Chapter 26

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  After a few hours of cooling down, I came back to the pack to open arms. Paige was the first to see me coming out of the tree lines after shifting. She ran to me, when she saw me then hugged me, telling me she was sorry about Jackson. I told her thanks and its fine, we all die sooner than later in life. When we walked to the house, some of the warriors and guards bowed their heads at me and I just waved them off to go back to work.
  Once we got in the house, I went up to my new office where Damon was at, on the computer. When I came in, he looked up at me and Paige and smiled. I smiled back then sat in front of the desk or was about to until he got up and waved his hand for me to sit behind the desk.
  "This is where you belong." He said as I sat down.
  I mean he was right but I wasn't the alpha just yet. I looked at him then Paige then to the computer. I went to check my emails as I talk to them about this weekend for the alpha ceremony.
  "Well all those Alpha's that Robert was all ally with, I had sent them all a chain email about what's going on this weekend, with me. So some might do much some might, but I do know that my grandparents and Peter is. And cross my finger's, hopefully uncle Parker comes as well. And the twins." I said as I was reading all my emails.
  "That would be great if they did. The more family you get to see the better. Just let me know what the count is and I'll have it all set up." Damon said.
  "Well that pack was ally with about 25 packs give or take, but probably only half will show." I told him.
  "Wait if they know what's going on, so will others. Especially they are willing to see the wolf that has powers." Paige said. "Especially the alpha king, he was all in about Zara, when we had went to one of the meetings. He was hurt she never showed up but she was just learning her powers as well so he had said he allowed it this time." Damon had said. "Hope he don't get wind of my this and just show up."
  "If he does the he is of course welcome." I said as I answered some of my emails.
  As I was going over things, Damon and Paige had brought up things that needed help in on the pack that he didn't know what to really do. That my parents were more into knowing on that part. They were the brains of the pack they just ran behind them.
  Paige brought binders of some of the building stuff what needs to be updated or fixed. Damon bought me stuff for the warriors and guards.
  As I was going on everything, I had mindlinked Phil to come into the office to help me. He was shocked that I've been in here all this time that I came back.
  "We are gonna have a talk later." He mindlinked me.
  I looked up at him for a second before answering him back. "Look I'm sorry, I know I should've told you but I had to get down to work to distract myself."
  "Look I know its hard losing someone, but I'm your mate. I'm here for you no matter what. That's what partners are for." He told me.
  I sighed then shook it head at him.
  Damon and Paige looked at us, knowing we was talking in private but said nothing. Just left us be.
  "Well with all the money we have left from the pack bank plus what Jackson left, we should be good for about 3-6 months." Phil said going over all the finances. "Are you sure there's nothing else?"
  "Yea, I'm sure. Gavin and Zara spent all the money that Gavin's parents and grandparents left him. Some of it went to the school and shit for the pack. Especially when you came along, Gavin spoiled you crazy. So did you mother, they never said why they were doing it, probably because you were their first." Damon had said.
  "No, it was probably because I was going to be their only child. My mother wasn't even supposed to have me at, the moon goddess told me that herself and my mother." I said looking up from the computer.
  "Wait what?" Paige asked.
  "Mary, told Devin that Zara wasn't supposed to get pregnant because she had died to get those powers. But she gave her one more gift, which was him." Phil said.
  "Oh my god, are you serious. Zara and Gavin never told us." Paige said.
  "Well my mother kept it a secret from everyone, even my own father I believe. Because when she told me, he looked like he didn't even know." I said.
  "Either way he knew or not, they probably didn't want anyone to know." Damon had said.
  I nodded my head and gone back to work. I've had about 50, emails read and answered by the time, I was getting tired and it was only 9pm. I wrote down on a notepad for Damon who was all coming from all the ally alphas. Just told him to have a few extra for each that was coming. But knowing myself, the ones that said they couldn't come or didn't want to show up, will probably show up.
  After all that was done, we all went out ways other than Phil and I. Since I missed out on dinner, he had put a plate up for me. I ate all of it in no time, that's how hungry I was. Once I ate, we went up to our room. Bailey was just getting out of the shower. When she saw me, she dropped her towel, ran to me and jumped me. I held my place and wrapped my arms around her waist as she kissed me.
  After we kissed for a few moments, she slide down from me to get dressed. I had to fix myself down below, since she turned me on. Phil smirked when he saw what was doing. I just smiled at him.
  "Tomorrow, you two are going into town with a few guards to find you two something nice to wear." I said as I sat on the bed.
  "What about you?" Phil asked.
  "I have some interrogating to go, so just pick me something nice to wear. You know my size." I told him.
  "The witch is still here?" Bailey asked.
  "Yes, he's put under though. Damon texted me a few days after left that, he tried to use his powers and get out. He's starting to get use to the sliver I guess or something I don't know." I said as I started to take my shoes off.
  "Well hope he don't get out durning the ceremony." Bailey said.
  "With all the alphas that are gonna be here please." I said the got up and went into bathroom.
  I started the water to the shower before stripping my clothes off. Phil came in a few moments later to do the same. He must have told Bailey what was up, because he closed the door and pushed me into the shower with a kiss.
  Guessing he just wanted us to do it without her. I mean me and her do it without him some times, so it only seems fair, right. As we were kissing, he reaches down with his hand and started rubbing me for a whole and lord it felt great. I mean Bailey is good but this was better.
  After I felt myself getting close, he went down and started to blow me until in did release. Once I did and he was done, he grabbed our body wash and sponge to wash me up. I was gonna do him, but stopped me.
  "This was just about you. I feel your stressed and needed a little release." He told me and he washed my dick and my stomach.
  "I feel bad not doing it to you." I whined.
  "No, it fine. I just wanted to make you feel better. You can pay be back later or in the morning." He told me as he kissed me.
  Once we were both washed and clean, we got out of the shower and wrapped ourselves in towels before going into bedroom. When we walked in their, Bailey was on her phone who knows what. She smirked at us when we came out.
  We both smiled at her before getting dressed. All I put on was my boxers and Phil done the same plus tank top and came over to the bed. When we laid down next to her, she put her phone on the night stand on the charger and laid on my chest. Phil went over to turn the light off before laying behind me and once he did, he was falling asleep on my shoulder while the same time Bailey was falling asleep on my chest. I was close to it as well with a lot on my mind as well but it didn't stop me from having a good night sleep though. But how long would it last though.

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