Chapter 22

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  I woke up to my phone going off, it was 7am and I was beyond tired. I went to get up but Bailey had her arm on my stomach, so I lifted it and rolled her over to cuddle with Phil. When I got up, I grabbed my shorts and shoes then headed to the pack house.
  When I got there, Damon and Stefan was just about to walk in as well.
  "Hey, y'all up early." I called out.
  "Well we were gonna check on our guest." Damon said as he held the door for me.
  I nodded then we headed downstairs. When we got to the cell he was at, a guard bowed his head at us then moved away. I moved to up to the cell and was about to touch it when the guard and others had spoke up.
  "The cell is made of silver." The guard was starting to say just as I grabbed ahold of it.
  "It doesn't hurt me. Like it would hurt the rest of y'all. Nothing can hurt me."
  "You can say that, but you have a weakness. Everyone has a weakness." The witch had said raising his head up slowly.
  "Well not I." I had growled. "Now, why are you doing all this." I asked.
  "Its what the master wants. He was supposed to get a very special woman but one of his men had killed her as he had his men take you from this pack."
  "Why would he want my mother?" I growled.
  "To make babies of course." He said smirking.
  "Well even if he got ahold of my mother, she wouldn't have given him babies. I wasn't even supposed to be alive. It was a curse from the powers because she had died." I told him smirking.
  "What? How is that possible if your here?"
  "A reward from the Mary herself. She told me herself along with my mother."
  "No, it can't be."
  "It is, I can't even get my luna pregnant because of the curse. So it is possible. So now tell me who he is, what does he look like." I ordered.
  The witch didn't say anything else. I was getting pissed and I didn't know what to do. I looked over at the guard and saw a tray full of needles with silver in them. I picked one up then put my hand out for the keys from the guard. He looked at me then Damon. I looked at Damon as well.
  "Give him the keys, he's the alpha now." Damon ordered him.
  "Alpha? Since when?" Both the guard and the witch had asked.
  "Since now." I growled looking at the witch. "This is my pack, my people that you had attacked. And it ends now." I said as I opened the door to the cell.
  When I walked in there, he looked at me all scared as my eyes started to change into my phoenix powers. When I got close to him he tried to move but couldn't he hissed when the chains burned him and all I did was smirked as I raised my arm up and hit him with the needle into him arm. He hissed even more then something in him, just a small burst, he wrapped his legs around me to try to do something, I heard the others move in but I use my other hand to stop them.
  With that same hand I lite on fire and moved it onto his leg and squeezed a little on his leg burning him along the way. I didn't know I could burn with these flames. I thought it was just for show to scare others but I was burning him.
  I broke his leg where I was squeezing at and worked my flamed hand up to his face and cuffed it and burned him.
  All you can hear was his screams, from being in pain, in the basement. All I did was smirked at him until he had passes out from the pain and silver.
  When I let go, I walked way from him, locking the cell up and dropping the needle on the tray and looked at the others for a moment then my hand. I moved my fingers around a little and just watches the flames dance. As I took a deep breath and closed my eyes then reopened them the flame was gone and I was myself again.
  "That was wicked cool." The guard had said.
  I looked at him and smirked. "Thanks, I didn't know I could do that. I'm still learning more about my powers." I told him. Then looked at Damon and Stefan. "This stay between us on what just happened. I don't want the others knowing what going on and freak them out."
  "They won't." Damon said.
  "What are you doing to do?" Stefan asked.
  "Well I'm going to go wake my mates up and go home and pack. I'll be, we'll be back this weekend. Just keep me updated on him while I'm gone and make sure he's getting silver shots." I told them as I was walking up the steps.
  "We will. Just good luck telling your pack back home." Damon said.
  "Thanks, I'll need it. Umm, Stefan can you and another warrior or two come up and help with our stuff."
  "Yea, I'll bring our trucks to help. Or do you want me to bring a U-Haul instead?" He asked me.
  "Either way, I don't care. I pay for it if I have too."
  He nodded and we went out ways. I went to the house and they went wherever they were going.
  Once I got to the room, Phil was just waking up and I saw it was little after 8 am. He smiled at me when I walked in.
  "Morning." He said. I nodded then went into bathroom to wash my hands.
  As I was washing them, I was picturing what I just did. That wasn't even me but I still did it. And I feel no remorse over it either. But that remorse will come back and bite me in the ass though.
  After I was done washing my hands, Phil walked and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder.
  "Babe what's wrong?" He asked me.
  "Nothing, I was just thinking." I said.
  "Of what?"
  "A lot of things really. What I'm going to do? I'm not ready to become an alpha to a pack that I barely even know. What if their scared of me just like are pack is." I admitted.
  "Look, they'll have to face it, if they like it or not. You were born to be an alpha, your parents were bad as alphas from what I've heard. Your mother ran her high school, way before she met your father. She didn't even want a mate til she had graduated high school but she met him anyways and still graduated." Phil told me.
  "Really? She ran her high school?" I asked as I turned around to face him.
  "Yep, Damon and Stefan told me. Your father helped your mother and her cousin, Scarlett go to prom."
  "Prom?" I said then sighed. "That's where she died then was reborn again." I said. "What if I fuck up and get everyone killed? What if I lose you or Bailey? What if I die and you two have to live without me? What if,"
  "What if nothing, we'll figure it out like we always do." He told me then kissed me on the lips. "Did you see the witch?"
  "Yes, yes I did."
  "What he say?"
  "Something that I didn't already know. Or didn't know more likely. Who ever his master is, he wanted my mother for himself to make babies but when he found out that his guys killed her and took me instead. But I just told him that I wasn't even supposed to even born that she wasn't even supposed to have kids because of this curse. And well he got very angry that I told him that. But I stuck him with silver, broke him leg and burned him as well."
  "Wait, you did what? Why did you break his leg and how did you burn him?"
  "He wrapped his legs around me to try and attack but that backed fired on him, literally. I called on to my powers and my hand just flamed up and I touched him and broken his leg and just happened to burn him in the process and his face."
  Phil just looked at me like I lost my mind and I know I did, because that wasn't me but it was me somehow.
  After our little talk, we walked back into the bedroom. I look at Bailey who was still peacefully sleeping. I bend down to her level, moved her hair away from her face and leaned over to kiss those gorgeous plump lips of hers. She stirred in sleep and woke up. She looked at me and smiled before saying anything.
  "Morning," she says.
  "Morning, my love. Do you mind getting up and get ready so we can leave and go back home to pack."
  "Mmm, I guess. I don't want to leave this spot. This bed is so soft." She says.
  I chuckled at her. "Yes it is. But we have some issues to take care of." I told her.
  "M'kay," she says softly then rolls over to get up.
  As she was getting up, Phil was already dressed and ready to go. He comes over handing me a shirt and Bailey a dress. As she was getting dressed, there was a knock on the door. I walked to it and opened it up a little bit. It was Damon and Paige.
  "Hey, I know y'all are leaving now, I thought my future luna and alpha would love some good food on the road." Paige had said smiling.
  I was pretty sure that Damon made her say that or she was actually meaning it. Either way it was good for her. I smiled and nodded. Bailey came to the door and opened it more. Paige looked at Bailey and her smiled went away and she looked down.
  "Paige, I'm sorry for how I went with things yesterday. Its just, I've never had to go through with that back home. Another she-wolf touching my man." Bailey admitted.
  "It's fine, I would've done the same thing. Its just that he's my best friends kid, that became my sister and making him my nephew. I love his mother more than anything, I would probably have up my life for her just to keep my luna alive and well. But that didn't happen." Paige said handing the basket to me.
  Bailey grabbed her hands after she handed me the basket and smiled at her. After that smile, she pulled her in for a hug. I saw Paige's shoulders relax some which brought me joy.
  "I'm hoping to call you aunt as well." Bailey said as she pulled away from her.
  "Gladly, any mate of my nephew will be my family." Paige said smiling. "Here that Phil!" She called out in the bedroom.
  Phil came over to us and smiled at her. "I gotcha. And imma be gladly to take it." Phil told her as he rubbed her arm that was close by.
  About 20 minutes later after we're all packed, we headed down to our car with the others behind us watching and waving at us.
  "We'll see you in a week, keep my pack alive and well for me." I hollered out of the window.
  "Sure will, nephew. I want my alpha, Luna, and beta to come back to us well also." Damon said.
  "You got that delta." Phil yelled out. "Bailey and I will make sure he's well." Then he winked at him making Damon, Stefan, and Paige laugh.
  After we waved, I drove off and headed home. Phil sat in the front with me and Bailey in the back, she wanted to lay down and sleep since all were gonna be doing for the next few days is pack all our shit.
  Phil had talk to the others last night before going to bed, to explain what's going on. Shawn and my father understood and kinda sorta Phil Sr but he got it because he's following his mate.
  Bailey couldn't get ahold of her parents so when we get home today, she was going to tell them. She said she's putting her foot down for once in her life and being the luna that she is. I was happy for her that she was willing to step up and do this me.
  This next week is gonna be killer for me because Shawn and our parents told me and Phil to talk to Robert in person and tell him what's up. If course with their help just in case it goes sideways.
  When we finally got home, we all went out ways. I went to my office and started typing up something for myself as a delta becoming an alpha and taking over my fathers pack. I sent a massive email to all those who this pack was ally with and done the same to my grandparents and uncle Peter as well. But theirs was special. I also told them to let my great uncle Parker know what's up but don't tell them who I was just yet.
  Once all those emails were taken care of, I wrote out a letter for Robert so that we can become Ally's and help each other out.
  When I was done, I sat back and thought about everything. What has to been done and what was done. As I was looking my stuff over, there was a knock on the door. When I looked up, it was my father and mother that came in.
  "Hey son." They said.
  "Hey, I know Phil told y'all everything that going on?"
  "Yes he did. Why didn't you tell us yourself." My father asked sitting on the side of the desk as my mother sat down on a chair.
  "I was, but I was busy dealing with everything." I told him. "Its just me become an alpha toy fathers pack, I feel like I'm leaving behind a life."
  "Well your not, dear. We knew this would have happened once you found out about everything about your past. We actually expected this to happen really." My mother said.
  "And I know I was training you to take over my spot in the company once and actually," he started to say then looked at my mother then she spoke. "He still does. Our kids have nothing to deal with it and your our child still and even though your moving away, we want you to take it over."
  "Wait what? Really, y'all want me to take it over even though I'm going to a different pack?"
  "Yes, Shawn even agreed with his. He said it was my choice since it was my company. Shawn had given me the company once Robert went off to school, he knew that he wouldn't do anything with it and I'm willing to give it to you. Least you would have extra money coming in to help you guys." My father has said.
  "Pops, that's amazing, thank you." I said as I got up and hugged him and my mother.
  "Anyway for you." My father said.
  "Just promise us this, just think of us while your being alpha there." My mother says to me.
  "Of course I will." I said.
  We talked about everything due with the company. My father went to the cabinet that he kept all the paper work for it and showed me some thing about it. He told me before I leave, he'll take me to the company to show me around. The funny thing is, its close to the pack I'm going. Which is a plus on me, less gas and time on me. I would have hate if its the other side of this pack.
  Once all that was taking care of, Phil had came in and plopped down on the chair next to my mother. She just smiled at him and patted his arm.
  "Well give you two your space for now. I hope we'll see y'all for dinner?" My mother asked us.
  "Yeah," Phil said. Then looked back at me. "Right?" Asking me.
  "Oh yeah, sure we will. We should get all our families together." I said.
  My mother nodded then they walked out, leaving us alone. Phil sat up and leaned again the desk and looked around. I knew what he was thinking, this would be the last time we would be in this room for awhile. But its fine, because I'll have an alpha office where he can sit in all he wants. The same with Bailey.
  Speaking of Bailey, where was she? Thought she be back by now. So I mindlinked her asking her if she was okay.
  "Babe, are you okay?" I asked her.
  "No," She said with a sad tone.
  "What's going on? Do I have to come over and scare them?" I asked with a lite chuckle.
  "No, its just I can't leave this place behind."
  "I'm coming." I told her then shut out link.
  Phil looked at me as I stood up. He had a confused look on his face and I shook my head. I walked around the desk, kissed him on his lips then walked to office. As I head out the house to head over to Bailey's place. When I got there, I knocked on their door and her mother answered the door.
  "Hello delta, she's in her room packing."
  "Oh is she? She sounded like she was tearing up I linked her. I came to check on her." I said.
  "Well we had a little hard talk about her doing this, I ain't a big fan of you taking my baby girl with you to run another pack. But clearly my husband thinks its best for her. Being a luna is a huge step for her." She told me.
  "Being alpha is a huge step for me as well. But I rather have a she-wolf that I know and trust to be by my side and help me."
  "That he can agree upon with you. So I'm allowing her to go." She said then let me in.
  I nodded at her then went to Bailey's room. She was sitting on her bed going through some things. When I came in, she looked up at me and I could see she had been crying a little.
  I went to her, sat on the bed and hugged her. I knew how she was feeling, because I was feeling the same thing and so was Phil but he hasn't said anything, I just know.
  I talk to her about everything, telling her its for the best and that she said her parents said the same thing but was hurt I was leaving. I kissed her forehead and told her once she was done, come to the alpha house and take a nap until I start with what I'm doing.
  It was time for me and Phil to have out little meeting with Robert. And this was gonna be bad for us, I just know it. But as I was walking over to the alpha house, I had mindlinked them all to meet us in the alpha office. Robert was confused on why I was calling this meeting but he said okay. Let's hope it all goes good.

The Alpha's Lost Son book 3Where stories live. Discover now