Chapter 4

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Throughout school, I've been dating Bailey in front of people but on the side, behind close doors and away from people, I've been seeing my mate. The good thing about us being on different floors of each other is that his bed room is right above mine, so he can just climb out his window and climb down into my room.
We would do this almost every night or at least 4 nights a week. And I was happy either way. But when out so called girlfriends stay with us, we can't. We would just talk to each other in our heads while the girls were asleep. We felt like it was cheating on each other but since we knew it wasn't.
At first it was hard on us but once we knew what we were doing and how we had it handled, it wasn't a big deal. Just don't get caught.
Easier said then done, I should say. We do our runs like always and take our showers only getting interrupted in the process as one of the guards knocking on the door to come pee. One night, we were in the woods by the river and we were middle of doing it and patrol had caught us. We just told them we were middle of running in our wolf form when I got sick and had to shift.
I only wish he could let the pack know. Because one of these days were gonna slip up and do something and not know what to say or do about it.
One day we went on a date to a restaurant a few towns away just to be alone. It was nice to finally be alone to ourselves. As well sat across from each other holding hands as we look at the menu to see what we wanted. Sneaking a few kisses here and there on each other hands. It was like two school girls doing something they shouldn't but do it anyways.
When our waitress came over to get our orders, we stared into each others eyes. Lost in the world that plays around us.

"Did you know when your happy, your hazel eyes turn a violet color a little bit?" He told me.
"No, I didn't know. I know they turn purple when I'm either pissed off or I'm alert." I told him.
"Like the day you shifted. They were bright purple and they were actually cute." He said as he rubbed my hand. "I remember the alpha saying that the moon goddess gave them to you or to your parent or parents. Do you know what they are?" He asked.
"That I don't. My father told me that I could sit in my room and try to meditate to the moon goddess herself to see what they are." I had said.
"Maybe if you do that, you can reach your parents."
"I thought about that, but I don't wanna reach them. I feel like once I found out the truth what happened, I won't like it and things will change." I had said as I let go of his hands and sat back in the booth.

Just as our food and drinks came, we dug in and enjoyed ourselves. We talked more about what we would do once school ended. I told him what I want to do is with my mate but I can't. When he asked what it was, I told to travel for a bit before he became beta. But we both had girlfriends and things would be weird.

"Can I ask you, when are we gonna come out?" I asked him once again like a millionth time.
"DJ, I don't know." He said as he tighten his grip on the steering wheel.
"We've been secretly about our relationship since I was 13 years old. And us going out behind everyone back is starting to get old." I said as I looked at him. "Its been almost 4 years and, and I love you. I just want to be with you."
"Devin, please stop. I told you we can't not yet."
"Then when?" I yelled at him.

My wolf must have gotten mad about this because I felt him trying to take over with my powers. I grabbed my head with my hands to hold the pain.

"DJ, what's wrong?" He asked me.
"Don't touch me." I growled.
"Excuse me?"
"I said don't touch me." I growled again and this time I looked at him.

I felt my canines started to growl out a little and I felt my eyes change colors. I could feel myself becoming my wolf while I was in the car.
Phil pulled the car over and stopped. He looked at me for a second before he went to put his hand on me. I slapped it away at the same time I had growled.

"Why are you being like this? What's wrong with you?" He asked me.
"I don't know. The pain hurts and my wolf wants out. He wants blood because I'm so pissed off."
"Look, stop. Take deep breaths. Listen to the sound of my voice, your mates voice."

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