phil was coming out of the bathroom when I came in but Bailey she was laying there half asleep, drinking coffee.
  "Good y'all are up, its time to go." I said kinda harsh.
  "Oh no, what's wrong?" Phil asked me.
  "Nothing to speak about now. But we will once I get home." I said as I grabbed my shirt and put it on.
  "Ugh, I'm not even awake and were leaving." Bailey whined.
  "Should have got up when I did." I told her as I threw her clothes at her.
  "What time did you get up?" She asked as she set her coffee on the end table.
  "And hour ago, but you can sleep in the car." I told her as I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. "Or even when we get home." I said as I walking down the hallway where I saw my parents and siblings coming out of their rooms. "Sorry, did I wake you guys?"
  "No, we've been up." My parents said looking at my bag.
  "So your really leaving huh?" My son called brother asked.
  "Yep, and I have a mission to do once I get home."
  "What's that?" My father asked.
  "To kill me a witch that's locked in my basement."
  "Wait what?" They all asked me.
  "While I was gone, we got attacked. And we captured a witch that was behind it." I started it say. "Its a long story and I don't have time." I said then dropped my bag on the floor. "Any time you guys want to come and visit, just come by." I told them.
  "The same goes to you." My mother had said.
  "We may not have talked much or been mean to you, but we are glad to call you our brother." My sister had said.
  "Nathaniel Alexia, it was great to call you my brother and sister. Even if were not blood, nor talked and play as much. And father, I'll see you first thing Monday morning at the office."
  "Yes, sir." My father said then they all gave me a hug.
  As we were all hugging, my mates had came out of our room. Once I pulled away, my parents gave Phil and Bailey a hug then we all headed downstairs. When we got down there, everyone was down there. Robert was a little mad that we were leaving, got got why. Scarlett and Michelle was sad but Scarlett was happy that I was being reunited my family once again and little Michelle she wasn't gonna be able to do things that we did together. Like shift and go on crazy runs with me or just ride on my back.
  Shawn and Heather gave me a bug just like my parents they done the same to Phil and Bailey. And the same with Phil's parents and siblings.
  "Uncle DJ, can I come over and visit you guys and spend the weekends?" Michelle asked me.
  "Why of course you can." I told her.
  "And do our crazy stuff that we do?" She asked.
  "Yes, we can. As long as I'm not busy." I told her as I kissed her forehead. "Bring her over any time, cousin."
  "I'll try to, just be safe. I saw how your mother done things and look what it cost her. I just got you back and I'm not ready to lose you again." Scarlett told me then hugged me once again.
  "I cross my heart." I said then Stefan and his men came in.
  "Alpha, I'm sorry but we gotta go." Stefan said.
  "Yes, gamma." I said then grabbed my bag and we all walked out.
  As we all walked out of the house to the car, all the warriors and guards were there along the path of the drive way. Its traditional that who ever leaves the pack they honor them for serving the pack or in my case leading them when I could.
  Kane and Katie were on both sides with the women and men warriors and guards. When I walked passed Kane and Katie I had stopped and handed Phil my bag to put in the car.
  "Kane, thanks for putting up with me and sorry about the burse on your neck." I told him.
  "Its fine and I understand why you done it. It was my fault I shouldn't have spoke out of term." He told me.
  I nodded at him. "Keep up the good work with these men." I said then turned to look at Katie. "The same goes to you Katie, keep up the good work with these women. And don't let anything happen to our family."
  "Yes, delta." She had said getting a growl at my two warriors that were by the truck. I put my hand up at them.
  "For you, you can call me that one last time. But next time you see me, it'll be alpha." I told her with a smile.
  "Yes, delta. I mean alpha." She said smiling at me.
  As I got to my car, I looked at everyone then Phil, Bailey, and I spoke out loud.
  "From this day forward, I, Devin; delta of east river pack, I, Phil; beta of east river park, and I, Bailey; member of east river pack, reject this pack as were leaving to join another." We said together.
  I felt the power flow out of me just like I got it but this time I was strong enough to hold it together. Once we said those words, we got into the car and we were off to our new home.

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