Chapter 9

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  Philip's POV
  After I received the power of the beta from my father, I walked over to where my mother was. She smiled and hugged me. Then here came James, walking in the middle where my father was.
  "As my son takes his place as the next delta." James had said looking at Devin.
  I looked over at Devin and I could see how nervous and scared her was. He didn't want this spot in the first place but Shawn said it was best for him. As Devin walked up to the stage slowly, until he got to his father they smiled at each for a moment before cutting their hands. They said their vows and held their hands together. I could see DJ felt James's power move into him. Like he was getting stronger, like how Robert and I felt. But this looked different.
  Devin bent down to one knee, guessing he was feeling off, I ran over to him and grabbed his arm for support. As he looked up at me, I saw his eyes change from his wolf to his phoenix. Like they were fighting each other with this new power.
  "Son, are you okay?" James asked.
  "Devin, speak to us. What's happening?" Shawn asked him.
  "All the powers, are combining together as one. Mary says its taking a toll on me. She told me not to fight it, let it flow through me." Devin said then stood up and howled into the sky.
  Everyone had howled with him, including me. But I felt something hit me, it was like guilt and failing. But it was me, I looked after I howled, I saw something in Devin. His eyes faded and rolled into the back of his head. I hurried up and grabbed him as he passed out, so be wouldn't hit his head on the stage. I was checking him out as Shawn and James came over. Robert, ran over with Jamie and stood beside us.
  "What happened?" Robert asked as his father spoke.
  "Get him to his room now." Shawn ordered.
  "He's bleeding from his nose." I said.
  "What's going on with my baby." Jamie had cried out.
  "The power was too much for him." I said as I picked him up and ran off the stage.
  Everyone was staring at us all worried for their delta. As I was running into the house, I heard Shawn spoke again.
  "Our delta is fine. Just passing over powers with his own powers took a lot. But the moon goddess is watching over him and is healing. As you may please enjoy the rest of the night."
  After that, I was already in the house, up to his room. Well our room now, since were mates. I still haven't fixed my room since what happened last. I told my parents do whatever they want with it. Once I laid him on his bed, I ran into our bathroom and grabbed a rag and turned on the cold water. Once it was wet, I went back to Devin and put into his face. As I was sitting there, the others came in. Robert and his mate since they were the new alpha and luna, they were worried for their delta, both our fathers and Shawn. Heather, Michelle, and Jamie must have stayed downstairs to keep everyone calm.
  "Is he okay?" Luna had asked.
  "I don't know luna." I told her.
  "Please you can still call me Scarlett."
  "Well I don't know, Scarlett. He said that Mary said that all his powers were forming together as one. That it was taking a toll on him." I had said. Then looked at James and Shawn. "He told you guys he didn't want this and now look at him. We don't even know if he'll come out of it this time."
  "Phil, I know your worried about your mate. We all are, he's my son." James said as he put husband on my shoulder.
  "No, its my fault," Shawn had said.
  "Father what do you mean?" Robert asked.
  "I pushed him hard this morning. I shouldn't have." Shawn said.
  "My cousin, who passed away, she had powers that the moon goddess gave her and she couldn't control them at first. It got worse when she was pregnant. Her mate had to stay away from them half the time." Scarlett had said.
  "Wait, your cousin was the wolf that got those power's." I had said "could that mean," I started to say then looked at Shawn then James.
  "No, son. It don't mean anything. It can't be his mother." James had said then looked up at Shawn.
  "Wait, y'all think Devin is my cousin's son?" She had said. "They all died, almost 14 years ago. There's no way."
  "I found him when he was 3 years old, roaming in the woods." Shawn said.
  "Where at?" She asked as she came over to the bed and sat next to his head.
  "About 30 miles from here, I was out hunting, when I heard a toddler was crying out for his parents. I had my men search that area all in a 15 mile radius all around, they found no one." Shawn had said.
  "That means someone had taken him and whoever took his attacked him and Devin probably ran for his life. Oh god, poor child. If that was my Michelle, I would been worried sick and wouldn't know what to do." She said as she rubbed Devin's cheek.
  After a few moments, they all left. Scarlett ran out of the room fast, probably to check on her daughter. Robert ran after her a second later. He was stepping up to the whole father thing. Shawn, had ordered everyone to leave us alone until further notice.
  Me, I was more worried that this was gonna be longer than before but I had to pray to Mary that she could help him through this.
  Devin's POV
  As before I was back into my dream state. I wondered around the area. I was lost, until I had stumbled along and area from my nightmares. It all flagged back to me.
  I was having fun playing, when a wolf was behind me. My mother ordered me to run to my room. When was in there, a man had grabbed me. I tried so hard to see who it was, but it was too dark in there to see.
  Then it flashed to me being at the river where found Mary the 1st time. She was playing with some kind of power. She had it floating around her.
  "My child you still have problems with the powers. I told you not to fight it."
  "I didn't, I did what you said."
  "Hmm, something wrong then. Your mother wasn't like this at all. Maybe your alpha blood isn't want to combine with your delta powers."
  "Alpha blood?" I asked.
  "Yes, your an alpha. Well least your parents were. But it shouldn't matter though. The former alpha Shawn, brought you into his pack. So your delta powers from your father shouldn't matter. You should be fine with them."
  "So what your saying, I'm supposed to be an alpha not a delta."
  "Well yes, my child. The most powerful alpha of all time. Only if you could speak to your parents here."
  "I don't, I'm not ready yet."
  "I know, your not ready. But you need to get ready." She told me.
  "Just wish who took me, that day. Maybe I would know more."
  "Maybe, you already have someone from your past with you. Maybe the one that took you, your living with. All in time, it will be shown." She had said. "But now, you need to be awake." She said snapped her fingers.
  When I opened my eyes, I saw it was dark still and that Phil was laying next to me. He had his head on my chest and he was drawing on my stomach with my v line hair. I wanted to chuckle a little but I just laid here and watched him.
  He drew hearts and words saying I love you and etc. He was tickling me and I tried to hold it in but I couldn't anymore.
  "Alright you need to stop that." I had said.
  He froze from what he was doing then raised up to look at me.
  "How long have you been awake?"
  "Hmm, you drew some hearts and some words saying I love you and so on and so on. So about 5 minutes maybe." I said.
  "And you couldn't have said anything?" He scolded me. "I've been laying here for hours waiting for you to wake up and you just gonna lay there and watch me. That's a little bit uncalled for there mr."
  "No, this is a bit uncalled for. Maybe I was enjoying this moment a little bit longer." I told him then got up out of the bed.
  I walked over to the loft and opened the doors. I looked at and saw the moon was full and it was shinning bright. A few stars flew past the moon and thought it was cool. When I looked down, I still saw some of the pack members were by the fire, relaxing and having fun. I even saw my uncle Shawn and aunt Heather eating s'mores.
  "Eat some for me." I mind linked Shawn.
  I saw him choke on the bite he had in his mouth then looked up at me.
  "Well, glad to see your up, delta. Enjoy your free time with your beta before work starts in the morning."
  "I'll try, he's a little butt hurt right now."
  "What did you do?" He asked me.
  "I woke up and watched him drawing on me and didn't say a word until it started to tickle."
  He laughed a little. "I love when Heather does that."
  "Goodnight, love you." I mind linked both Shawn and Heather.
  Heather looked up and waved then blew out a kiss for me. I smiled at her then walked away from the window and closed it. When I turned around, Phillip was coming back into the room with a tray of snacks. When I saw there was s'mores on that tray, I smiled big time. I rolled my eyes at him and digged in.
  "I'm guessing you were talking to Shawn because the omega handed me this tray of s'mores and milk." Phil said.
  "Yea, I saw he was eating some and told him to eat some for me."
  Phil chuckled as he ate one himself as he set the tray on the bed.
  After awhile of eating our delicious snacks and milk, we laid back on the bed and cuddled. As I was almost asleep, I heard the door open for a moment then felt someone come behind me. When I turned over it was Bailey.
  "Let's me guess, Phil mind linked you?" I asked.
  "Yep, he saw how great we slept together last night, we might as well keep doing it." She said as she kissed me on the lips.
  As Bailey was kissing me, I saw Phil smile in his sleep. Or he was pretending he was asleep. Either way, I was glad to have my people that cared for me and loved me. Even if it felt wrong for others.

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