Chapter 17

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  After my talk with Robert, it kinda pissed me off. So I had stormed off to the training area to let out some steam. When I got in there I saw some of the warriors in there working out. They all stopped when they saw me. Me being the delta, they had to respect my title but I know they only stopped because they are scared of me.
  When I went to the locker room, I took off some of my clothes in put them in a locker and found a pair of shorts to put on. When I came back in, I saw some where still looking at me.
  "Okay guys what's up?" I had asked.
  "Nothing, we're surprised to see you here at this hour?" One of the guys said.
  "Yeah delta, your usually in school." One of the girls said.
  "Well I had a bad night and your beta didn't want me going to school. Now let's train. Our alpha wants us to train hard, now let's do it." I said.
  "But your powers?"
  "What about them?"
  "What if they, what if you lose control."
  "I won't or at least try not to. I've been doing good lately. So let's kick it." I said as I clapped my hands.
  Everyone cheered and we all began working out/training. The girls were in a circle doing their own thing and us guys, we were taking turns sparing.
  I wasn't as strong as these guys were but as delta I have to be. My powers are not gonna stop me from doing that. Because what if I can't use them in a fight, like they quit working. I'm nothing without them just like what Robert has said but I fought against Shawn without them and I was fine.
  So I took what Shawn and my father taught me into action. Even following some the moves that the warriors were showing me.
  Our male lead warrior, Kane, he's a great man. He is top notch and will do anything to get you ready. Then theirs his mate, Katie, she's the top female lead warrior. Kane helped train her with Shawn and Heather. Shawn taught Heather when they first got together.
  Some alphas don't want their Luna to be a fighter but after what's happened in the past with a lot of Luna's getting killed over nothing, because they can't defend themselves, had to stop. But hearing what happened to my mother, she was a strong fighter and got herself killed over me.
  Just of that thought, I felt my gorilla kick in and then I heard a scream. When I looked, I saw I had twisted one if the warriors arm. I let go and backed away. Kane and Katie came running over checking on both of us. I was lost in the moment of us fighting.
  "Leon are you okay?" Kane asked.
  "Devin broke my arm."
  "Devin, dude you said you were good."
  "Sorry, I was lost in the moment or heat of the moment and my gorilla kick in. I'm sorry, I'll just go." I said.
  "No, its fine. It could have been a lot worst." Leon said. "You said alpha told you to push ourselves and well you did. Least it wasn't your full powers."
  "Let me see your arm, I wanna try something. I've been studying something with my phoenix powers and I've had a few people tell me I could do this just never done I before. At least nothing someone else." I said as I grabbed Leon's arm.
  I looked at it for a moment, touching it, feeling where the breaks were. It was a clean snap in the middle of his forearm. I let go of his arm for a second and started rubbing my hands together to warm them up. Once I knew they were warm, I placed them on his arm and closed my eyes and took a few breaths.
  I felt my powers kick in of the phoenix then snapped my eyes open and they were purple. I felt the healing power flow through my body, down my arms to my hands to his arm. When I saw the glow of a flame I just knew it was working.
  That was one of my signatures of being a phoenix. When a flame showed up, it heals the womb then goes out then ash shows up in its place.
  Scarlett said when my mother got hurt at their prom, well died, she turned into flames then ashes. She said that was the most weirdest thing ever but the coolest.
  When everything was all done, I let go of Leon's arm and stepped back, wrapping my arms around myself. I was scared I would do something else. But when Leon moved his arm just fine, he was smiled with excitement.
  "Delta, you did it." Leon said as he looked up at me.
  I felt a little off, like I drained myself. I stumbled back some but Kane had caught me before I fell.
  "You wore yourself out, by using your powers." Kane said.
  "Yes, because I've never done it before. I just gonna keep practicing." I said as someone handed me a cup of water.
  I nodded as I reached for the cup and took a drink of it. As I was done, I handed it back then thought of something.
  "Kane, I wanna do something. I just thought of it and it can help me with my powers."
  "What is it delta?" He asked me.
  "I wanna pull this move that I've seen in movies and Ima need your help. Y'all probably already do it, I just wanna do it."
  "Okay, what is it?" He asked.
  "Where I looked like Ima attack you at the same time your running at me and I jump onto your shoulders and lean myself back and flip you." I told him.
  "Wait really? We don't, none of us do that." Katie said. "Your gonna get yourself hurt or even killed. Or even one of us by doing that."
  "That's why I'm just doing it. And if I do it just right, then I won't. And if I can pull it off, Ima show y'all it. That's why we train." I said.
  "Katie, delta is right. We have to learn new moves one in a while, to throw off our attackers." Kane said. "Right Leon. Your always doing something stupid and make it look good."
  "Hey now, I made that move looked awesome." Leon said chuckling a little.
  "What move?" I asked.
  "Well I stole it from WWE. Its basically what you said but different. You run at them full speed then try to wrap your body around them and bring them down. I'm still working on it. I've actually hurt a few of our guys doing it." Leon said.
  I nodded then looked at Kane and smiled. He just shook his head then smiled.
  I was in the training area with Kane and Leon what seems like hours trying to get this move right. Some of the warriors either stayed or left. Katie left with the girls, saying she wasn't watching this shit.
  I took turn on both of them after either pulling the move right or not. But by the 10 time, I was getting it just right. But it still needs practiced. After I took down Kane, we both stayed laying on the mats trying to catch our breaths or just to cool off. Leon brought us both waters and we both smashed them.
  After we was done, we got up and I thanked them for helping me. I walked to the locker room and grabbed my clothes then headed up to my room to take a cold shower. When I got in there, I see Phil and Bailey sitting on the bed doing school work. After I looked, I looked at my phone and seen it was only noon. I was so confused.
  "Umm, what are you two doing here?"
  "Its our room." Bailey said.
  "No, I mean here, home. Shouldn't y'all be in school?"
  "Oh, yeah. Well it was a half day, something happened at school. One of the chemistry rooms a kid started a fire and it burnt down a few rooms in that area. So school is closed the rest of the week." Phil said handing me my work. "Here's today's work."
  "Umm thanks. So school is closed all week huh?"
  "Yep, so were all stuck together for a week." Bailey said smiling.
  "I know that look, Bailey." I said smiling.
  She just started blushing and it was cute that she could pull that on me. I walked over to them and kissed them both on the lips. Until Bailey screeched from me being all sweaty.
  "Eww, your all sweaty. Go take a shower, love." She told me as she pushed me away.
  "So when we make love and I'm all sweaty then you don't say anything." I said smirking.
  She looks up at me and Phil lost it. He was laughing and she just started blushing.
  "Hey that's no fair, that's different though. That's sex sweat and I love it. This," she said pointing her fingers at me moving it up and down. "Is different, its nasty."
  "Whatever you say my love." I said then kissed her again.
  "Eww, stop it." She said whining.
  I smiled at her and Phil then went into our bathroom and took a nice cold shower. It felt great.
  After the shower, I got out to get dressed then went downstairs to get me some food. When I came back up, they were done with their work. Bailey had her head against Phil side on her phone and he was reading a book. They were too cute.
  I saw on the bed across from them and ate my food, Bailey reached over and stolen a few of my chips. I glared at her and she just giggled. I rolled my eyes at her making her sit up to give me a kiss just to take a few more chips. Phil just snickered at us.
  "So, Kane, Leon, and I are working on a new move. Well mostly me." I said after I ate my food.
  "Oh really?" Phil said putting his book down. "And what is that?"
  "Well there's no name for it but I saw it on tv, where I basically run towards someone like I'm gonna attack them then jump on onto their shoulders then bend backwards and dropped them in a way. It took us like 4 hours to even get it sorted out."
  "So your running up on someone, having their face into your crotch, then throwing them down?" Phil said either as a question or a statement.
  "Yea sorta." I said.
  "Why in the hell are you even doing shit like that. What about your powers?"
  "Look, I'm handling them slowly. Robert wanted me to train harder and I am. As delta, I have to do this. I already broke Leon's arm,"
  "Wait you did what?" Both Phil and Bailey asked.
  "I broke his arm while sparing but I healed it."
  "Say what again?" Phil said.
  "I healed his arm." I repeated.
  "And how in the hell did you do that?" He asked.
  "Say way I do myself." I said.
  As we were talking about this, we get a mind linked from guards that there was rogues attacking. Phil and I got up and started to run out. I stopped and looked at Bailey.
  "Stay here please." I told her.
  "I will, y'all stay safe please." She told me.
  I nodded then ran back to her and kissed her then ran back out. Once Phil and I got down to the kitchen, Robert was running out of the kitchen. We shifted when we got outside and ran to where the rogues were at. Once we got to them, we all took care of it. I took down 2 at a time thanks to my powers. Then thought about that, I want to try this without my powers and see how good I do.
  As I ran after another one, one had jumped me on my back and bit into my shoulder making me yelp. When I did, I saw Phil go down for a second. I turned my head to grab the rogue and yanked him off of me, throwing him into a tree. When I got to him, I was beyond mad. I reached for his throat and ripped it out. When I spit it out, I ran over to Phil to check on him. He looked fine but he had this look on his face that he wasn't.
  He brushed passed me to fight and I just let him. I looked around and saw we was winning this fight and I was happy. Some of the rogues were either dead, fighting, or running away. But either way, it was making my blood boil. I felt my powers kick into overdrive, felt my fur, my skin was on fire and when I looked it was. My Phoenix was mad and so was my wolf with me. I ran like a blaze of glory through the woods, killing everything in my path that wasn't from this pack.
  When rogues saw me, they mid stopped attacking the warriors and guards and try to run away. But we were quick to kill them. I took 3 down in one swing and ripped their limbs apart. When I seen we were done, I howled to the sky. Phil and Robert joined me then the rest. Phil walked over to me and leaned against me for support. That's when I felt it, he hurt his paw when he went down. I whined at him then licked it. I laid on the ground, with my head on his paw and felt my power go through me. Everyone was watching, I could feel it. When my eyes snapped open, my eyes were purple and I was still on fire. But when I felt his paw was better, he licked me on the face.
  When I got up to walk back to the house, I collapsed but Robert and Phil caught me with their heads.
  As they helped me back home, I shifted and fell to the ground with Phil right there trying to help me up. Kane and Leon came running over.
  "He healed you didn't he?" Leon asked Phil.
  "Yes, how did you know?"
  "I saw he was babying your paw." Leon said.
  Then Kane spoke. "He's weak after he heals someone else other than himself."
  Phil growled but I put my hand on him.
  "Phil he's right. He was there when I healed Leon. Just get me inside, I've used enough of my powers for today." I said then I saw darkness.
  I must have passed out because when I woke up, I was laying in bed with Bailey next to me, cuddling into me. Phil wasn't in bed with us. When I looked at the clock, it was little after midnight.
  When I used my wolf sights and smell, he was in the house, he was in Robert's office. They were probably working or going over what happened. I wanted to get up but felt really weak and tired. So I just stayed here and went back to sleep. Before closing my eyes, I kissed Bailey on the forehead and pulled her close to me then drifting back to sleep.
  I wonder how she was when they brought me in. She had asked for us to be careful and I was partly that. But least I'm alive, just weak.

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