Chapter 35

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  As the next few days after working on the new hotel, we just had about everything finished. Bailey's custom uniforms came in right on time. They were gonna arrive in 3 days but they got here early, which was great.
  Now as Colby deals with the employees, I was off once again to find something good for my girl. For all the help she has done for me and I know I've been off and distant lately, but that's why I've been giving her all they surprised dates. Just to make it up to her until the big ole moment. I want to make that the last thing to do before we leave. Which is in a few days.
  Tonight, Ima do a candle light dinner on the beach with shells and candles flowers into a heart to make it romantic. I'm gonna hire a little band to play soft music close by, a chief to make a perfect dinner for us as I go out and find another cute outfit for the both is us.
  While I was out and about, Bailey was hanging out with a few of the village girls that Colby knew and I had asked him to ask them to keep her occupied/distract for me til it was time for our day.
  As she was calling me and texting, which I never answered her calls but a few of her texts, as she was sending pictures of what she was out doing.
  Kinda sorta, wish Phil was here with us to help me with this. At least help keep her away for a while and not bother me but other hand she would know something was up if that had happened. I'm not a sneaky type of person, well I'll lowkey do something close to it but its not my cup of tea. Other hand, Phil, he's all over that shit. He'll go all out and do what he has to do, to make sure what he has planned to go all out and make sure its perfect. He don't care if you blow him up with calls and texts, me I'm used to answering calls and texts. I feel like its important. I don't care who it is or what it is about. I'm the alpha, I have to be all out there and make sure everything is fine and all do. But me being all sneaky, I just can't. But as of right now, I'm trying.
  As I spent the time looking for a sexy dress for her, I had gotten a phone call from the chief that was making the dinner telling me that the beach area I wanted it all set and that he was making the food.
  "Sir, the beach is all set for tonight's festivities for you and your girlfriend." He has told me.
  "Ah, thank you so much. Will everything else be done in the next hour or two?" I asked.
  "Yes, sir. Me and my men will have everything all set and ready for you in the next hour."
  "Great, are you then." I said then hung up the phone.
  As I found what I wanted to wear then hers, I headed off to the market to find some cute flowers to hand her with the bag that holds her dress in, with a heart shape box of her favorite chocolates, and a card that tells her how much she means to me even though I tell her all the time, even if I don't I least show her.
  As I got home within the next half an hour, I rushed to the beach to place the bag next to my chair then ran home to get ready, with our clothes. When I came in, she was standing in the kitchen pissed off as all can be. I felt the wave of the angriness once I got to the door and just knew I was dead meat.
  "Where in the hell have you been?" She asked me.
  "Work babe."
  "Work my ass, Colby was hanging out with me and his girlfriend and a few other girls. He said y'all got off a few hours ago. So now tell me where you've been?" She asked crossing her arms.
  "Out and about. Looking for something." I said as I handed her the bag that her dress was in.
  "Out and about? For a dress to give me? I have enough dresses, Devin. What is the meaning of all of this."
  "Can't your boyfriend buy you whatever he wants? Can't I show you how much you mean to me? Like why the hundred questions, Bailey?" I said as I tossed my suit on the chair that I was standing by. "Like I had this whole romantic candle light dinner on the beach with music and everything. And your here wanting to bitch about the littles shit." I said as I took out my phone.
  "Who you calling now?" She asked.
  "The chief to cancel dinner." I said ad I was dialing the number.
  "Wait, no don't." She said as she placed her hand on my arm. "Look I'm sorry. Its just being here, not knowing what your doing, not feeling your presence near, it bothers me. At home, I know what your doing and I know where your at. Its just with what's going on, I don't want nothing to happen to you."
  "Nothing is gonna happen to me okay. Now go get dressed and meet me on the beach." I told her then kissed her on her cheek as I grabbed my suit and went to out room.
  As I was getting dressed, I was getting her feelings. It was making me nervous as hell and I didn't like it, because it was making me want to cancel what I had planned for her. And I didn't want that. I wanted her to feel special. I wanted her to feel wanted. I wanted her to feel how greatful she was to me. To show her how I wanted to live every single day. And that this will always happen when I have the time, even when we're back home.
  After I got dressed and made sure I looked sharp for tonight. And I looked on point.
  Once I was lookin' good, I headed out to the beach, to the spot, where I had the dinner date at. When I got there, I saw the little band and the chief standing there waiting for me.
  When I got there I smiled at the chief and nodded my head for the band to start playing their music since Bailey will be here in a few moments. And she was right on time, when I saw the chief's eyes get big and look behind me. I took that moment to turn around and look at who he was staring at like that. And I saw why he was staring like that. Bailey was stunning, more than I thought she would have been. Like I just wanted to forget this stupid date and just give her all the sweet loving she needs once in awhile. But I would make it much better than I do at home with Phil.
  Now who's the one nervous as fuck, it sure ain't just her this time. Its also me.
  The moment she got to me, her smile grew bigger and done her will. She was glowing, I don't know if its the make-up she has on or its the lighting from the sun going down. Whatever it was, it was perfect.
  Picture perfect.
  As I helped her sit down, she was blushing so hard that it was making her more beautiful than ever.
  "DJ, why are you doing this all of a sudden. I know you've said this before, but tell me again why?"
  "Because I feel like we won't get to do this back home once things will start to change." I told her as I sat across from her. "Especially with this upcoming war about to go on." I added.
  "So you think this war gonna change things, dontcha?" She asked me.
  "No, I'm afraid that it might take you away from me. Wars do that, they take away the ones that they love away." I had said as I looked out towards the water.
  "Look, neither of us is going anywhere. Do you hear me?" She told me as she reached across the table for my hand. "I ain't leaving you nor Phil. Or the other way around. None of us is going anywhere." She said.
  I nodded at her just as the chief brought our food and drinks to us. I didn't know what we was having, I wanted chief to surprise both of us. And he did.
  It was lobster cu'blue, one of the islands special dish, with a side of mix veggies, bake potatoes and red wine.
  As she was eating, I lean down and got the bag I had for her. I handed it to her as she was mid bite. She grabbed it and took everything out and was in awed at what she got. I was happy she liked what she got. And she didn't care if it was cheesy either, she loved everything I was doing for her.
  Sorry if took awhile then planned but all I wanna say is thank you Madalyn Ashley/QueenBee_1322 for part of this idea. The next chapter or two will be the big chapter and it might take awhile til I figure it out or maybe less than that.

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