Chapter 11

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  Robert's POV
  When I woke up, Scarlett wasn't laying in my arms. I got scared for a moment until I heard her talking outside on the balcony. So I got out of bed and walked over to the window doors and listen to who she was talking to.
  "Mom, I'm serious. This kid has the same thing that Zara had." She said. "But I think worse though."
  After a few moments there was a pause guessing her mother was talking to her.
  "Is aunt Liv there?" She asked. "No, dang. Do you remember what her grandsons name was?"
  Another pause but this was longer. Like every time Scarlett tries to speak, her mother stopped her.
  "But do we really know if he even died. What if he got away? Mom look, no stop I'm serious. This kid scares the pack half the time, even my own mate and he's the alpha." She said.
  One I wasn't scared, my wolf was scared for some reason.
  "Who's the alpha of Zara's pack now?" She asked. "His beta took over, oh okay. Well least it went down the line. Can you have aunt Liv call me later." She said. "Thank you, I love you and tell daddy hi for me please." She said then hung up.
  When she got up to turn and come back into the room, I scared the hell out of her. She put her hand on her chest.
  "God dammit Robert."
  "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her.
  "Guessing you heard all of that?"
  "Yea, kinda. When I woke up, I didn't feel you and got worried."
  "Sorry, my mother called and I didn't want to wake you up." She told me.
  "Its fine. When is the last time you saw them?"
  "A few years. I was busy with school to even get time off to get over there."
  "How about, we head over there. Let our daughter see their grandparents."
  "That would be so cool. When you want to go?"
  "Can you get ready in the next few hours. And don't tell them I wanna surprise them."
  "Yea, I'll go see if our daughter is awake." She said then walked away from me.
  I smiled as I watched her shake her hips away from me. God the things that girl does to me really turns me on.
  After a few, I jump in the shower to wash up then got dressed. After I was dressed, I headed to my office and mind linked my beta and delta. They were coming with me on this trip for my back up. I would leave one of them here but then they would miss each other and if Devin got out of hand, Phil can calm him down.
  After about 5 minutes, they came walking into my office and sat down in the chairs in front of me.
  "Hey, you two don't have any plans today for you?" I asked them.
  "School but its Friday so we should be okay to skip it." Devin said.
  "Good, you two are coming with me, Scarlett, and our daughter to her old pack to see her family. And if some shit goes down while were there, I would like my back up." I said.
  "Yea, sure. We can do that." Phil said.
  "Good." I said then looked at Devin. "Are you going to be okay about going?"
  "Yea, I have Phil there to calm me down if I lose control." Devin said.
  I nodded. "Okay, pack a bag. We'll be staying the weekend."
  They nodded then walked out of the office. When they walked out, I started doing some paper work and emails that needs to be down before I leave so my father wouldn't have to do much. About a few moments later, he came walking into the office with the former beta and delta.
  "Son, so am I hearing is that you, your mate and daughter are leaving for the weekend with your beta and delta?" He asked.
  "Yes, she hasn't seen her family in a few years so I am being nice to take her there. And I'm being my back up just in case some shit goes down. I can't leave one and take the other especially with Devin losing control." I told them.
  "As bad I don't want you taking my son with you, I guess its best for him to get away." James said. "Just make sure he's okay."
  "Your son will be in good hands. He has his mate with him." I said then looked at my father. "Dad, I have done all the emails and paperwork that needs to be done so you don't have to do it over the weekend."
  "Okay, but I didn't mind doing them."
  "No, I didn't want you watching over the pack and do the paperwork too." I said as I looked at the clock. "I gonna pack some we can leave." I said as I got up.
  When I got up, I headed to my room and packed my bag to leave and waited for my mate and daughter.
  Olivia's POV
  As I was laying down for my nap, haven't been feeling so good lately or well since I lost my baby girl and my grandson. They were my world. I had Peter my son and my my mate but it wasn't right. I was so used to talking to her everyday or every other day. As it was getting close to the date when she left us, I've been so sick as a freaking dog.
  I asked myself; what does it look like in heaven? Is it peaceful? Is it free like they say? Does the sun shine bright forever? Have your fears and your pain gone away? 'Cause here on Earth it feels like everything
  good is missing, since you left and here on Earth, everything's different there's an emptiness. Oh I, I hope you're dancing in the sky and I hope you're singing in the angel's choir and I hope the angels know what they have. I'll bet it's so nice up in Heaven since you arrived. So tell me, what do you do up in Heaven? Are your days filled with love and light? Is there music? Is there art and adventure? Tell me are you happy? Are you more alive?
  Every single night, I would look up and ask that same question to the moon goddess why she took my baby girl and grand baby? But I know things happens especially when a full blow war starts. But I was there and saw everything, she was worried about her child getting hurt and that's what I would have done as well.
  As I laying in bed trying to sleep my day away, I was pulled into a dream state. When I opened my eyes, a woman appeared to me. It wasn't my mother or my daughter, and only one I could think was the moon goddess herself.
  "Olivia, my child. I was some good and bad news for you. Which one do you want?"
  "Just give it to me, goddess. I ain't in the mood to talk, especially you, out of people." I had said.
  "I'm sorry, what your daughter, my other child did, was not in my hands. Its just part of life."
  "It doesn't matter, you took my baby girl away from me and my grandson."
  "If you just let me talk, this is about your grandson. He's alive and well."
  "What do you mean he's alive? He died when someone came into the house."
  "No, he didn't. Yes, someone came into house but only to take him as their own. And he's on his way here with one of your old pack members and their mates." She told me then disappeared.
  I woke up to someone shaking me. It was my mate.
  "Dear, someone's here to see you. Please get up." Castiel told me.
  "I don't wanna get up."
  "Look, I know your depressed because of Zara and Devin but we have to move on. Now Michelle and Scarlett is here with her mate and a few others."
  When he told me that, I thought about what Mary just told me. Someone that use to be in the pack has showed up and my grandson would be with them. I rose up and looked around the room then looked at my mate.
  "You say Scarlett and Michelle?" I asked. He nodded at me. "Fine, give me a few to refresh myself and I'll be down in a few." I told him as I stood up.
  He nodded his head as I stood up. I kissed him on his lips then headed towards the shower.

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