Chapter 41

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6 months later

After everything has happened, Bailey graduated with a 3.7 gpa from high school. She was very excited and on top of all that, she had to plan the wedding with her soon to be grandmother. She wanted a summer wedding and she wanted it after she had graduated.
It was all working out great for all of them. Especially since the war is finally over. Its back to normal, somewhat. There's still some small attacks from rogues but nothing like it was with Shawn.
Devin still not over that. All those years of being under his roof and now he's just finding out he's the one that killed his parents. He had kidnapped him instead of saving him. All those lies.
A few days after the war, Devin had went back home with Heather to lay Shawn and Robert to rest and explained everything to the pack what had happened. Phil's parents became the alpha and luna there until they can find someone else fit for it. Or until Nathaniel came back from college. Scarlett and Michelle went back home after she felt the mate bond disappeared once Devin had killed Robert. She was hurt once again. First she lost the love of her life/baby daddy and now her mate.
And like the rest of the pack, they were disappointed on how their alpha and some of their other pack members had done what they had done. Those that survived the attack, came back alive but hurt, had told their love ones that they were sorry for what they had done. Phillip sent them to the pack jail until further notice.
Heather, she packed her bags from the pack house and found a little apartment in town. She wanted nothing to do with the wolf packs. Nor her parents, as of right now. She feels its their fault for her love ones getting killed.
After everything, it was all ending with a huge big surprised, a big bang wedding. But Devin just wish that his parents were there to watch him grow into the man he was born to be. The man that they were suppose to raise him into, but end up losing him to a monster.
The day of the wedding, was a light rain storm that wasn't gonna last long. But it only last just enough to help Devin's wish to come true.
As everyone was gathering around the pack ball room for the wedding, a huge flash had hit them a highness herself had showed up in front of the alter.

"My child, on your day, I give you a wedding gift." She said as another shot of lightning had hit.

As Devin was standing there, waiting for his bride to come down the aisle. But instead of Bailey walking down, it was his parents all dressed up looking nice for a evening like they were having.
Devin was excited to get what he wanted. His parents, his reason for living, his mates, and his soon to be wife that's about to walk down in just a few moments.
As his parents hugged him before taking their seat, the moon goddess stood to the side and lite up the whole ball room with fireworks as it was time for the bride to come down. As Bailey walked down slowly with her father's help.
Once she made her way to Devin, the pastor started his prayer, his small talk of how love shall be and how it is.

"Do you Bailey, take Devin as your husband to cherish him in sickness and health, rich or poor, as both y'all shall live?" He had asked her.
"I do." She said.
"Do you Devin, take Bailey as your wife to cherish her in sickness and health, rich or poor, as both y'all shall live?" He had asked him.
"I do." He said.
"In power of Mississippi, and by the lovely moon goddess herself, I make y'all husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Once those words were spoken, Devin and Bailey locked arms and kissed like there was no tomorrow. But as they didn't know, that just made Devin's powers more stronger than ever. As the moon goddess has just one more gift for him.
As she walked over to them to tell them congratulations, she had touched Bailey's stomach and smiled.

"As one more surprise, or shall I say two, just all you know in the next 7 to 8 months I just hope goes well for the rest of y'all lives." She had said then looked at Gavin and Sara and waved them over to say their goodbyes and love you's before going away.

As a flash came and gone they were all gone. Devin and the others wondering what the moon goddess was talking about until Bailey got sick in front of them all. Then it came running to her.

"Devin, I'm pregnant." That was all she said making Devin frown turn upside down into a smiled and hugged the living crap out of her.

The best thing in his life just got bigger that he wasn't even supposed to have. He wasn't even supposed to have happened and he did. For the king, he was getting the biggest gift of a life time and what he have gotten will be passed on to his children. And so on. If that's even possible.

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