Chapter 15

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  (Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope y'all are doing great and having a good time!)
  A few months have passed, its Summer break, and I'm having the time of my life right now. Phil and I are enjoying the time for ourselves, when we ain't busy with training and working. Robert has been keeping it easy on me because of my powers. He don't want what happened last time with me which hasn't happened yet. I think knowing my true life, where I come from, and who my family is, has calm me down a lot.
  When I got back from being those many days, away from the pack and a day and a half without being by Phil, when he woke up the next day, he jumped on me giving me kisses like its forever since we last saw each other. Told him what happened while he was away from me that I met my fathers pack. They all thought I was him and that I made my grandfather that I'm named after cry. He smiled and laughed a little at that but was happy that I got to meet that side of my family.
  When I came downstairs, to be at breakfast with Phil, we was talking about everything that we done together and when my parents and god parents came into the kitchen, they came over to me and asked how everything was. I told them everything; everything that I know that had happened to my birth mother.
  "My grandma said that she was there and saw it all. She said that my mother was protecting me that is why she got herself killed." I told them. "That my mother was more worried about me then her own pack."
  "Honey, its like that sometimes. As a parent, you have to do what you have to do. A member can be replaced but a child can not." My mother told me as she side hugged me.
  "But she saw my father die in front of her. She could have done something." I had said.
  "Not if she was in trouble as well. We all can't be in different places at the same time." My father said.
  "I'm pretty sure she did her damnest to save your father and you and the pack." Shawn told me.
  "Least you found out where you and your family came from." Heather said.
  I nodded at them and left it alone. I didn't talk about it for awhile but that didn't stop the dreams from coming and going. Phil was worried because I found out about my past but maybe it was telling me something.
  Maybe the dream was telling me who my kidnapper was, who had killed my parents and some of the pack members. Maybe it was giving me hope and a chance to seek revenge for them.
  By the time July had came it was already 4th July weekend. It was Friday the 2nd and Robert was ordering the omegas to clean up the alpha and pack house dinning room area, when I came downstairs to get some food. And speaking of food, he told them that he wanted everything BBQ that there was gonna be a party on sunday and wanted it all to be perfect.
  "Alpha, how many is there gonna be?" One of the omegas asked.
  "3 packs worth, cook like a normal way for this pack then extra special for the other two packs that are coming." He told them.
  "Yes alpha." They said then went their ways.
  When I stepped up to the counter, to get me a bowel for my cereal, Robert hopped up on the counter next to me.
  "So I'm guessing you heard all that?" He said.
  "Well yea, kinda hard not too."
  "Well sorry, I want this 4th if July to be perfect since I've been gone."
  "Yeah, well we haven't really had one since you've been gone. Your father was away at the time for a few of them or your mother was ill." I told him.
  "Well we're having one this year. I've ordered about a few thousand dollars worth of fireworks for the kids and us to set off at 8pm on sunday. And I am having two other packs high ranks coming as well so be on your best." He told me.
  "Robert, I've got it under control. I promise you."
  "I know, just making sure Devin. Things can backfire."
  "I wouldn't jinks that if I were you. We can still have a rogue attack. We had one last 3 years."
  "Well not on my watch, especially with 3 packs here." Robert said then hopped off the counter and stormed out the back door.
  I shook my head at him then went to the island and sat to eat. About a few moments, I said Michelle and Scarlett walking in. Sweet Michelle came to me and side hugged me.
  "Hey sweetie, how did you sleep?" I asked her.
  "Great, I had a dream that I met my wolf." She said making her mother look out way.
  "Your wolf? What was she like?" I asked.
  "She was pretty, just like mommy's. She was reddish brown color with a few black spots here and there. Especially one where her right eye was. It was really cool." She told us.
  Scarlett came over to us and put a hand on Michelle's shoulder. "Honey, you know you might not even get a wolf. Your half human."
  "I know, its just I, I still dream of her. The feeling to rub free and feel the wind in my face." She said looking down.
  "Hey, how about this. Only if its okay with your mother." I said looking at Scarlett. "After breakfast, you can help me loose some of the calories that I just ate, you can run with me in my wolf form. Well more like ride on my back." I had said.
  "Really, you do that for me?" Michelle got all excited.
  "Only if your mother says its okay."
  "Mommy can I please."
  Scarlett looked at her daughter then at me. She looked beyond mad or was she scared then took a deep breath then sighed. "Yes, but you listen to him. Especially if something happens. I don't want you hurt."
  "Yay! I'll listen to my delta." She said as she hugged her mother then me.
  I smiled down at her then looked at her mother again. She just glared at me then smiled a little. I know what she's thinking without happening to ask. She's afraid that I'll lose control with her or we get attack. But I wasn't going out of the area.
  I was just gonna run around the land that's a few miles from the house and wrap around the falls then back. It will be a short run for me because I'll have her.
  About half an hour later, Michelle and I was done with our food, when Robert came into the kitchen again. He kissed his mate then done the same to Michelle. After that, she looked at me then smiled.
  "Come on DJ, let's go run." She said excitedly.
  "Run? What you mean run, you don't have your wolf." Robert said.
  "I know, but DJ is letting me ride him while he runs around the pack lands. Mommy said it was okay." She told him.
  Robert looked at me then Scarlett. She nodded her head at him then he looked back at us.
  "Okay, be back here in an hour though. I have plans for us to go into town to go shopping." He told us.
  "I will. I'm going the short way to run with her."
  "Thank you, and listen to your delta, Michelle."
  "Yes, alpha pops." She said then grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.
  "Alpha pops." I heard Robert questioned out loud.
  I just chuckled and shook my head as well ran to the tree lines. I pulled my head away so I could change behind a tree and shifted. Once I had shifted, I walked around and laid down on the ground for Michelle to get on me. Once she was on, she grabbed two hand fulls of my fur then I took off.
  While running, she was laughing some. I just chuckled. I done some basic maneuvers, jumping over trees and rocks and running up a tree or two to jump onto branches. When I jumped on my 3rd branch, it snapped but jumped and landed on a huge fallen tree. I stopped to look at Michelle and she was smiling.
  "Your liking this ain't you?"
  "You betcha. I wish I could run in wolf form. It hurts my feelings that my father was human. Just wish I could have met him."
  "I know the feeling. I don't remember my parents either. They died when I was three years old, after I was taken."
  "Taken? You mean someone took you from your family?"
  "Yea, someone came to my home and attack my family and took me."
  "Why they do that?"
  "I don't really know. Probably because of my powers."
  "I forgot you had powers, what are they?"
  "I can run fast as a cheetah, I'm strong as a gorilla, and I can heal faster then anyone because of my phoenix."
  "Wait so if you die, you can be reborn? That's what a phoenix does. At least in Harry Potter it did."
  "It only came back alive when it died because it was old." I said then thought about that. "Wait, you might be up to something on that. Your smart."
  "Thank you, not giddy up wolfie." She said then hit my side a little with her foot.
  I chuckled at her then took off once again. I took her to the falls where Phil and I love to come. This is the closest water source we have other than pearl river but its too far, especially with her on my back.
  I stopped to take a drink of the water then ran us back home. Its been about an hour and Robert would be mad if I didn't get her back on time.
  When we got back, I saw Phil shifting into his human form, so I ran over to him after he got dressed and knocked him down. Michelle laughed when I did that. I mean so did I. When he rolled over onto his back, he looked at us and smiled. He pet my head before getting up.
  "Hey, I see y'all went out for a run." He said.
  "Yes, it was fun. But I gotta go and change for alpha and mommy. Were going in town today."
  "Yea I know, he wants us to go with y'all as well."
  "Yay, DJ is coming." She said as she slide off of me.
  After she got off, I went back to where my clothes were and change back. Then ran to catch up with Phil and Michelle. When I got to them, I wrapped my arms around Phil's waist and kissed him. When we got inside, we all went out ways to change clothes then came back down and got into the SUVs and headed into town.
  While we were in town, we followed the alpha and luna around to each store. Some were clothing stores and a few were getting fireworks.
  "I know I have ordered fireworks to be delivered tomorrow, I was thinking of buying some and lit then tonight at the bonfire." Robert had said. "So Michelle got pick out what you want and here's my card." He handed her his black card.
  "Do have a limit?"
  "Yes and no. Don't go over $300."
  "I'll try not to."
  "$500 is the max Missy."
  "Okay," she said then looked at me. "DJ, can you come with and help me?"
  "Sure." I said then looked at Phil. "You stay with them and I'll be back."
  "Okay, don't take too long." Phil said.
  I nodded and us two went and looked.
  About an hour or two, we had a cart full and Robert done a bad thing by giving her his card. She literally probably spend $300-$500 or more. But it's the kids and the pack to celebrate a good day. Independence day was one of the best holidays for our pack. We feel like we are free to do what we want.
  When we got back to the car, Scarlett looked at us and her mouth just dropped. She hit Robert on the chest to get his attention and he just dropped as well. But then smiled at her. I just shook my head and helped her put the stuff in the SUV.
  Later that night, Robert, Phil and I set up the fireworks around the area. Our fathers got the bonfires going right before it got dark. The girls were getting s'mores done for the kids that were around the area. And just as the sun was setting, Robert had lit a few good ones to start the show.
  The kids were loving the firework show, they were clapping, gasping and oouing at the colors. 20 minutes later, us three were setting off the big bad ones for the grand finale. That took a bout 5 minutes for them to do their thing.
  It was all so beautiful and Michelle done great picking out some good ones. By the time it was done, everyone had thanked us and went on home for the night. And as for us, we done the same after a few cold ones.
  The next day, everyone of the omegas was running around with some warriors and guards. About around noon, about 6 SUVs started to show us and I was shocked on who it was.
  It was my family as well as Scarlett's family. When I saw my grandparents on my moms side, I had ran over to them and hugged them. Then I had saw my grandfather on my dads side and done the same. I looked at Robert and smiled at him.
  "Robert, man thank you." I told him.
  "My pleasure, I figured you found your family and this is about that, I thought what the hell. I told Scarlett to call us her parents to have them come over and bring your grandparents and have them do the same with your fathers side as well." He told me.
  I hugged him and Scarlett for doing this. About a few moments, a omega came out and said lunch is served in the dinning room. Robert waved his hand for everyone to come and join us. The guards of their packs had went to the pack house to do the same.
  We didn't do much just as hang out and talked. I introduced them to my adopted parents and my god parents and my in-laws. Everyone was being well behave, and was a little shocked that they were. Until Damon had spoke up.
  "Well since we found you and I've been thinking about this and I've talked to Jackson about it as well. When are you willing to come back and take your place as alpha of your fathers pack?" Damon had said.
  I spit up my drink that I was sipping. "Excuse me?"
  "When are you willing to come back and take your rightful place as alpha of your fathers pack?" Jackson has repeated for Damon.
  "I heard that, but wasn't sure I heard right." I had said. "Can we not talk about this now."
  "Yes please." Robert said. "Plus he's the delta here in my pack." He has whispered a little bit but we all heard him.
  "Yes, I get that he's your delta alpha Robert. But as his birth right, I think should." Damon said.
  "Alpha Damon, stop. Now like this and not right now." My grandma had said.
  "Luna Liv, do you not think your grandson,"
  My grandfather had growled. "My mate said not now. Its a holiday, please respect alpha Robert and his pack for letting us be here for this holiday. We'll talk about this another time."
  "Yes, alpha Castiel." Damon said bowing his head at him. "My apologies, alpha Robert."
  Robert nodded his head and we enjoyed our lunch. After that, Phil and I walked my family to the pack house, to show them their rooms for the next two nights. After that it was peachy. No one brought up what just happened in the dinning room about me being alpha of my fathers pack until Phil and I got to my room.
  He spoke about it and I just sighed. I was frustrated about it and I didn't know what to say or do about it.
  "Just leave it alone for now. I don't want to talk about it." I told Phil and he asked request, he stopped.
  The next day was 4th of July and there were still a few things to do. The shipment that Robert ordered got here this morning. We were were running a little behind since it came today and not yesterday. Robert was in his office on the phone with the buyers asking why it was delayed and delivered today.
  As I was sitting on the couch listening to the phone call, the man on the other end had said I am sorry but least it showed up and not at all. That ticked off Robert.
  "Excuse me, do you not know who I am? Who my father is? We always buy shit from you and never have we got them late."
  "Well sir its 4th of July weekend, we're all booked up. You should had ordered weeks ago."
  "Weeks ago, I ordered them last weekend. And y'all said it would be here yesterday. I'm running all behind because of you and your company." Robert told him.
  "Sir, with no disrespect, its not my fault and I am sorry."
  "With no disrespect that its not your fault! The hell it is. From here on out, were no longer ordering shit from you. So good day you fucking jerk!"
  When Robert hung up he was so pissed off that he threw his phone and almost hit me but I had caught it.
  A few moments later his father and mother had came into the room and saw how pissed off their son is.
  "Son, what's the matter." His mother asked.
  "They said its not their fault that it got delivered today and that I should have ordered weeks ago. I ordered last weekend like you always done when I was a kid."
  "Son, its not a big deal. They came and were all on schedule. We've got everything set up." Shawn said.
  "Father no we don't, I still have shit to do. And we're not longer ordering from them again."
  "What? Why now did you do that for?" Heather said. "Just because your mad that it showed up a day late, that isn't called for. I get your trying to impress everyone here."
  "Yes I am. Devin just found his family, a family that wants to take him from this pack."
  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. I said drop that, alpha shit. I'm not discussing it now. As your delta, with no disrespect alpha, everything is perfect as planned. Yes my family is here and so is your in laws. So why won't you go run for a bit while I take care of the rest." I told him.
  "Devin, I didn't."
  "No, I know you didn't but please just do as I asked. With no disrespect." I said as I bowed me head a little to show him respect.
  He sighed then nodded. He got up and walked out the room. As for me, I looked at his parents then went to his desk. I looked at all the paperwork that he was doing for today. I signed on some that was perfect and others I had to deal with.
  About an hour of dealing with everything, I had went down to check everything out and see where we were at. The food was almost done and it was only 2pm, which was good. As I walked outside and saw that the warriors and guards had at least 5 fire pits ready to lite at 6 o'clock sharp. Only thing that wasn't done was the decorations. Some were working on that and other were throwing shit away.
  "What's in the name of this. Why are you throwing them away?"
  "Delta, their broken and old."
  "Sometimes old and broken can be made into something new. Take that shit out and let me look at it." I ordered.
  They all looked at each other like I grew and extra head.
  "That was an order. I'm in charge right now while the alpha is taking a break." I said then changed my eyes. "Chop chop." I clapped.
  They I showed my eyes they hurried up and done what I had asked. While I was looking, my family came over and helped. Peter and Damon smiled at me on how I handled what I did. I heard them say some things like; "He's ready to be an alpha. He's got the power to show it."
  I growled at them and they put their heads down. My grandparents chuckled at them. Even Peter's own parents laughed, which made me laugh in the inside but other than that, I was gonna make sure this was right for Robert.
  Close to 5:30 everything was done and ready. Robert and Scarlett came out and was in 'ahh' for being how amazed I pulled this off. Michelle came running over to me and jumped my back. Phil and Bailey wasn't to far either. I kissed them both on the lips while was holding Michelle.
  It was finally time to lit the fire pits and set up the display of the fireworks. When it was all set, dinner was being served out on the tables. While everyone was getting their food, me and Phil had lit some fireworks.
  This night was just being perfect, like who we wanted. Not even a rogue came, which made me shocked and so was our fathers. I was already on edge just wanting for an attack but nothing happened. Everyone saw that as well but it was all good. The night ended with a huge bang and they all loved it. And my night ended with a big bang with my mate and Bailey in the bedroom.
  One of the best night since us three started messing around. And hope it never stops.
  So should the alpha subject be out and about for Devin to take or no? Should he take his rightful place or just stay where he's at as a delta?
  Well stay tune and lets find out.

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