Chapter 23

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  When we all met up in the alphas office, Robert went to his chair, and sat down looking at all of us. He looked all more  confused then he sounded through mindlinked.
  "So what's all of this for? Like why is all of our fathers here for this meeting? What's going on?" Robert asked.
  "Well they are all here to support us in what I'm about to tell you." I had started off. "As your delta, I'm here to represent you with this ally form for us because I'm leaving this pack to join my Father's pack to become their alpha." I had told him.
  "And as your beta and the deltas mate, I'm leaving as well to join him." Phil told him.
  "What? This can't be happening," Robert started to say then looked at his father then ours. "Y'all knew about this?" He asked them.
  "Son, we just found out. And me, I knew this gonna happen one day when he found out who he was and where he was from." Shawn told his son.
  "But I'm gonna be without a beta and a delta." Robert had said.
  "No, that's why we're here. We're gonna help until either you or father has found you replacements." My father told him.
  Robert looked pissed off as he looked at us but he took a deep breath as he looked over the ally form. He read everything that I had brought up with what we need to be ally with. He looked up at me then at Phil then back down.
  "Are you sure about all of this Devin and Phil?" He asked us before he grabbed a pen.
  "Yes." We both said.
  "Well I wish y'all the best of luck, you will need it for being an alpha of a pack." Robert said as he signed the paperwork. "And I will let all the other alphas and packs that we're all with."
  "I already done that. I prepared myself before I came to you with this." I had said.
  "So either way if I said yes or no about you leave you gone ahead and thought was best."
  "Yes, sir. I was thought by the best." I said then looked at my father then Shawn.
  Robert done the same. "Yes you were. So I guess this is it. If you need anything, please don't be afraid to call me in anything. You are like my cousin."
  "Yes we are. I just need to be around my true family. And find who killed my parents." I told him.
  "Once you find them, I will help you kill them. Even if its someone we knew." Robert said as he handed me our ally form and shook my hand.
  "Thank you." I said then got up and walked out of the office.
  Phil and I both went to our rooms, while the others stayed put to talk everything over, and we went to start packing our stuff. Bailey mindlinked me telling me she's all packed that she was bringing it over to the alpha house to put it in the living room with the rest of our stuff.
  We were actually running on time or a little ahead of schedule. Well depends on how much me and Phil is packing.
  I had mindlinked a few warriors to help Bailey to bring her stuff over, while I was busy. I had packed all my clothes into bags and what I wanted to take with me. Which wasn't going to be much, but knowing me I might change my mind. Once I know that I was almost done, I went over to Phil's room and checked up on him. He took was kinda a mess still since his ex girlfriend had destroyed it. He had cleaned it up while going through everything to see what was going and what was staying.
  I helped him a little bit but he kinda got onto me to stop. He was losing his mind as Bailey had done. I think I was the only one that was level headed on moving.
  "Babe what's wrong?" I had asked as I put my hands on his arms.
  "I don't know, I wanted no I knew I wanted to do this. Its just the fact of actually doing it and saying it is totally different stories." He told me as he looked at his somewhat messy room.
  "I know the feeling. I thought the same thing as I was thinking everything over with. I didn't even want to leave this place let alone be alpha. But seeing that bastard attack us and him bringing up my mother, something in me changed. I'm willing to step up and move forward to leave a pack to join another and gain so much more." I had said. "I'm scared for not just my life but all of y'alls. You, Bailey, my pack, my family, everything. Yes, I'm usually scared of everything but if actually doing it all makes me more scared but I have to do what have to do."
  Phil turned around and looked at me. "Are you serious? You've never told me this, like I've never seen you scared of anything. You were always strong headed."
  "Yes, in front of every one but behind close doors no. There would be nights I would wake up just cry but knowing you two were with me, I felt complete." I told him.
  "Don't ever feel that way. That is why I'm here, I'm your mate. I'm supposed to help you with your burden, your sorrows." Phil told me.
  I nodded my head at him for a moment then leaned it on his chest. I felt like crying but I kept it all bottled up.
  After a few hours of packing, Bailey's stuff was here and we all went to eat some dinner together with all our parents. Because this might be our last dinner or two with them til he move in a few days.
  The next day when I woke up I had called Stefan and had him come a day early to help move everything into the u-haul so were all settled to leave.
  As him being beta, he had a few warriors come with him to help as well but knowing us 3 guys and a few warriors we would have everything together.
  As I was waiting for him to come, I helped Phil and he helped me to go over our rooms to make sure we had everything together. Then done the same with Bailey as well. Of course her being a girl, she forgot some things. We laughed at her while she grabbed a box and grabbed what she forgot.
  "Typical female move." I had said laughing.
  "Hey now. This is a emotional moment for me." She whined at us.
  "Oh we know, its just all females forget something or their running a little behind on something. Like getting dressed looking all sexy for their man. Which you don't have to do that anymore. I like you for you." I told her.
  "No. I mean it."
  "Fine." She pouted her lip out to me making Phil and I laugh more at her.
  Once she had everything, Stefan had showed up and we started stacking our stuff into the u-haul. About half way through we had stopped for dinner once again with our parents. My parents were happy to meet my uncle from my fathers side. My father and Stefan got along real well. More than I expected they would, but they actually have a lot in common then I thought. Well they were both deltas when my father was in charged and they passed on notes to each other. Some were the same some weren't.
  We all joked around for the next few hours until we got back to loading up our stuff.
  Once everything was all loaded up, we all called it a night and went to bed. Phil let him stay in his room for the night and told him sorry that his room was kinda a mess from packing. Stefan said it was fine and understood.
  We all got together and said that tonight was the last night for us to be here. We was way ahead on schedule and maybe it would help us once we got back to our new pack. Give us some time to whine down from packing before we got ahead of ourselves for the Alpha ceremony.

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