Chapter 19

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  After the rogue attack, I've done nothing but training; both wolf with powers and human with powers. I have to straighten myself with all means. I can't keep passing out like I am.
  It was the weekend and I wanted to take a trip to my Father and Mother's pack to talk to alpha Damon. I want to know how mother handled everything, how she do it, what she did? And so on and on. I don't want to be weak, like Robert says I am.
  At least 3-4 times a week, I've been practicing with some of the warriors and I've been doing better with my powers, at least holding them a little longer but still feel weak afterwards.
  As I make my long drive to my Father's pack with Phil and Bailey, which Robert wasn't happy about both of us going but were mates, so when one goes the other comes along. And I was going to take Bailey anyways if Phil came or not. I need someone beside me if something happens. As I was driving, Bailey was on her phone like always in the back while Phil was on his computer doing paperwork and emails for Robert. I shook my head at him, it was like Robert couldn't do them himself or couldn't wait til we got back.
  "So while were here," Bailey started speaking. "What if, this alpha Damon asks you to step forward while were here? Are you ready to take that leap?"
  "He's already asleep last time I was here and I told him no. At least not right now. Maybe later on the line, once can control everything then maybe yes." I had said.
  Once inside that, Phil stopped typing. "Wait, your willing to drop being delta at our pack to be alpha of this pack? What about us?" He asked. "Are you just gonna drop us as well?"
  "No, your my mate and you would come with me. Both of you will. I would make Bailey the luna since men can't be Luna's and I can make you my beta here or not a beta."
  "Wait, me luna?" Bailey says reaching up between us. "I can't do that. I'm not luna material."
  "Well Phil can't be my Luna, no man kind has ever been that."
  "No alpha has ever been gay." Phil said.
  "Let alone have two mates." Bailey said.
  "Actually Bailey, your wrong. They have. In the book of history, a she-wolf has had two mates, her fated mate and a mate she had chosen. Yes they fought over her, but she loved them both that she couldn't pick who she wanted so she picked both."
  "But neither of you are my fated mate though."
  "No, we're not but I chose you as my chosen mate and Phil has too. Do you ever pay attention in history about us?" I had asked.
  "Not really, I'm actually somewhat failing that class." Bailey admitted.
  "What?" Phil said turning his head around to face her. "You have to be kidding me. How can you fail that class, its like failing gym."
  "Well its boring and in fall asleep in that class." She told him.
  "Woman, stay awake. We learn everything we know about us in that class. How do you think we knew about Devin's mother having power's. Before we knew it was Devin's mother."
  "Ummm," she shrugged her shoulders.
  "Woman your the death of us." Phil told her as he leaned back to kiss her forehead.
  "Bailey started paying attention that class." I told her.
  "Is that an order alpha-delta." She had asked.
  I looked in the review mirror and saw she was biting her lip. I just smirked at her then looked at Phil. He just smiling with his cute self.
  "Stop it, not now. I'm driving." I told her.
  "Whatever you say alpha-delta." She said leaning back in the back seat.
  I rolled my eyes and focused on the road. They are gonna be the death of me.
  Just as I was pulling in on their road, a few wolves were running past us, giving us an escort towards the alpha house.
  When we got there, I parked just in front of the house. When I got out of the car, the wolves bowed their heads at me and done the same for Phil and Bailey when they got out. I grabbed ahold of Bailey's hand when she got out and we headed towards the porch.
  As I got on the porch, alpha Damon and beta Stefan walked out. They smiled at me when they got out.
  "Hello delta Devin, welcome back." Damon had said.
  "Oh stop it uncle Damon." I had said.
  Both Damon and Stefan laughed grabbed me into a hug. Then let go and faced Phil and Bailey. Bailey looked nervous and Phil, I think he was on the edge of losing it. Because another man was hugging me.
  "So who's this young man that looks like he's going to bite my head off." Stefan had asked.
  "Ah uncle Stefan," when I said uncle, Phil had calmed down. "this would be my loving mate Phil, also beta of the pack."
  "Beta, and your delta, shouldn't have one of y'all should have stayed behind to help your alpha back at your pack?" Stefan had asked.
  "Yes, but you should know mates dong like leaving their mates behind. And plus I wanted him to see where I was born at." I told him.
  "What about this little missy here? She looks like she's gonna pass out." Damon had asked.
  "Well this is Bailey. Mine and Phil's other partner. The one that can calm both of us down, if you get my drift." I had said making Bailey slapped me on the arm.
  "DJ, seriously." She had said.
  "So all 3 of you are mates, that's rare to actually see." Damon said.
  "See told you Bailey." I had said.
  "Alright then. Just its shocking to actually see it to know it." She has said.
  "Let's go get some lunch and we all can talk." Damon had said then Stefan wrapped his arm around shoulders. "So are y'all staying for just visiting."
  "Staying for the weekend." I had said.
  "Great, Paige wants an excuse to actually do something to you." Stefan started to say u told Bailey growled.
  "Dear, not like that. She's our sister and he skipped out before she could get her hands on him in the field." Damon said looking at her.
  "Its cute both your mates are possessive of you." Stefan said as well got into the kitchen.
  "Yes, they are and I am of them as well." I had said.
  As we all sat down at the island, an omega came in and started getting to work on some food. It took about 20-30 minutes til it was all done. By the time it was, the omega dishes out of plates then handed them to us.
  Once we got our food, we all ate and talked about why I was here. I told them I wanted help with my powers and that they were around my mother longer than anyone else. More than her own family. They agreed to help me with everything.
  As I was about to put my plate in the sink, I heard screaming then I was being jumped. As I was jumped I heard a growl. When I looked, it was Paige who jumped me and Bailey who growled and stood up to head my way. I put my hand out to her to stop her and one arm held Paige then put her down.
  "Well hello Paige," I had said. "Nice to see you too."
  "Why didn't you have the boys Paige me when you were here?" She asked.
  "Because he didn't." Stefan said.
  "And can you please don't do that either. One of my mates doesn't like that." I had said as I looked at Bailey.
  She looked like she was gonna kill someone. Phil had his hand on her arm, to keep her put. Paige looked over right at her and smirked at her. But once again she had growled showing her teeth.
  "Paige, please." Damon, Stefan, and I had said to her.
  "Sorry, just having some fun with my nephew." Paige had said.
  "Still, please keep your body off of him like that." Bailey warned her.
  I moved behind Bailey and wrapped my arms around her, laying my chin on her shoulder. She moved her head a little to sniff my neck to calm herself.
  "That's cute. I'm glad you found your mate." Paige said smiling.
  "He didn't just find one sister, he found two." Damon said.
  "Two! Wow, rare." She said. "So how long you staying, I wanna throw some hits in this time."
  "The weekend." I had said. "But before we do, can we go to our room. I would love to take a small nap before we do anything."
  "Yea, sure." Paige had said.
  As we nodded at them, we headed to the stairs and I showed them what room that we we're gonna be using. Even though, I've never been in this room in a very long time, I just knew which room was which. Damon told me if I ever came or stayed I could use my old room. He said he fixed it up for me after we had met again.
  When we got in there, I had shut the door and Bailey pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. My eyes bugged out a little when I saw how possessive she was being right now. Phil just chuckled a little as he sat down on the rocker and watched.
  "Bailey, baby. I know back there got a little heated but do we have to." I said to her.
  "Yes, I need to show who is mine." She growled a little.
  I sighed then looked over at Phil. He had his hands together, just a smirking away at us. "Are you not gonna join or stop this?" I asked as Bailey was kissing and nibbling my neck.
  "Nope, Ima let her do all the work. I may have gotten a little off at first but I controlled it once I knew it was family. But her she literally saw a woman jump on you and got all excited. Just be lucky I held her back or it would have probably gotten ugly. And as the alpha and betas sister, it wouldn't have gone to great." Phil said as I felt Bailey pulled down my pants.
  I sighed once again and just said fuck it. I lifted up my top half to take off my shirt and tossed it at Phil, while Bailey was giving me a blowjob after she slid my pants down.
  She really wants to show who I belong too, I never really saw her be like this and it was kinda hot. As I was about cum, in her mouth, she had stopped stood up to take off her pants, then got on top of me and rode me like she never rode me before.
  Phil as he was watching us, he was looking somewhat impressed as to what she was doing. Like he was taking mental notes on to what to do to me later on.
  As she was riding, I lifted up her shirt and tossed it and started grabbing her breast. As I was playing with them, she started to bounce a little harder on me where I knew she was close as well. After a few moments, she leaned forward to kiss me hard, I grabbed her ass, held her in place and started working on her. I was hitting her inside hard, tearing them up more than she was. As I felt myself getting close, I flipped us over, lifted her legs up over my shoulders and started going faster. I was hitting her g-spot really good, where she was just moaning my name over and over telling me right there, don't stop. I knew just then we both was about to explode onto each other. But before I did, I leaned down to her neck kissed it a few times before sticking my teeth into neck, marking her once again and she had done the same making us both cum at the same time.
  Once I release, I laid there on top of her for a few seconds then rolled over to catch my breathe. She really wore me out where I was ready for sleep now.
  "Wow," all 3 of us said at the same time.
  Phil came over and laid up behind me and kissed his mark and Bailey just cuddled into me kissing me chest. Then kissed mine and Phil's lips.
  "That was hot," Phil said as he was kissing Bailey. "Where did that even come from?"
  "Exactly, like you've never done that before." I had said.
  "I don't know, I just felt pissed off and so was my wolf. It was like she had taken over and wanted to show who you belong to." She said.
  "Well fuck, once we get back home, your gonna have to keep doing that. I've never cam so hard and fast like that ever." I told her then gave her a kiss.
  She just nodded then laid her head on my chest. We fell asleep like that until it was time for some more work outs. It seemed like we were out for hours but when someone had knocked on the door, I looked at the clock and it was only been about 3 hours.
  I slowly got up, not to wake them up and went to the door. Even though I was naked, I stood behind the door and opened it a little. It was Paige and her faced changed a little when she smelt what was coming out of the room.
  "Umm, I just wanted to see if you wanted to work out a little since you've been asleep for 3 hours." She said.
  "Yea, let me get changed into something I can workout in. Then I'll meet you at the field." I told her.
  "Sure, see you in a few." She said then walked away.
  I felt bad after that. Not just because I had fucked my mate in my old room but on her brothers land.
  As I walked over to get my shorts out of my bag, put them on then my socks and shoes. I kissed both of them then left the room.
  I ran down the stairs to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Stefan was in there going over some stuff with the omega from earlier. When he saw me, he smiled at me and waved her away.
  "Well, I don't see you need a workout with Paige. You already had one." He said smirking a little.
  "What are you talking about?" I asked.
  "Paige said when she woke you up, she smelt what was coming out of your room. Kudos, nephew." He said smiling.
  "Oh god. That's why she had that look on her face. I kinda figured but didn't think nothing about it." I lied.
  I didn't care if she smelt it, least hopefully she knew to back off now. Because I don't want Bailey doing something stupid while were visiting.
  "Talking about possessive much." Stefan laughed.
  "Yeah well only if you've seen what she did when we got into the room. It was like a whole new side of her."
  "Really now." Stefan said. "She's never had came across another female doing what Paige had done earlier has she?"
  "Nope." I said popping the P.
  "How was it though?"
  "Oh god it was great. The power of it like I went to heaven and came back." I said smiling. "Well I better go don't want to keep your sister waiting." I told him then ran out the house towards the field.
  Was it too much of Bailey for doing that or was she in away good job on her side? Even though it was a family, do you think she was wrong to be all jealous of her?
  Well keep reading on and find out what happens next.

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