love love love

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Nico made Will come back. I haven't seen him yet. We've talked a little. He thinks I hate him. How do you explain how scary it is to watch someone you love so much die like that? I don't know what I should do. Ignore him? But maybe that's not a good idea. Ugh. I don't know. Eleanor thought breaking up might convince him to come back. It didn't. But Livi does think we're broken up and that Eleanor is in Hawaii, when they're actually in Canada with me. I think that's good? Maybe? We only "broke up" for one night. Gods I love her so much. I think my heart will explode. In a good way. It feels so good to say that. I love Eleanor so much. I hope we never break up. I hope we stay together forever and ever. I think we deserve that. I really do.

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