Chapter 38

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After the long nap that I took, it did help a little bit I still felt like shit. I needed to get better, just in case we get attack.
As the long crazy days of the past few weeks have past I thought I was getting better but I got worse. I could barely move. Phil and Bailey was getting worried that I had caught something very bad that it was or could kill me and that all I felt at this point that I was dying.

"DJ, I'm calling the shots from here on out. I'm calling the Dr and I'm calling the witch." Phil had said.
"Why the witch?" Bailey asked.
"Because," Phil hissed at Bailey. "If someone had got to him and made him like this maybe the witch could help."
"Phil, honey, stop. I'm fine okay. I probably just caught something from our trip." I told him as I grabbed his hand.
"That trip was weeks ago, almost a month. You should have been better by now." Phil said, which he was right. "So please, save me the excuses. Bailey watch over him and try to help him eat some soup, while I go find the witch and call up the Dr." Phil said as he walked out the room.

Bailey looked at me and smiled a little as she tried to feed me the soup. I softly smiled back, only to show her it was fine.

Phil's POV

As I left the room, I went to the office for a second to find the Dr's number. As I sat down and looked for it, I was starting to lose it. I broke down a little, and I don't just do that for anyone. Devin is my life and feel like I'm losing him.
Once I found the number to the dr, he said he was on his way. When got off the phone, I got up and went to the window and looked out.
As I saw some of my warriors practicing, some laughing it up with friends at the track, and some walking around. I knew the witches wife was around either training or doing what she does, I had packed linked everyone a message.

"The alpha is down as of now for awhile. I am running as alpha until he gets better. And if anyone sees the witch send him to my office please and thank you." After that I sent a personal message to his wife. "Jackie, when you see your husband, send him to my office please. I need to talk to him."
"Yes, alpha. I got the pack message. But Ralph went into town to get some more herbs and other things. But I'll call him and tell him to come to the office as soon as he gets back." She had said.
"Thank you so much." I told her.

As I was still staring out the window, I saw my delta and gamma walking towards the house. I knew they were coming to speak to me after the pack message.

"Phil, explain your message? What's wrong with Devin?" Damon asked using some of his alpha tone on me.
I turned around and glared at him. "One don't come in here with that. Your no longer alpha. I ain't in the mood right now." I said using my alpha tone.
"Sorry, beta-alpha." Damon said as he lowered his head some. "But can you explain what you meant. Please. Not just because I'm the delta but because I'm his uncle."
"Devin is down with the flu bad. So I'm taking over the ropes. I called the Dr and I'm waiting for Ralph to get back into town to come here and see if he can find anything." I said as I went to Devin's desk.
"So this whole time he's been sick with a cold is actually the flu?" Stefan asked.
"I'm not for sure. All we know and think he could have caught something from his trip to Hawaii but that was weeks ago. He should be better by now."
"Do you think he may have ran across another witch or another pack that may have done something?" Damon asked.
"I feel," I started to say. "I believe so. Maybe I don't know."

As well talked more about it and discussed things over what we think, Bailey ran in.

"Phil, he passed out." Bailey said freaking out.
"What!?" I said as I stood up fast and ran to the bedroom.

When he got to the room, he looked paler then normal. I went to touch him and he was freaking hot.

"Fuck, he burning up. Bailey run a cold bath, Damon Stefan get some ice fast. Where the fuck is that fucking Dr!" I said angry.

As they done what I asked, I ripped off the blankets, took off his clothes except his boxers. As the tub was full and the brothers brought up big bowls of ice, I carried him into the bathroom and laid his in the tub.
From how hot he was, you can here the sizzling from the ice and cold water from his hot body.
About a few moments later the pack dr finally showed up and saw us in the bathroom.

"Oh boy, this ain't good." Was the first thing he said.

We all looked at him.

"What do you mean this ain't good?" I asked.
"What I mean is, how hot he is against that ice and cold water. You can hear it."
"What's wrong with him then?" We asked at the same time.
"By looking, he's got the wolf flu. But Ima need to take some blood test and check for sure." He told us.

After 6 tubes full of blood later, Ralph finally showed up with his wife. It was getting to crowded in our big bathroom so I told everyone to go into the bedroom. Bailey said she was staying out with Devin, which was fine.

"Let me go get these tested and I'll be back once I get the results, beta." The dr said.
"Hurry it up." I told him.
"Beta, delta, gamma, nice to see ya again just not this way." Ralph had said.
"Likewise, Ralph." I said as I sat on the foot of the bed. "I don't like witches, and we all know that. I grew up hating them because all they do is bad. But Devin sees something in you and your willing to help us in this coming up war."
"Yes, I am. And I understand what your saying. Us witches don't do the bad one purpose, beta. We're being controlled by the bad alphas that's willing to do whatever it takes. Me, I don't want that. We're supposed to be good. We're like the balance of nature, we make sure its all balance as one."
"Whatever, but I need a favor from you, if your willing to help your alpha."
"Anything, he saved me and my wife and turned her to keep her alive. I'll do anything for him."
"I need you to do what it takes to see if another witch or someone done anything to him. This can't be just the wolves flu. There's no way. I've had it when I was a kid and it was nothing like that."
"Beta, he's not full wolf either. He's got powers of different animals. It could be hitting him different."
I got up and walked over to him and grabbed him by his neck and pushed him against the wall. "Just do as I say, Ralph. Don't make me any more pissed off that I am right now."
"Yyyeess, bettaa." He tried to get out.

I let go of him and he went right to work.
I didn't mean to do that, but he was pissing me off more than I was. I was sick and worried for my mate, my alpha. I need to know what was going on. And if someone was trying to do something to keep him down for the count for this war, it gonna get ugly. Ugly real fast.

Well this is gonna get nasty fast lol. What do y'all think so far?
The next chapter might be a little long but it will have everything to explain what I'm doing for these 3 part chapters. And if anyone wants to give me a sickness or virus that's bad to what Devin is feeling feel free to comment. I was gonna use covid-19 as an example but it might not be the sickness I may want to use.
If no one comments in the next few days I'll think of something to use.

The Alpha's Lost Son book 3Where stories live. Discover now