Chapter 34

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  As the few days of being in Hawaii doing nothing but work, I had decided to do something for Bailey. I mean I asked her to come here with me for a reason, that was to ask her to marry me. But I've done nothing but work work work since the night we got here, sorta. And she's been stuck in this beach house since. Well not totally stuck, she's been out on the beach, swimming a little in the ocean.
  But what I want to plan has to be very special for her. I want her to remember this day for the rest of her life.
  While I was off doing what I do best, of course I left her home at the beach house, while I went out and looked around. What I wanted to do, I didn't know if I wanted to spread it out into days or do it all in one. I mean where here for a few weeks, I might as well spread it out.
  As I was out, I went to this place that Colby told me about a little away from town, close to the water, that it was amazing. It was about space and time, all the stars and planets up in space. And I wanted to take her there one night right before sunset.
  As I took off in a boat to head over to Mauna Kea island to go to the Mauna Kea Observatory. It took a few hours to get there on boat from where we were staying but it was worth it. Once I got there, there were a lot of people looking around at all the beauty in all the photos of space and the stars. I felt like I was back in school again just learning about all of this again.
  As I was walking about to talk to someone in charge to set up the date or keep it open late for me I was seeing one of the models they had of the telescopes that they first made back around 1960-1970's.
  The best astronomical observations in the world are happening on Maunakea. It is home to some of the most scientifically productive telescopes in the world, making Hawai'i an international leader in astronomical science. We are proud of the value science brings to the state of Hawaii, it diversifies our strengths and reminds the world that we are so much more than a tourist destination. The Observatories' work studying the universe advances the kind of scientific curiosity that has always been a part of Hawai'i's cultural heritage, from the ancient celestial navigators to today. Read a sign. I was at wowed.
  As I was looking more around, j finally found someone.
  "Excuse me, so I was wondering if I could use this place for a date to show me girlfriend all the wonderful things here. Show her the world, the stars, the sunset, etc."
  "Oh, sure. Its open 24/7 to the locals here. If you want to get the best spot, you can use the private telescope we have here, right down the mountain here." The woman has said pointing out the window. "I can leave it unlock for you and y'all can use it for your date." She told me. "When is the date?"
  "Oh thank you so much." I told her as I shook her hand. "Tomorrow night right before sunset."
  "Okay, I'll make sure its open for you." She said then walked away.
  As I walked away as well to head back to the boat, headed back to my island then went to the store to get a few things for the date.
  As I walked around the market, I found the perfect wine for us to drink. As I was looking for more stuff to get, my phone was going on. When I looked it was Bailey calling me. I placed the call to voicemail and continued on to look for more stuff for the date.
  I found a few nice pieces of lamb chops, grabbed a few garlics, and some other seasonings and some honey. As I cashed out and brought this home and hid it in fridge so she won't see it. As I was doing so, I made some sandwiches for me to eat before going to get on my laptop and do some work.
  After a few hours or so, Bailey came walking in the bedroom door, with a towel wrapped around her. When I looked up, she was kinda red from the sun. I wanted to laugh a little bit I made myself keep my mouth shut. She walked into the bathroom, as I heard the shower running for a moment then heard her somewhat scream, I chuckled a little to myself then shook my head.
  While she was doing that, I had got a email from a few alphas in town by home, that they were having some troubles with some rogues. I emailed them back telling them I was out of town but would send some help. As I was emailing that, I was getting a video call from Phil.
  "Hey handsome!" I answered.
  "Hey, so Alpha George and alpha Marcus called me, asking for help?"
  "Yea, I just got their email. They're having some rogues problems. Send a group of 6 to each other them for help. Since I ain't there I can't send a lot." I told him.
  "Yeah, I was gonna do that. But wanted to run by you first."
  "Look, your running alpha right now. You do what's best when I ain't there. I believe in you sweetie."
  He smiled when I said that. "Have you asked her yet?"
  I looked up at the bathroom, the water was still going. "No, not yet. I'm planning a few things before I ask her. Make this a vacation for her so it wouldn't be all business like." I told him.
  He nodded his head. "Well Ima let you go. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you."
  "Love you too." I said then ended the call.
  As I was doing that, she came out of the bathroom naked. She grabbed her lotion and started working on her front. As tempting she was, I didn't want to right now. I needed to focus on what I'm gonna say to her.
  The next follow day was long, I just couldn't wait to take her on our date. When I got back home from work, she was out. Which was great. I started cooking what I bought yesterday, to take on our little date.
  Once it was all done, I put it all in a basket with a few more things and drove off to the place. When the boat docked, I made my way to the telescope and set up a blanket and placed the trays of food into place. Once it was all where I wanted, I went out and grabbed some of the wild flowers and took the petals and threw them around the area about the blanket to look romantic. Once that was done, my phone was ringing. When I looked, it was Bailey but I didn't answer it once again. She's called a few times today, followed with a few texts asking; "Where are you?" But I never answered her back.
  I was to busy to answer her back. I wanted this to be perfect.
  As I got back to the house, she was sitting on the porch on her phone like always. I shook my head then went inside. I was trying to play hard ball with her. I went up to our room, changed into something nice and grabbed something nice for her. Once I was dressed, I went to the porch and threw her the nice clothes I had picked out for her.
  "What's this?" She asked as she looked up at me.
  "Put it on." I said as into her phone.
  "Give me my phone back!" She yelled.
  "You'll get it back and of tonight. Now go get changed, we have to be somewhere in a few minutes."
  "Like where?" She asked as she stood up.
  "Somewhere, now do what I say woman, for the love of moon goddess." I said as I went back into the house.
  I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a glass to get some water. I know she's gonna hate me right now but I want her to see what I've been doing for her and why I was doing it. She'll love me later.
  I hope so, at least.
  By the the time I was gonna yell for her to come on, she came out in the dress I had picked out for her to wear. And boy, was I glad I did. She looked gorgeous in it. Like I just wanted to forget our date and throw her on the bed and fuck her brains out. But I couldn't do that. Not for all the work I had planned out.
  As we went to the car to go to the boat, she looked at me as I helped her in. She was confused as hell but I shook my head at her, to not to ask what's going on. But the look on her face when we got there was priceless.
  When I helped her down to her little pillow, she smiled up at me for a moment until I hit a button on the wall and the top was opening. And right at that moment, the sun was setting and it was beautiful. The way the great lord made it.
  "Was this why you wasn't answering my phone calls or my texts?" She asked me as I sat down next to her.
  "Maybe." I said at first as I poured the wine for each of us. "The service sucks over here. I didn't even know you called until I got your message."
  "Oh," she said looking up at the sky. "God, its beautiful."
  "Not as much as you are." I told her.
  "Smooth, alpha Devin."
  "Ouch, not alpha. Are you that mad at me?" I asked.
  "A little, but after seeing this. I can't stay mad at you forever." She said as she leaned over to kiss me.
  As we watch the sun go down, I lifted up the lids and showed her what we were having. She had her mouth all wide open. I chuckled a little as I started to work on my plate.
  After our little date, it was wonderful. I couldn't have done it if didn't have somewhat help. But once the stars were shining, making her face glow with glee, it was picture moment. Only if I had the ring with me to have asked her but I didn't want to do it this early. I still had a few things up my sleeve.
  Thank you @Stephanie Parker for your idea and @Madalyn Ashley/QueenBee_1322 for half of your idea but I ain't done with the rest of your idea. The credit for your ideas goes to both of y'all. So again, thank you very much.

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