Chapter 12

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  Devin's POV
  As the trip was taking awhile to get there, I had fallen asleep on Phil's shoulder. Thinking of what he had told me about Scarlett's cousin having powers just like me. Could it be my mother, could Scarlett be my 2nd cousin? Or am I thinking more into this then I should?
  After awhile, I was pulled into my dream state. When I opened my eyes, I was at the house I was at when I was a kid. I saw my mother and my father that was all. I saw there were people around them but never really got a good look of them. Well other than one person. She looked like mother but older.
  "Are you ready to talk about everything? About your past, where your from?" Someone has spoke.
  I turned around and it was Mary.
  "I kinda do, but I'm afraid what I'm gonna learn. I want to know who my family is. I've waited long enough and after hearing what Phil told me about Scarlett's cousin having powers,"
  "You believe that she could be your mother?"
  "Yes, I believe so. Am I right?"
  "You will find out soon once you cross over to the pack grounds. You will feel a pull, but not just any pull either."
  "What do you mean, moon goddess."
  "You will find out in just a few moments." She said. "But just know what you find out, will hurt in the long run. Pick who you want to be with. Fate or destiny. But later on you can have both."
  "What do you mean?" I asked then was being shaken.
  I took a deep breath then sat up fast. Everyone was looking at me, when I did. I looked around and saw we was pulling down a long drive.
  "Are you okay?" Phil asked me.
  "Sorta. Mary pulled me under to talk, well more like riddles in a way even though they didn't make sense."
  "Most riddles don't."
  "That's the thing, it wasn't a riddle riddle, like the nursery rhymes and shit it was just words that she tried to explain."
  "Like what?" Scarlett asked.
  "Pick who I want to be with. Fate or destiny. But later on I can have both."
  "What does that mean?" Phil asked.
  "I don't know, you brought me back before she told me."
  As I saw a house was coming into view, I felt a strong feeling, like something was pulling me. Was this what Mary was talking about? I felt weird, off from this pull.
  As I was looking around a little, I saw their faces. They looked a little scared. I looked at Phil and he had a worried look on his face.
  "What? Why are y'all looking at me like that?" I asked.
  "Your eyes, they are glowing." Robert answered.
  "What?" I said.
  I took out my phone and looked in the camera. They were glowing but don't know why. I didn't sense any danger.
  Just then, my wolf was getting excited. He was bouncing in my head, like he did when we found out Phil was my mate. I grabbed my head a little, making Phil put his hands on my arms.
  "Love are you okay?"
  "Kinda, my wolf is going crazy. Like he did when I found out you were my mate."
  "Could it be you have another mate, a girl one?" Scarlett asked.
  "No, its not that. I feel a pull like of some sorts. And not a mate pull either."
  "Only pull you feel other than a mate is family. Wait, could it be someone here could be your family?" Scarlett asked.
  "The way Mary says, yes."
  "We're here, mommy. I wanna see grandma." Michelle said as she opened her door and ran out.
  "Michelle!" Scarlett yelled out but it was to late.
  We all got out of the car and saw everyone standing on the porch. Michelle was hugging a woman in her mid 50's or even 60's. Then a man that was standing next to them. It was cute. Then she bowed her head at a man that was standing next to them. That must have been the alpha. I wonder where his luna is?
  "Uncle Castiel, oh its great to see you. Where aunt Liv?" Scarlett asked once she got to the porch.
  "She'll be down in a moment. She has to freshen up a little." He said. "So is this your great mate?"
  "Yes, this would be alpha Robert and his beta, Phil and delta Devin. Mates as well." Scarlett has introduced us.
  "I see the way the beta is holding onto the delta like that." Castiel had said.
  I now noticed Phil was holding me up. I looked at him with a small smile then back towards the alphas.
  "Sorry, I ain't feeling so well right now. He's just making sure I don't faint." I said.
  As I was saying that a woman came out of the house. I stood up straight and was staring at her like I knew her from somewhere. That's when my wolf started bouncing again, I went to step forward but lost my footing.
  Phil caught me, everyone was watching me. They saw I was looking at the woman that came out of the house and stood next to alpha Castiel. He growled a little bit.
  "Are you sure your gay, because the way your looking at my mate, our Luna like she's a snack."
  "Castiel, that's no call for." The luna had said.
  "I'm sorry alpha, its that she looks familiar to me that's all. Like I've seen her before." I said.
  "Devin, this is my cousin, Zara's parents. The one that has powers just like you." Scarlett said.
  "Wait powers?" The luna had said then walked towards me.
  I was scared for a moment, that I backed up a little. Phil let go of me as I was moving away from him. Something in me was going crazy. A strong pull, it was coming from the luna. When she came to me, she touched me and I felt sparks. We both gasped, then I felt my eyes changed.
  "I've only seen one other person's eyes change like that and it was Zara's." She said out loud not talking to anyone. "It can't be. They said you were dead." She said.
  I looked at her all confused for a moment. I was about to say something but she stopped me.
  "I heard my niece call you Devin. Would your nickname be DJ?" She asked.
  "Yes,." I said.
  She looked at her mate. "Castiel."
  He came forward towards us. When he got to us, he looked me in my eyes, which were back to normal. Then grabbed my arm twitching it a little. When I looked at my arm to see what he was looking for, that's when I saw my birthmark. It was shape like a c like the crescent moon shape.
  "No, it can't be. Liv, the birthmark." He told her.
  She looked where he was pointing at. She put her hand on her mouth then looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Oh god,"
  "Mother, father, what's going on here?" A man has said as he came out of the house, with a woman wrapped around his waist.
  "Alpha Peter, Luna Zendaya!" Michelle called out and gave him a hug.
  "Hey brat." He said hugging her.
  "Hey sweetie." The woman said.
  I looked at him as his parents were looking me over.
  "Peter, come me." Castiel had said.
  Peter came over and looked at me then my arm that his parents were holding still. He glared at it then my face.
  "DJ! Is that you?" He asked. "Is my nephew back?"
  "Nephew? I. I don't. I don't know what your saying. Any of you guys."
  "Devin, its your grandparents. You were Zara and Gavin's missing son, that went missing 13 years ago." Liv had said.
  "Your what 16 years old?" Castiel asked.
  "Yes," I said.
  Peter grabbed my arm so he could get a better look of me. All the sparks I was feeling, it can't be what the moon goddess was saying. I was feeling overwhelmed, by all this information. My head started spinning, I felt myself being pulled into the darkness.
  I felt everyone touch me and hear them saying my name. But I couldn't see anything.
  "Give him some air." I heard Phil tell them.
  "Peter go get him a glass of water and a wet rag." I heard the his mother say.
  "Yes mother."
  "Bring him to the porch, before he falls over. Your overwhelming him." Phil said.
  I could feel myself being dragged but I saw nothing. I really felt like was going to pass out but not like I usually do. Maybe this is all what Mary was saying. It will hurt.
  I was all confused, but needed answers. Even if it hurt me or not. I had to get what I've been looking for.
  "Babe, here take this." I heard Phil say.
  Somehow I got back my eye sight and looked at him. "Thanks." I said add I grabbed the glass of water.
  I chugged the water while he was whipping my head with the rag.
  "Devin, are you okay?" The former luna asked.
  "Yes, I think so." I said then looked at them all. "All this information, it overwhelmed me. I want to believe it all but don't at the same time."
  "Why don't you want to believe we're your family?" The former alpha asked.
  "Because, the pain the dreams of what happened will come back and I don't want them to come back."
  "What dreams?" Liv asked.
  "My birthday party. The day, my world ended." I said. "I don't know who I am. Other than my name, that's its Devin or DJ."
  "Look, that day was horrible and we know how you feel. Trust me, I was right there and I've never been the same since I lost my baby girl and my grandson. Which is you." She said as she touched me and I felt those sparks again. "I know you know that we're family." She said as she brought her hand to my cheek.
  I leaned against it for a moment, to feel the warmth and blood of her. Feeling the sparks getting less than they were, because I'm knowing what going on.
  Then out of nowhere, something flagged before my eyes and I gasped. What I was seeing, was something from the past. Once again, I was back at the house where was playing on my birthday. The woman that was sitting next to my parents, was the woman that was sitting in front of me. The man next to her laughing at whatever was funny, was standing next to her.
  It was all true, they were family. My family. My missing family that I've been wondering where they were. And they were here all this time. Scarlett was also my family, my cousin, Michelle being her daughter was my family as well. And since she's mates to my alpha, that means he's my family as well. Even though I saw him as family since his father took me in.
  When I came back, my grandmother and grandfather was staring at me. They were worried what was seeing. But what I was seeing was what the moon goddess had sent to me. I started to tear up some until looked at them fully.
  "Grandma Olivia? Grandpa Cas?" I said.
  "Oh god, yes." My grandma said as she hugged me.
  I heard my uncle Peter and grandfather sighed for relief. And I knew that this was a great sign. I heard my grandma crying in my ear as she was hugging me.
  "Thank the moon goddess for bringing my baby back to me." She said as she moved back a little to get a good look of me. "God you look so much like your father but you have your mothers eyes." She told me.
  I started smiling a little as I was tearing up. "Do I?" I asked. "I don't remember them other than my nightmares." I said as I looked at Phil. "There painful, its too much for me. But I have someone who's been there since day one." Said as I grabbed his hand.
  "Every single day and much more. I'm never letting you get away from me." He said as he smiled at me. "Cross my heart, or the moon goddess can strike me right here as well speak."
  "Oh, don't say that." I told him as I grabbed his hand.
  Yay! Devin got to finally meet part of his family, the mother's side. The family that got away from him. Or would it be the other way around.
  Just hope y'all like so far. Comment on the comments if you want me to add a little something to it before I end it.

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