Chapter 10

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Naruto's POV

I sighed as I watched Sasuke walk away from me. I wonder what I have done to make him so angry at me. I got up as my mother called out that dinner was ready. We all set at the big dining table, I set next to Sasuke, Kyuubi and Itachi on the left side of the table. My mother, Mikoto and Shisui set on the right side of the table, father and Fugaku set at the head of the table.

"Mmm, this is really delicious aunty Mikoto, aunty Kushina," Shisui said and they smiled.

"Thank you dear," they both said and we laughed.

"So tell us about your experiences on running a hospital from abroad Shisui, I'm sure you miss your family terribly," my mother said eating her macaroni.

"It is tough I'm not going to lie, I had to fill in a lot of paperwork and had to go to a lot of meetings. It is a lot of pressure because at first they rejected me so I had to prove myself to them. I wake up early and go to sleep late. But now that I am settled in, my working hours have been reduced and running the things smoothly. I make sure that I hire the best of the best doctors out there," Shisui said with a smile.

"Wow, running your own hospital. I wonder how it feels like to run your own business or to own your own company," I said with a dreamy sigh.

"Let me tell you this son, it is exhausting. That's why I left Kyuubi and Nagato in charge," my father said and I giggled.

"Yeah I agree with Minato, you are under pressure to introduce new business in your company and trying to come up with something brand new each year. I mean things are changing and you need new products that will sell in order to avoid bankruptcy. That's why I retired to leave Itachi and Sasuke in charge. I'm getting old and I can't keep up with the new trends each year," Fugaku said sipping his whiskey.

"I think owning a business is fun," my mother said with a smile.

"That's because you sell Makeup products dear," my father said and my mother folded her arms offended.

"Hey!, It's harder then it's looks," she said with a 'humph'.

"I agree with Kushina, selling beauty products is hard work. I mean look at my business, people are just looking for the next new thing or the upgrade," Mikoto said shaking her head.

"Okay okay, let's all agree that running businesses is hard work," Kyuubi said with a smile.

"Agreed," they all said as they talked about other things and I giggled, being with my family like this is so refreshing.

"Sasuke, Naruto tell us, how are things between you guys. Any plans on getting married any time soon?," Fugaku asked eating his salad. I blushed looking down at my food.

"Yeah, I agree with uncle Fugaku. I mean what are you guys waiting for?, You guys are not getting any younger here," Shisui said.

"Guys guys, come on. Naruto and I are just figuring things out, I mean marriage is a big thing. You can't just jump into it like that," Sasuke said and he took my hand into his affectionately," Right Naruto?," He asked towards me with a smile and I nodded slowly.

"Yes and I agree with Sasuke. We can't just jump into things without thinking them through," I said with a fake smile. I was lying to my own family.

"Well hurry up you guys. Itachi and Kyuubi already gave us grandbabies, we are waiting on you guys now. You know that we are not going to be here forever," My mother said strictly.

"We'll try mom, I hope we can reach a decision soon," I said looking up at Sasuke with a smile.

"Yeah, we are trying our best aunty Kushina," Sasuke said with a smile.

"Oh Naruto, did you bring your special pie?," Shisui asked excitedly with a huge grin on his face.

"You bet that I did," I said as I got up and walked towards the kitchen and took it off the counter and walked back towards the table," People, I would like to present my very special pie, Wala!," I said as I opened up the box.

"Wow Naruto, is that blueberries I see?," Aunty Mikoto asked with a smile.

"Yes, I tried to not make it too sweet. I know some of us don't like eating sweet things," I said as I picked out all the empty dirty plates off the table.

"It's looks so great kit, you always out do yourself Naruto," Kyuubi said with a smile.

"So what are we waiting for, let's eat it already," Shisui said impatiently.

"Okay okay Shi, no need to get over excited," my father said jokingly and we laughed. I made a slice for everyone and set back down again eating our pie.

"Mmm~, perfect as always Naruto," Shisui said as he took another slice.

"You think so?," I asked with a smile.

"Yes!, You should really consider starting your own restaurant kiddo. You are really talented in the kitchen," Shisui said," What do you think Sasuke?, I mean you have been silent the whole time," Shisui asked looking at Sasuke.

"Yeah, it is great I'm enjoying myself," Sasuke said with a small smile and I could feel myself smiling slightly.

So our dinner went on like that, everyone smiling and laughing. I got a chance to play with my nephews and chat with Kyuubi and spend quality time with my mother and father.

When it was time to go back home, it was already midnight, so aunty Mikoto suggested that we spent the night.

So I went to sleep with a peaceful heart and content.


Until next time(^^).

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