Chapter 33

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  As the days come and gone from training to work, from meetings to relaxation, to being with my love ones to myself. Its been hard on me with the shit I've been doing at work and when I saw it was close to the time to go Hawaii, I was excited. I know it was a business trip, but I would be somewhat on a vacation with my soon to be fiance. It was crazy excited of saying that, but I loved it and I hope she does too.
  As the night before we leave, I was packing all what I needed for this trip. I had a few suits for business, some shorts and tank tops to relax in on top of my swimming trunks, and a few outfits to wear of we're out and about. When I was done, I looked over and saw she was struggling what to bring. I wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my chin on her shoulder.
  "Having trouble?" I asked.
  "Yes, its a vacation but business at the same time."
  "Babe, honey it don't have to be perfect with you. Its your vacation, my business trip. Just make sure you bring your bathing suit though." I told her as I kissed her on her mark.
  She shivered from the touch as I walked away from her to head down to my office to grab her ring. As I was in there, Phil was typing away. He smiled at me when I came in the office.
  "What you doing?" I asked.
  "Just sending out last minute emails that you forgot. Some were about the fall ball in a few months. And now since your the king, the council wanted to know where we were gonna hold it." Phil said.
  "Well we can have it here or rent out the biggest hotel we have for it." I offered.
  "Would you like it if it was here?" I asked.
  "Not really, because that's too many alphas on my land and if something happens, I'll have to be mean and I don't want that."
  "Okay, its settled. I'll start talking to Ralph and have him help me set up some things before then and talk to Candy about setting up the dining room/ball room ready for the fall ball."
  "Oh thank you, your the best." I said as I leaned down to kiss him.
  Just as I did, he slide something on my finger. When I looked it was a gold band with a wolf on it. When I pulled back I looked at it and I saw on the side saying, "I promise, I'll love you forever!" I started to choke on the tears that were starting to build up.
  "Phil, is this what I think it is?" I asked.
  "Not exactly, but close to it. Its a promise ring. I got it when I took Bailey to pick out her ring. And a day or two later, I went to a grave place and had them write that for me." He told me.
  "This is sweet of you."
  "I know. Now you can think of me while your in Hawaii." He told me as he grabbed that same hand.
  "Always." I said as I leaned into him for another kiss.
  After a little hot make out session, I opened up the drawer and grabbed the ring and went back into the room to pack it in my suitcase. Bailey was just finishing up her suitcase when I came in.
  Later that night, we all went to bed a little early then normal. Not even a little hot sexual movement from either of them. We all agreed that we needed our sleep since in about 5 to 6 hours Bailey and I were gonna be getting up and going to the airport. Phil said that once we get back, he'll have a huge surprise for us three in the bedroom once we get back.
  When I woke up to my alarm going off, I rolled over and kissed Bailey on her next and lips to wake her up. She was a little pissed how I woke her up and not any, but we had to go.
  The 2 hours to drive to the airport was long and tiring and I was glad I wasn't driving. One of the guards had drove us there so we didn't have to leave our car nor, have Phil drive us either. He needed his sleep for training and being the alpha in charge.
  After our 15 hour flight, we got to our beach house and settled in or at least tried to. We was so tired, we didn't know what to do. Colby came over after a few hours later since it was still a little early not to late. It wasn't even 9 pm yet.
  He gave me a folder of all the employees that he thought was right for the job and that was what I was gonna do tomorrow. Bailey was gonna relax on the beach while I was at the hotel and do some interviews. I trusted him with what he's going on but I wanted to meet them general. He's gonna be the manager that runs it but me I'm the one that owns it.
  The next day, Colby had called to see if I was awake and I was barely. Bailey woke me up to giving me head since we didn't do anything before we went to bed or the night before. Once we was done, I took a shower and got ready for my day. I wore my tan suits, minus the jacket, since it was hot out. As Colby met me outside in his car, we drove to where the new hotel was gonna be at. When we got there, there were some guys just finishing up the inside and cleaning up around the area. He gave me a tour of the place and what I saw was really great. It was huge, I think it was even bigger than the one we have back home. Then that's when it dawned on me, how about we have the ball here in Hawaii.
  While I was thinking that I had texted Phil and asked his point of view on the idea. While was waiting, we went to where the dining hall was to have the interviews at since the office was still being worked on.
  Colby brought me his laptop and folders of all the ones that we was interviewing today.
  1st bunch was the hotel house keepers, the managers for the shifts and the crew to match. That lasted about an hour and a half and I saw some really good people that was willing to do what we had asked them. Found 4 people for the spot of managers, about 4 to 6 crew members each. Next was the kitchen staff and this was the tricky part, but best part. The kitchen was the 1st thing that was made into this hotel somewhere went into there and told them where everything was. I needed at least 5 cooks for each shift that would be 15 cooks. I told them that they needed to go to the little market and find what y'all can make and they had about an hour to get back to make their dish.
  As they left to do their task, we went back and had to see some waiters/waitress. I hired on their looks on how they came to what their resume had said. Next was the grounds keepers/maintenance. We would need at least 3 to 4 on each shift and some on the side just in case.
  By the time the cooks came back, I was getting hungry and had called up Bailey and asked if she wanted to be a taste tester and she said yeah. So Colby went to go get her while I waited for them to get their task done. By the time, Bailey and Colby got back, the cooks were coming into the hall with their samplers.
  Everything looked good but did it taste good that was the key. So they each gave us a sampler of their foods and there was a few that I loved and a few that I didn't. By the time we all had a bite of each sampler, it was time to judge them and see who was staying and who was going. I felt like Gordon Ramsay from Hell's Kitchen; by doing this. To be honest I rather him have been our cook for this hotel so he can pick who's the best and not the best.
  After we tasted, we said which we liked the least n what we liked the best and who we liked the best stayed.
  About around 3 pm everything that needed to be done was done, now it was time to do some ordering for the uniforms. Since this was Hawaii and it's hot, the waitress, gonna be either dresses or tank top and shorts the waiters shorts and a T-shirt. The house keepers scrubs and of course pants and a chief jacket. This would be one thing that I need Bailey for.
  "Baby, Ima need your help on something." I said as I walked into the bedroom to change.
  "What's that?" She asked.
  "The uniform's for the waitress/waiters."
  "Okay, what about them?"
  "Well I was thinking since it's Hawaii, the girls wear either dresses or shorts and a tank top to look nice and get some tips and the boys shorts and a T-shirt. Is there away you can design them?" I asked.
  "Sure, I just need my tablet and go to my fashion page and draw them up. When do you need them done and designed?" She asked.
  "In 2-4 weeks, the building still needs a few touch ups."
  "Sure, I'll get to it as soon as possible." She said as she went to her bag and grabbed her tablet.
  As she was working on that, I jumped into the shower to wash up a little before dinner. By the time I got out, she already had matching outfits for both girls and boys.
  One outfit was like a blue palm tree in a sunset shirt for the guys and the girls was strapless wavey dress that ties around the neck and the same with the 2nd outfit it was black with flowers. They both were perfect. The girls other outfits were the same as their dresses the top is strapless that ties around their neck and their shorts were white.
  After she showed me those, she sent them in to a store to make them for those who we have hired.
  After that, it was dinner time, so we went to this little beach bar down the beach from us to get some food. The place was magical, wonderful. I liked it for a awesome state this was. The people were friendly, knew how to take care one another here.
  Colby said that this island is all like family. You could leave your kids wondering around and everyone is watching them. But there's times that things do happen if your not careful.
  When we got back to our shack, I laid down on the bed, tired from a long day of work. I texted Phil to check up on him, to see how things are going for being gone for a few days. He said it was all good other than a few rogues popping up but nothing he and the gang couldn't handle. Which I trust them 100% in everything to keep the pack safe.
  If I didn't, I would not have left like I did. There's times you have to trust in your pack and those who help run it. If not then what's the point in being the alpha of that pack or even keeping those that you don't trust.
  Its a two way street there on the trust. You do what you have to do or just fail with a big lose. But I don't want that, I've seen how that pack felt when they lost my parents and how happy they got when I finally was found and came home. Its never been the same and I'm glad for all that.
  Truly am greatful.

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