Chapter 31

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  About 72 hours later, I went back to the hospital to check out on Jackie. Yesterday, she was fully turned into a wolf but they still kept her there to make sure there were no side effects. Or her case of dying. But she handled it nicely, like a champ. I was actually proud of myself for doing that for the 1st time.
  When I went into their room, she was awake watching tv and eating some food since she couldn't really eat the passed few days. A few hours after the breaking started, she had a few seizures but I had the best drs and nurses to watch over her. But as soon as I heard she pulled through I ran over here as quick as I could. And now I have kept my end of our deal, its his turn to keep his end of our deal.
  Since Jackie has been turned, she's been training with the sister's and Bailey every Saturday and Sunday morning while the guys has been doing the same in the afternoons. Well other than me. I've been busy with work, trying to get this deal going on but its been kinda hard to get them to agree half the time.
  Phil came along with me to the company to check things out. He was gonna help out as well to make sure things are getting done right my way.
  "Alpha Beta, we wasn't expecting y'all today." My head security, Rusev had said.
  He was the best from Russia, my father found him years back and he was bad ass.
  "I know, but I'm sick of not getting what I want and need for this deal. So I'm coming in to set up a meeting with them through Skype and its too loud at home right now." I had said as I slide my badge through.
  "Oh, how is it at home? Other items being loud."
  "Great, the Luna is showing our newest member some moves and you know the sister's, how they can be." I told him.
  Rusev didn't stay on the pack lands with me nor my fathers. His wife was human and he wanted to live along them. Even though he's a shifter like us, just not a wolf. He was a coyote, a brother of our kind. Just as bad and mean as the wolves but not as big and bold as us.
  "Is Mark here?" I asked.
  "Umm, let me check. I just got here and hour ago." He said as he looked at his computer.
  Mark was one of my head managers to help us this place. He was human but knew about shifters. His wife was a witch and she was the power of sight and knowing. She works here as well with the data department. Tina was the best of her work even though they live in town as well.
  "Yes he's here. He got here two hours ago. He should be in his office. I can look on the camera for you."
  "No, its fine. I'll surprise him as well. But I do have one thing for you to do and check for me. Can you go with Phil here or have someone go with him to the vault and check everything in." I had asked as I looked at Phil.
  "What do you want me to do in their other than that?" Phil asked.
  "I need half a million for the Hawaii building. I know we have enough here and Rusev if there's anything that needs to be done let him know as well."
  "Yes, alpha sir. I'll send David with Phil." Rusev said.
  I nodded at him then kissed Phil on the forehead before walking away. As I head to the elevator, to go to my office floor, everyone was shocked to see me here on a Sunday.
  As I moved throughout the hallways to get to my office door, after I walked out the elevator, I saw Candy my assistant, walking with folders in her arms. She always ran into, while reading some of the paperwork.
  "Candy," I called out to her.
  She had jumped to my voice and almost dropped everything. I had to grab everything before she did. "Mr. Devin, sir. What are you doing here on a Sunday?"
  "Meeting with board to get what I need. Send Mark to my office please and please of the love of god, watch where your walking as well."
  "Yes, sir. Sorry sir." She said as she sped walk to where ever she was heading to in the first place.
  I looked at her as she walked away from me, I just nodded my head at her. Thought to myself she was a crazy one for a human.
  As I got to my office, I opened up my computer and started to call in all the board members through Skype. Once they all came up, I started talking. Telling them I need what I need and how its gonna be. As I was telling them, I heard a knock on my door and looked up. It was Mark. I waved him in while talking to the board.
  "Look, I have more enough to get the building in Hawaii and I'm getting it. I already talk to my father about it he's fine with it and my friend that lives in Hawaii said he's already got 10 people ready to join the company." I had said.
  "Alpha, we get what your doing. But as king, are you sure this is what you need to travel and move the company." One of the board members said.
  "As alpha king, I am willing to do what needs to be done. Y'all work for me now not my father so what I say has to go even if y'all like it. Y'all just help run it." I told them.
  "Devin, I agree with you on this." Mark said. "I've punched in the numbers and were more than enough to do at least 4 companies."
  "Mark, don't give him any ideas on more over seas." The board has said.
  "Why not Alyssa, is that what were supposed to do is expand out company. His father James didn't want to do it because of those who work for him. But if Devin here is willing to do just that. We have to do it. Hell, I'll even travel with him or by myself to get what we need for this company. We have billions of money that needs to be invested." Mark had said.
  As all the board members were looking around at each other talking it over, I had looked up at Mark and smiled. For a human he wasn't half bad.
  Just as Phil and David came into the room, they both sat down and waited. This was the hardest part of the meeting with the board. As well all waited, I rung in Candy to bring us some cold cuts and coffee.
  As well waited for them to finish their little meeting, I had people coming into my office asking me to sign paperwork for things we needed and I did just that. I grabbed my laptop from my drawer to go through emails as we kept watching them talk on the tv screens.
  As I seen the one email I was waiting for, I clapped loud making everyone jump where they were, even the board members.
  "Even if y'all make your mind up or not. Its happening. I just got my building and Colby is making sure its together for me by next weekend. So if you guys are done, I would like to get on with other shit." I said as I signed some more paperwork for Candy.
  "Devin, I no we don't feel its right. But since you already have it then do what you gotta do. Just keep us updated on it."
  "I will." I said as I ended the call.
  I turned my TV on to the news and turned it down as I had my little meeting Mark with Phil and David along. Other than Candy and a few other assistants coming and going.
  Once we were done, David walked Phil out to the car as I closed up my last deal with Mark. Once that was through, I walked out of my office and headed down with Candy with me, signing for stuff. I guess I was a little behind but it happens when you try to get things done your way. Some were for the new building and for future things.
  Once I got to the car, it was starting to rain a little, so once I got in the car I looked at Candy.
  "Forward all emails home please I'll see you tomorrow. And oh, have our favorite lunch delivered tomorrow at 1pm please. You, Mark and us." I told her.
  "Yes sir. Have a nice rest of your day and sorry you had to come in like you did." She had said.
  "Its fine. Just make sure its all done tonight." I said then drove off.
  As I was driving home, I thought of who I wanted to bring with me. Phil or Bailey and Damon or Stefan and Paige. If I bring Bailey, Paige has to come along with one of her brothers and if its Phil just one of the brothers.
  "Take Bailey with you." Phil said like he was reading my mind.
  "What?" I asked acting all confused.
  "Take Bailey with you." He repeated. "I'm the beta, I have to stay home and make sure the pack is safe and protected."
  "Umm that's what Damon or Stefan is for."
  "I know, but just take her. Let her see the world or whatever. I've seen enough as a kid." He told me.
  "You sure?"
  "Yes, love. I'm sure, I'm sure." He said he leaned over to kiss my cheek.
  I smiled a little to let him know I understood. As well got home, it was just a few minutes before dinner was ready. Right as I walked into the whole house smelled so good that as it hit me, my stomach started talking. I walked in the kitchen and I see Bailey and Mary was cooking together. I was shocked that Bailey was cooking.
  "Hey loves. How's work?" She asked us before Phil took the money up to my office safe.
  "Frustrated but great." I had said as I came over to her and kissed her on her cheek. "Phil take that upstairs please."
  Phil nodded the left us. Bailey pulled in her eyebrows at me wondering what was in that bag. I just shook my head and kissed right where her eyebrows were pulled together.
  "Smells good what is it?" I asked.
  "Well we didn't go by what we've planed, so its a surprise so go take a shower and change and be down here in about 10-15 minutes or so." Bailey told me as she turned me around and slapped my ass.
  As she slapped my ass she giggled and getting one out of Marybeth. I just shook my head and done what was told.
  Once I got to my room, I started taking off each layer of clothing and neatly set them to the side for tomorrow. As I was about to get in the shower Phil came in with all smiles. I glared at him as he came my way and pushed me into bathroom. I just let it happened, I knew where this was going. Either Bailey told him to distract me or he was actually wanting this.
  When we got to the shower, he turned it on as we stepped in. It was cold for a minute or two until the hot water had hit us. While he was kissing me, he reached down and started rubbing me out and I done the same to him. As I felt myself getting close, he stopped and dropped down and started giving me a bj. I loved it when he did, he had his ways just like Bailey had hers.
  Once I felt myself let go, I was gonna do the same to him but he stopped me and shook his head. I pulled my eyebrows in and stuck out my lip to him. He just leaned in and kissed me.
  After about 15 minutes of being in the shower, all washed up and a little less stressful, we got out and got dressed. I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top before walking downstairs to go eat. Once I got down there, Marybeth was setting up everyone's plates.
  "So, the alpha's all left a little after you left this morning. Some told me that they were sorry for how everything went down." Bailey said.
  "Well that's good."
  "Yeah, and they all said that even though shit went down hill, they all said you can count on them as your ally."
  "Wow," Robert said.
  "Yeah, wow." Scarlett agreeing. "He kills the king and becomes one and still gets the respect. That's rad."
  "Sure is." Paige added. "And they watched us girls train with Jackie this morning. I think with me and my sisters we intimidated them." she said laughing a little.
  Everyone joined in with laughter, like a little family should. It was crazy how so much has happened and its like it never really happened at all. I love my pack and who's in it, even if its 4 packs together but I ain't gonna do what my mother did. I'll just run this pack and let my uncles and cousin run theirs.
  My grandparents and Peter left after dinner saying they needed to get home. Parker said the same thing, he left the twins in charged which was a bad thing to him but what could he do. As everyone slowly left, it was just us 3 together at the table eating dessert that Bailey said she made it. It was sweet apple pie and god it was good.
  That night was one of the best nights since they all became as one other than the very first night that will always be my most favorite night.

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