Chapter 21

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  After I told them that I would take over, I went back to the alpha house and went up to my room. Bailey was laying in the bed on her belly crying softly half way covered up. I felt bad that I yelled at her, mostly growled but still. Phil stayed downstairs with them to go over everything and figured everything out before we moved here and let me deal with her. I sighed when I closed the door and walked over to her.
  "Bailey, roll over and look at me." I calmly said.
  I was still mad but I didn't want her not be able to talk to me. Which was going to be a 50/50 chance of either way.
  "Bailey, please roll over." I asked again.
  She didn't move, she just laid there crying. So I have smacked her ass a little hard. Which I knew what it would do to her but I wasn't trying to get her in that mood. She didn't move so I did it again a little harder. When I smacked her a little harder, she moved her hand on her ass and rubbed it.
  "Will you please, the love of moon goddess, roll over so we can talk!" I raised my voice a little with her. She was frustrating me in every way. "Please don't make me use my alpha tone on you. I didn't like it before and I don't ever want to use it on you again."
  "Then why the fuck did you use it on me then!" She rolled over and yelled me.
  "Because you were fighting me as your delta and mate even with Phil, as your beta." I yelled back. "Why in the hell would you do that shit. She's just a family friend of my parents, she's like an aunt to me."
  "I didn't like what she did to you okay. And that comment she said it just pissed me off. I'm your mate, start acting like it."
  "Excuse me," I said as I got up. "I am your mate and I am acting like it. Your the one that isn't acting like it. For fuck sake, Bailey. I get this is the first time to ever cross a woman that is putting their hands on me other than you and my mother but I don't see Paige like that nor does she. I'm kinda gay here, did you forget that."
  "You sure don't act like it when were in middle of doing it!" She yelled at me.
  "Because its you. Your the only girl that I've ever fucked and I wanna keep it that way." I yelled back.
  This was going no where other then pissing me off. Where I just want to shift and run off somewhere. But I can't do that, especially if I take over this pack. I don't want myself to feel weak.
  "Look, I'm taking this pack over by the next full moon, that's in a month. So you either want to start acting like my mate or don't. I'll drop you like we never met and leave you back with your parents." I said to her. Her face got all shocked like that I even said that.
  "You wouldn't!" She said then started to tear up a little.
  "I don't fucking want to Bailey because I fucking love the shit out of you. But your making me lose my mind here. I need you by my side to run this pack along with Phil. I need you to be with me when I start looking for who came here and killed my parents and took me away from this pack. I need you to step the fuck up and help me by all means. Do you got that? Or do you want me to leave you at your parents?" I said giving her, her options on what she wants.
  I don't want to come back here with her and then she changed her fucking mind. I don't need that. I want to keep my head leveled and know what I'm doing.
  It felt like hours have passed before I gotten an answer from her. She just sat there chewing on her lip, half naked. I just wanted to fuck her til the end of time right now and just be over it. I hate fighting with someone, especially if its with someone I love.
  I rubbed my hands on my face and sighed. I head back to the door then stopped and looked at her.
  "You have until tomorrow night, before we leave, to say sorry to Paige and her brothers for being disrespectful towards them on their own lands. Then you have a month to think what you want before I bring you back here with me." I told her then opened the door and walked out.
  I was beyond stupid pissed off but I didn't want to take it out of her anymore then I did.
  Once I got outside, I went looking for Phil. I needed to be calmed down right now before I lose my shit. I needed to feel him, I need to feel those sparks.
  As I was walking around the pack lands looking for him, I felt a off energy like something was about to happen. I stopped dead in my tracks then bent down to touch the ground. Once I touched it, I felt like the air was being sucked and I wasn't liking it.
  I mind linked Phil. "Phil are you with Damon?"
  "Yes why what's wrong?"
  "Where are you?"
  "We're at the track and field, watching some of the warriors train."
  "Tell him to have everyone get to safety now please. I don't feel right."
  "On it."
  As soon as I ended out mind linked, I ran as fast as I can go the track and field. Phil looked at me then came running towards me. Damon, Stefan, and Paige looked my way. Once Phil touched me, I was a little calm but it didn't last though.
  As I slowly walked over to Damon and them, that's when I felt the air suck out of me. I stumbled forward for a second then hear something flying my way.
  When I looked at the last second, I pushed Phil away from me and took the shot. It was a sliver arrow flying right at me. I snapped it in half and growled. I flamed on like the the human torch and charged my way to who ever attacked me.
  I heard growls coming my way and behind me. But I was more into finding who shot the arrow and why.
  When I heard another shot, I looked right as I felt the arrow hit me in my shoulder again. Then I saw it was a guy dressed in all black with a bow in his head ready to shoot again.
  I used my speed and got to him just as he was shooting me. I caught the arrow and stabbed him in his chest just above his heart. I grabbed the bow and broke it just as a few wolfs were coming my way.
  There were about 20 wolves and they all looked small just hey, small wolfs can still kill you though.
  As I got to 3 of them, I saw Phil and Damon fighting off 2 each while Stefan was having trouble with a few of them. Even though I was still in my human form, I was on fire, pumped, on a roll. Even though I was on fire, some of the wolves wasn't scared at all. It was like it didn't even faze them at all.
  When I got to Stefan, I grabbed two of the wolves and smashed their heads together, killing them. Stefan looked at me and growled for thanks. I nodded at him then ran towards Phil and Damon and helped them. Just as I running towards them, Paige and her sisters came running passed and you can totally see who they were. They were huge in wolf form.
  As I wasn't looking, Phil wasn't being tossed right at me. I caught him in midair but landed hard. It took some air from me.
  "Devin are you okay?" Phil asked me.
  "Yes, are you?" I asked.
  "Yes, these wolves are driving me insane right now."
  "Me too. Let's kill them and get it over with." I told him.
  He nodded then got up. I got up and got on his back and he ran towards a huge group of the wolves that was left. Once we got to them, I jumped off of Phil and shifted in mid jump and landed on two wolves and sliced their throats. When I stepped in front of the rest, I growled at them and they all froze. Even with my flames still on, they just stared at me. They all looked at each other then one stepped forward and growled at me. I took a step as well, I was guessing his was an alpha of this little pack, well their boss. He don't feel like an alpha, his energy was all wrong, off. Then his eyes changed black and came at me.
  He was like a demon of some kind. Like what the hell. Just as he tried to get his teeth around my neck, I dodged his attack and jumped on his back and got my teeth into his neck and killed him. As I killed him, the others just killed over. Like what the hell. When I shifted, I looked around and saw all the wolves were all on the ground. I went to where I saw that human from earlier and he was still alive. I grabbed him by his throat and growled at him.
  "What was this?" I had growled.
  "It was a small army of what's gonna happen from months from now." He had said spitting out some blood.
  "Wolves of nothing? I killed the leader wolf and they all died."
  "Yes I saw, that wasn't supposed to have happen. My powers became weak once you stabbed me with this sliver arrow."
  "What are you?" I asked.
  "A witch that was willing to do whatever to help his master kill off the last of this pack and you like it was supposed to have happened long time ago."
  "Who is behind all of this? Who is your master, tell me now." I growled using my alpha tone.
  "You do not scare me," he started to say until I flamed on and it was even brighter and more dangerous looking. My eyes glowed a dark purple with a little black to them from being very angry. The man, witch, whatever he is jumped in my hands.
  "You were saying." I said ass I grew out my nails in left hand and brought them to his face. "Who is he?" I growled again.
  "I don't know who he is, didn't give me a name I just know who he looks like." The witch said.
  I growled at him then looked to my side and saw there was some arrows left. I grabbed one and stuck it in his leg. He had screamed from the pain.
  "Damon Stefan, do you have a place for him to be locked up in. I ain't done with him." I had asked.
  "Yes, we have a silver jail cell in the pack house in the basement." Damon had said.
  "Good, chain him up as well with sliver chains and put some sliver in his blood stream every two hours so he can't get away or use his powers. I have to get back to Bailey, have a feeling he's up to something."
  "Oh that pretty, dirty blonde young thang, half naked crying, I've may have done something to her." He said.
  I growled at him then pouched him in the face knocking him out. I shifted ran towards the house with Phil behind me. As soon as I got to the house I shifted and started yelling for Bailey. When I got to my room, I was still yelling for her. I didn't see her at all, I was flipping the fuck out. I saw the bathroom door was closed and kicked it open and saw she was in the tub taking a bubble bath with headphones in. I jumped into the tub and hugged her. She jumped when I did, taking her headphones out.
  "Hey what's going on? Why did you jump in here like that?" She said looking at both me and Phil with confused looks. "What's wrong?" She asked again.
  I didn't answer her, I just kissed her hard with love and laid on her chest.
  "Devin Phil! Did you find her?" Damon asked when he came into the room.
  "Yes, we found her she's fine." Phil had told him.
  "Wait what are you talking about? Find who me, I've been here this whole time after we fought." She said.
  "There was an attack on the pack and a guy said he had done something to you and it had got me all worried. I don't know if I can forgive myself if anything happened to you after earlier." I told her.
  "Babe, I'm fine. I know what we said was uncalled for but I'm fine, I promise."
  I nodded my head then kissed her once more then getting out. Phil had handed me a towel to dry off and head back into the bedroom. I looked at Damon and he looked calm but pissed.
  "What do you want me to do to him?" Damon asked.
  "Just lock him up for now and do what I said. I'll get to him later tonight. Or tomorrow morning before I leave. Just keep a few guards on him. I have a feeling that this isn't the end. Its just a start." I told him.
  "And that there is a true, real alpha talking." Damon said.
  "Sure is, are you sure you want to wait a month?" Phil asked placing a hand on my shoulder.
  "I don't know, maybe not. I don't want to lose anymore of my family's pack so," I started to say. "Give me til this coming weekend and I'll give the call." I said.
  "I'll make the rearrangement for the order to be changed. By honor of blue bloods pack or Blue Crescent Moon Pack- this pack, tour grandparents pack and your uncles pack, that you haven't met yet, into one, has always been yours. I was just a temporary alpha waiting for it real one." Damon told me.
  "Set it in motion then, have all 3 packs here for it. I want to get this done and over with." I growled.
  "It'll be done. How about I add some more alphas and you'll see what's gonna happen." Damon told me. "I'll get on to it, right away."
  I nodded at him and he walked out the room, closing the door. Bailey came out the bathroom with a robe on and wrapped her arms around from the back and kissed my shoulders. I turned my head to look at her and kissed her forehead.
  "Let's get some rest, we have an earlier busy day tomorrow. After I talk to this bastard, we're heading home to start packing. Are you willing to do what I've asked of you?" I asked her.
  "Yes, I'll follow you to the ends of time as your Luna, as your mates." She said then kissed me on the lips and some so with Phil. "Us 3, against it all, no matter what." She said.
  "Better keep your word on that." Phil said then looked at me. "I better call our parents and Robert to tell them what's going on and what we're doing."
  "Yep, Robert isn't going to be happy about this but I have to do what I was born to do." I had said.
  I was born to make sure our kind was safe from harm just like my mother. But she had passed away leaving me in the dust not knowing what to do. But I now know what I have to do. And that's to make sure, my pack alone and everyone else is safe.
  So what did everyone thing of this? Was this crazy or what. I was on my toes thinking what to write and how to make everything fit and work. I've read this chapter a few times after I've wrote it, seeing its okay or if I have to change things and I was just wowed away at my own work ?

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