Chapter 32

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  The next day as promised, we had our lunch in the big dinning/meeting room. Mark, Candy, Bailey and I were sitting around eating and talking when my phone was buzzing. It was Colby calling but I texted him back to tell give me a few minutes.
  Once we ate, us 3 went to my office and sat at the round table and called in Colby through the tv.
  Colby was one of my greatest friends from school. He understood what I was and helped me through it when I wasn't with Phil. Truth be told, had a crush on him as well but no one knew other than him. And if Phil wasn't my mate, I sure wish he was.
  "Hey Colbs, how's it going?"
  "Hey Devin, its going great. I have the building up and ready, just doing the last minute changes. The paints, the flooring, you name it. But thanks for sending in half that money to me this morning."
  "No, problem. I'll give you the rest when I get there in a few days."
  "Oh that's great. Can't wait for you to see this place." He has said.
  Then Bailey reached over with her arm to wrap it around my shoulder to play with my hair in the back since its getting long.
  "Oh is that her man? Is that wife?" Colby asked.
  "Sorta," I said as I looked at her smiling. "We're not married but she is the one."
  "So you and Phil are great as well right?"
  "Yes, we're great. Bailey just helps complete me and him at the same time."
  "That's great, are you bringing both or just her?" He asked.
  "Just her, Phil has work to do here. You know bets stuff."
  "Right," he said. "Hey, hey watch it. That doesn't go there. God damnit, Devin I gotta go before they fuck up this shit." He said as well all heard a crash noise. "God damnit, watch the fucking windows. Sorry buddy gotta go."
  "Its fine, see yea." I said then hung up.
  I looked at Bailey and smiled at her. She was glowing and I just loved it.
  I leaned over to kiss her when a few people had came into my office.
  Of course it was paperwork to sign. There always is, when you run a business. Just loads and loads of it.
  By the time it was time to go home and got home, it was dinner time, Phil had Mary make my favorite and brought it up to my office. As I was working on my plans for this trip, to surprise Bailey. I was thinking of proposing to her, on the beach at the beach house that I had rented for the week we were gonna be there. As I was going over everything, Phil came in with dinner on a tray.
  He sat it down on the desk and smiled at me as I looked up at him. I smiled back and raised my hand up a little and moved my index finger to tell him come here. When he came to me, I put my hand on his chin and lowered it down to my face to kiss him.
  "Thank you for tonight." I told him after I pulled back.
  "Your welcome, I know how works being going the past few days. And Bailey told me what happened with Colby. How bad was the damage?"
  "I don't know, I heard glass break that's it. But Colby, he can handle it. I know he can." I said as I looked back on my computer.
  "So what's you doing?" Phil asked me as he came around the desk to rub my shoulders. "Rings? Are you asking Bailey to marry you? Or me?"
  "Both to be honest, but you I know you. But her I don't know. I want to do it while I'm in Hawaii on the beach, just don't know just yet."
  "Well either way, she'll love it. And you don't have to marry me, I know who I belong too and you know who you belong too as well." Phil told me. "Look, tomorrow while your at the office, me and Bailey will go out ring shopping. I'll pretend I'll looking for rings for us and see if she finds one she likes or fits her. She won't even realize what's happening."
  "You know your too good for me." I had said.
  "Yep, I know. Why don't you think we're best friends." Phil said as he leaned down and kissed my neck. "I'll let you be for the time being to eat." He said as he started to walk away.
  As he did, I got up ran in front of him and locked the door before he got the chance to get out of my office. I pushed him against the wall and started kissing him. I ripped open his shirt, receiving a growl or two from him. Nothing to bad just his sexy growth.
  As I was kissing his chest, I rub my hands down his body all the way down to his manhood. Once I stopped there, I could feel it getting hard under my touch. I undone his pants and slide them off in one tug and started kissing him. As I flicked my tongue on his manhood a few times, I could hear Phil moan a little until I slide it into my mouth and started sucking him all the way down until I felt it in my throat.
  As I was doing that, I started playing with his balls just to get him going all little and he was loving it as well. As I heard him grunt a little I knew he was getting close but I had to pull away before he did. He gave me a look like why I stopped until I pushed him against the desk on his stomach. I undone my pants and slowly stuck in my manhood inside of him. As I started going a little, he looked at me with an Cheshire smile, and once he gave me that look, I pushed even hard and faster until I was almost there.
  About 20 minutes or so later, we both were laying on the floor panting from the quickie we just did. Sex with him, I don't care if its hours or even minutes, it was still great.
  "Wow, I didn't know you had that in you." Phil said as he propped himself on his elbow.
  "Nor did I." I said, smiling.
  "We might have to do this more often in your office."
  "Maybe, we can't just make a habit of it. I don't think, the others would mind coming in here and smell sex in here." I told him.
  "Well to bad, it was great and its your place, your office, your the alpha you show who's the boss." He said as he leaned over and kissed me before getting up.
  He was right, its my office, my place. I was the alpha. If I wanted to fuck in every room in this house I will. They might get a show but I don't give a two fucks about it.
  Phil's POV
  The next day, just as I said to Devin, I had Bailey come with me into town. We had a guard or two with us for her protection since she's the Luna now. Devin went to work and hour before we left the house. We had to give him a little surprise this morning. Well mostly Bailey did, because when we left his office to go into the bedroom, we smelt like each other and it got her in the mood. But neither of us had anymore in us.
  "So why are we going into town for?" Bailey asked.
  Because I want to find a ring for Devin. To show him how much I love him." I told her.
  "Ooouuu, are you two going to get married?" She asked.
  "That I don't know. We both know who we belong to. I think its gonna be more of a promise ring."
  "Ooouuu that's so freaking cute. I wonder if he'll ever ask me to marry him?" She has asked out loud.
  "Was you asking that or just saying that out loud?" I asked.
  "Both, but I didn't know I said it out loud. I thought I said it in my head to myself." She said.
  "Oh, well I'm sure he will. Since were here, how about you find a ring you like and picture yourself wearing it as if y'all got married." I had said. "Isn't that what most girls do or think about?"
  "Well yeah we do. Hell I used to picture myself walking down and aisle all the time as a kid. Even with my barbies and bratz that I had. I use to see myself, getting married to a guy that I love, having his last name, giving him a pup or two. I had dreamt of it, of it all. Like it was unbelievable." She had said smiling.
  I smiled with her just picturing everything she wanted and hell, I was gonna help her get it. Devin may not be able to have kids but I'll give her a pup or two.
  I'll have to sit them down so we can talk about that. I'm willing to give them both what they want because I'm the nice guy like that.
  Once we got to the ring place, we walked around inside the store while my men stood outside watching. The store owner was a little scared on why two huge guys were standing outside his storm.
  "Excuse me, are those two guys with y'all?" He has asked us.
  "Yes sir, they're here body guard. Our boyfriend wants her protected from all cost. He's the CEO of that huge building downtown." I had said.
  "Wait, the hotel resorts building?" He asked.
  "Yes, that's the CEO building and the hotels around the area of it is ours as well."
  No one really talked about what he now owns or took over from his father. We all kept it to ourselves.
  "We actually just bought a building in Hawaii. Were going there soon to finish it up." Bailey said.
  "Oh my, so are you here to find engagement rings or what?" He asked us.
  "Well I was actually looking for a promise ring for our boyfriend from me and she was just looking around to see if she likes a ring she sees herself getting married in, later on in the future." I had said.
  "I see, well Umm Karen help this woman out in anything she wants." The man said.
  "Yes, sir." She said back.
  When Bailey went over to where Karen was, I looked at the man and smiled. He smiled back as well but not knowing what in had up my sleeve.
  "Can you do me a favor?"
  "Depends on what it is?"
  "I came here for her, for a reason. Our boyfriend wants to propose to her in Hawaii on their up coming trip for business, so I had tricked her into coming for me."
  "So what your saying sir, what ring she likes your gonna pay for it and get it?"
  "Yes, yes i am indeed. But without her knowing though." I told him as I took out my wallet and handed him my card.
  He nodded his head when he took my card then headed over to Karen to tell her what was up. When she looked up at me, she had smiled then looked back at Bailey.
  About 10 minutes or so, after looking at the rings and getting a ring I wanted to give Devin, to show Bailey into something.
  "I found one I like, but its kinda high." She said as she came to me while was watching the sales rep put my ring in a box.
  "Well the price isn't the problem, we make probably more than that ring in two weeks."
  "Yes, but still."
  "No, if your getting married to Devin then you should have the best ring out there. Show the ladies that your man got you good and shit." I told him as I saw Karen grab the ring she had picked out and put it in a box then handed it to the sales rep.
  "I know I should be but I ain't that woman."
  "Bailey, it Devin were talking about. Why don't you go out to the car and wait for me while I pay for this ring I got him." I told her.
  She nodded then started to head outside. When she got to the door, she looked back at me before opening the door. I saw my men, walk her to the car and got in with her.
  As promised, I paid for both rings. They handed me hers as I put it in my pocket and mine in a bag.
  "I really hope this was for the best. She really did love that ring." The woman had said.
  "As do I Karen. As do I." I said then headed towards the door to head to the car.
  When I got in, I grabbed my phone and texted Devin. Told him I got it, without saying what I got just in case she was looking and told him we were on our way over to the office for lunch.
  As well headed over, we stopped together some Mexican, Bailey's favorite of course, and got to the office. When we walked up to his office he was arguing with a few people that was standing there. When he saw us, he stopped his hand our way, telling us not to come in. The people he was arguing with looked behind them.
  I knew one of them, they actually went to school with us and he's always hated Devin. So I handed Bailey the food and told her to go to the dining hall, while I went inside his office.
  "Ah Jason, long time no see." I said as I walked over to Devin.
  "Phil, I can say the same to you." Jason has said.
  "Love, I told you not to come in." Devin said as he grabbed my hand.
  "I know, when do I not listen." I said with a chuckle. "So why are you here Jason?"
  "Well since Devin here is the alpha king, I would like what I want. Because of what he did, I never got it."
  "And what is that?"
  "His father outcast me from the company and never gave me, half of the money that my father made before he died under his car in the company."
  "Your father died of natural causes. The company doesn't pay out for that. And if we did, you wouldn't have got it his wife would have."
  "Well his wife, my mother is dead."
  "Well then, you don't get it. He signed a contract with us, if he dies of natural causes, that the money, he made goes back into the company. And he did. You can take it up with our lawyers." Devin told him. "Now that is said, get out of my office before I have you get out into jail for trespassing on private property."
  "This is the last of me Devin. You will pay what you owe." Jason said then stormed out of the office.
  After he had left, I took out the box that was in my pocket and handed it to Devin. When he opened it, he smiled so big that I thought his face was gonna stay like that. He closed it up and put it in his desk and we walked to the dining hall to eat our lunch.
  It took us about 10-20 to eat and talk about our day. After awhile, Bailey and I headed home to do what we have to do.
  But the time passes fast and it was time for Devin to come home to us. The best time of the day when he comes home to us.
  I was laying in our bed, when he came in and started taking off his monkey suit that he calls. Bailey thinks he's real sexy in it. Me, hmmm he's handsome in it. A sharp dressed man, more like it.

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