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Everyone's like "why did you do that" "what makes you think that was okay" but I don't have an answer. I don't know why. I know it wasn't okay but for some reason I didn't think of that at the time. I should never write a book. I have so many thoughts but once I try to get them out of my mouth they come out all jumbled up and sound like they were written by a little kid who doesn't know what they're doing, which is actually what I feel like I am. Will isn't dead. He still hates me. I still don't know where he is. And he'll probably be dead soon. I think the only one who doesn't hate me is Arya, but she probably will once I tell her I'm a horrible person. She's really nice but I don't think there's anyone who's that nice. I'm not like, I'm love with her or anything. But damn those eyes.

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