Chapter 36

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  As our time here was ending, it was making me more nervous on how I wanted to make the big bang on how I wanted to propose to her. I had so many ideas in so little time.
  I had sent her off to one last spa trip, to make her feel good on our last days, but as that was happening, I made a little candle light dinner off by the falls that had found close the the ocean. It was beautiful, at the spot I had picked.
  I done the same thing I done with our 2nd date. I placed roses all over the area, some champagne glasses with a bottle in a bucket of ice. As that was setting, I checked my phone and saw it was getting close to Bailey showing back up. So as I was waiting, I went back to the house to grab my swimming trunks, then head back out to the water. I dove under as far as I could to find the perfect spot. I some a few clams with their mouths either open or broken (which were dead). As I found that perfect spot, I place the ring there and swam my way back up.
  As I got on land, I had saw she was walking her way towards the house. I ran towards her and hugged her with all my might. She giggled when I got to her.
  "Hey, why are you all wet?" She had asked.
  "I went for a little swim to cool myself off, while I was waiting for your beautiful self." I told her.
  "Awe, how sweet." She said as she kissed my cheek. "So are we still on for dinner like you promised me?"
  "Yes, my lady. As you may join me this way." I had said as I swung my arm out towards the way of the dinner.
  As we walked towards the set up, she had grabbed ahold of my arm and giggled in my ear. She was trying to get some brownie points tonight. Just hearing her giggles in my ear, was turning me on. I was about to say fuck this dinner and take her into the bedroom and fuck the living hell out of her but I wanted this to be special. Especially what's down on the sea floor.
  Once we got there, I had her sit down and I pushed her in and joined her across the table. I lifted up the lid and her eyes got big. She saw the wonderful that I had made for us. Her smile was so big, I thought she was gonna break her face or at least her jaw. Which just made me smile, just seeing her like this.
  As well dug into our food, all I thought about was us swimming and her finding the ring and me getting down on one leg and asking her. But only time was taking the stand fall for this right now. And it was being slow as hell. And I think she knew something was up when she saw me looking out in the water. That was one of the big give aways.
  She asked me what was wrong and I told her nothing, just watching how the day is doing just fine. Especially with her around, it made it all better. She smiled even more and moved her hair behind her ear.
  Yes, she liked it. More points. I just laughed to myself.
  About 20 or so minutes later, she sat back in her chair and placed her hand over her belly. I knew she was full but she was about to lose that fullness in a few moments when we go swimming.
  "Full my love?" I asked.
  "Yes, this food was so good. Did you make it or did you hire someone?" She asked.
  Ouch. "No, I made it while you were gone to the spa. And after it was done and while was waiting for you, I went for a dive and found something down there. Which I want you to see before the sun sets." I said looking out towards the sunset. "Which is beautiful, by the way. Just as you are."
  "What is it?" She had asked.
  "Well your gonna have to come see for herself. So take your sundress off and come follow me." I told her.
  She nodded and started to untie her sundress. As well walked towards the water edge, we stood there smiling at each other until I grabbed her hand and we ran out into the water to get where we needed to swim to.
  As well swam towards the bottom sea floor, we saw a few dolphins swimming around as well. It was amazing and better than I had pictured it. It was perfect.
  As well got to the spot, a dolphin swim to use and poked Bailey with it nose, wanting her to pet it. I saw her face lite up even more, which was making this night even better. Once she was done, I pointed to the spot and she started to fill around as I thought she would but she didn't find it yet. So I went to go help her out before we lose our breath. Once I found it, I handed it to her and then pointed up. We petty the dolphin that was swimming around us before going up.
  As we both were about to lose our breath, the dolphin and a friend of its helped us get back to the surface and back to land. We were out further than I thought but it was worth it.
  As we swam to the beach, we fell back against the sand to catch our breath, just as the sun was starting to set. I rolled over to look at her and as I did, she was looking at the clam that was half broke but was afraid to open it so I sat up on my knees and took the clam from her hands and looked up at her.
  "I've thought of a million ways to ask you and I came up with nothing. I've even asked Phil if y'all people for help and well he came up with nothing as well. But as our time is ending here, I came up with something and even talked it over with Phil. He agreed with me on this and well, as the sun is going down, so is our time. But as from here on out, I'll never stop doing what I do best for you as your alpha, your boyfriend, nor as your soon to be husband. So I here by asking you with this ring, will you do me the honors of saying yes, to becoming my wife Bailey?" I had asked.
  I saw her eyes started to tear up and it made me want to start crying myself but I was the man, I had to hold it in til she gave me the answer I wanted.
  It felt like forever since I asked and as I looked over at the sun it was almost gone. But as I looked back to ask her again, she grabbed ahold of me and kissed me so hard with passion that gave me my answer that I wanted.
  "Yes, you goofball. I'll be your wife!" She said all excitedly.
  I slid the ring on her finger, kissed the ring then her hand before looking up at her to kiss those perfect round lips of hers.
  As we sat there kissing while the sun went down, both of us shivering from being cold and wet on a warm night, finally got up and went into the house to take a nice hot shower and make love for the 1st time as fiancees.
  I am so very sorry this took awhile. Clearly you can see that I was trying to make it sweet and cute with multiple chapters of being in Hawaii, going on different dates to finally come up a way to propose to her.
  So I would love to thank Tanya Gilford, Madalyn Ashley/QueenBee_1322, and Theresa Lambe for helping me with these idea's.
  And speaking of Tanya Gilford, those who love happy ending and great love stories or wolves book as much as I do, please check her out either on dreame or kindle. ?

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