Chapter 40

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3rd person POV

As the flash of lightning hitting everywhere around everyone. Someone was pissed and it wasn't the alpha king doing all the work. But who was it, there was only one person that could do something like that and it was her. The Moon Goddess herself.
As a bright light had touched down to the ground, it wasn't just the moon goddess by herself. She had brought back up but not just any kind of back up. She brought back all those who have lost their lives for this war. 4 generations of families.
Ira & Sara, Rose & Oliver, Devin & Kelly, Kaitlyn & Jackson, and Zara & Gavin. They all came down lined up with the moon goddess, ready to fight once more.
Shawn was shocked and scared at the same time. He didn't know what to do at first. Not until the moon goddess had walked in the middle of everyone and stared off towards Shawn.

"I saw this coming for 100 years. Just waiting 80 years for you to make your move." She had said. "I may have made you all, but I didn't want this to become a fight. You brought this to yourselves. Yes, I get you have to fight to defend your land but to steal another packs child and kill to get to them, I didn't raise y'all that way." She said. "Then you have someone else to do your dirty work because you wanted to have a hybrid son of your own. Well that backed fire when you turned their daughter into a wolf before having a son. But what I done to Zara, giving her power that she had passed on to her son was a blessing. I put everything once of power I had to give him the strength to kill the king so he could become the king just for this fight." She said.

She spoke the truth of how she done everything just to get where they're at. A war she didn't want but helped get those ready for it. A warning she gave to Rose almost 50 years ago to have a strong daughter but died giving birth to her. That wasn't planned how she wanted it. But when she had Rose tell her Liv on the day Zara was born that it wasn't her end that she had saved her to get her ready for this.
A female alpha is suppose to die when they give birth to another alpha female, but the moon goddess has stopped that just to have a strong enough warrior army. Ran by the most strongest female ever. But that turned out getting a little backed fired. Not what she saw happening when the one that started this years back, stole the most powerful wolf of all time on top of the moon goddess herself.
But no one saw him finding out the truth behind everything after so many years. They thought he would get over it and move on but he never did.
As the moon goddess was talking, Shawn had enough and shifted to attack her but Devin had shifted himself and flamed on and went head on. As that went, both sides of packs had started the war. As the witch tried his best, the moon goddess had went to all packs and told them what was going on. That the alpha king needed help and it was now.
It didn't take long for those who would serve the king to get there thanks to the moon goddess and the witch to zap them there.
Once they saw the the damage, they ran to help their king to end the war. Devin was doing his damnest to kill Shawn's pack until he saw his somewhat cousin and god mother. Robert had Heather, his mother by her throat, dragging her.
All what was going through Devin's head on how he would do something like this to his own mother was awful to watch. To bare it. Ralph saw it and went to attack but he was hit from the side sending whatever power and hit Jackie that was next to Paige. They both went flying from the explosion.
Ralph screamed with rage, making the ground shake. But it didn't stop no one from fighting.
As both sides were about even, both losing warriors. Devin saw that, so did the moon goddess. She shook her head at him and told him that this had to end now. With the wave of her hand, she sent the last of her power to Devin.
In his wolf form, he was strong but now he was stronger. Nothing could hurt him. But one person and no one knew that but the one person herself. She wouldn't kill or dare hurt or kill off what she had made. She wasn't very happy how she had done it but it had to be done.
As Devin got the chance, he ran over to Robert killed him in one bite to the neck. Shawn seeing what had done sent him in overdrive rage and went to go after him. But Devin saw it coming. He turned and done his worst against Shawn. He saw Shawn was already hurt, where he could barely even move enough. But once he got where he had him, it was game over.
Lights out.
One snap of the neck with one bite and Shawn was dead. All you heard was screams from Heather. He was her mate after all but she couldn't do anything. She wasn't strong enough to fight Devin or anyone else.
After Shawn was long gone, everyone had stopped fighting. Devin walked over to the moon goddess and lowered himself down in front of her. Bowing more like it.
She had petted his head to thanked him for his duty's, the respect he showed her and those around.
As it all dyed down, Devin saw who all he had lost, who was hurt, and those who were still alive. Ralph was over by Jackie holding her in his arms. She was alive but hurt from his blast. Heather was next to her son and mate crying, not caring about her parents even though she was the one that needed to be rescued from the evil monster.
Once all was checked out and taken care of, Devin went to his parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. After he thought long and hard how he would never see them again til the day gets would die, was standing next to him hugging him and loving him. People he never meant before but heard stories about was loving him.
About 3 hours later, the moon goddess came over to Devin and told him it was time to go. That her time on earth was enough for a life time. That she had to bring back those who came. To make the world balanced once again.

"Take care my child. Use your gift wisely. Don't take it for granted but I know how you are so I can't say much about it. I'll be watching you though. If you need the help, I'll be there with you." She has told him as she kissed his forehead.

Then her and everyone she had brought with her was gone in a flash. Like literally.
Devin felt bad that his parents were gone again but he was glad that he got tonight along side of them. Something he thought he never do.
All the other alphas had left thanks for the help of Ralph. He transport them back to where they came from. Back to their lives like nothing ever happened but knowing it had.
After awhile Heather had got up and walked over to her parents and cried to them. Feeling bad how everything had took but all in Devin's eyes, he was glad it was over.
Now that he can finally get back to normal and rest for a long time. Or until his sickness was over with.

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