Chapter 40

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A month later~

Naruto's POV

I was sitting on my bed in my bedroom of my parents mansion. I sighed as I thought of everything, a month has past and my mind is in shambles. Sasuke has been calling me and texting me none stop. Of course I didn't reply to his calls or messages. I was serious when I said it was over between us.

I sighed as I laid down pulling a big stuffed fox against me. As I thought of everything and the things I went through and my findings, in some ways I knew Sasuke was cheating on me but I didn't want to believe it at the time, I just had hope that everything I saw was all in my head.

My phone rang again on my night stand and I took it opening the message. It reads:

Naruto, please come back home. I miss you, everything doesn't feel the same anymore. I promise, I ended things with Sakura days before you went on a vacation but she kept insisting on being in my life. I got your birthday present, can you please come and see me. Naruto please know that you mean world to me, I just got lost in temptations and my own selfishness.

I love you

I sighed putting my phone back on the night stand, tears running down my face, I sniffled softly trying to hold back other tears from coming. To think I wasted three years of my life on that bastard. I just want nothing to do with him right.

There was a knock on my door and the door opened. I was facing away from it so I don't know who came in.

"Hey kiddo, you haven't left your room for days now. Come on Naruto, I hate seeing you like this," my father said sitting at the edge of the bed and ran his large hand over my arm soothingly.

"I don't have the strength to go out right now Dad. I just want my time alone," I said wiping my tears away.

"I know recovering from a heart break is tough but at the end you need to pick yourself up and live your life for you. You can't let this bastard's selfishness hold you back from living your life, you are finally planning on opening your own restaurant Naru. Take your sorrows, anger and anguish and turn them into something positive, you'll see the end results will be spectacular. Just please, I'm worried about you. I'm thinking of calling Ino and Hinata right now," he said with a worried frown.

I sighed sitting up slowly, wiping my tears away one last time looking at my father.

"It's just that, I really loved Sasuke and you know that Dad. I really thought I could build something with him, build a home, build a family and live our lives together. I really thought he was the one for me but I guess I was wrong. And I really feel so stupid and unwanted. What is wrong with me?," I asked as I bit my lip trying to hold back an in coming sob and my father pulled me into is arms.

"Nothing is wrong with you Naruto, if anything I think there is something wrong with Sasuke. How could he abandoned such a precious jewel like you. That girl that he's being seeing doesn't know anything about taking care of a family, if anything she is just using him to full fill her own desires. Naruto, you are special and I'm sure there is someone out there that will see your worth," he said and I smiled a bit, tiny tears running down my face.

"Thanks Dad," I said and he pulls away smiling.

"Anything for you Naruto, you are my only son after all. I have to protect you," he said and I laughed wiping my tears away.

"Okay, I'm going try and move on. I'm going to try and plan a menu and get my things together," I said with a smile.

"You see, that's the spirit. Just know that we all have your back, okay?," He asked holding onto my shoulders and I nodded quickly.

"Yeah, I know Dad," I said with a smile.

"Naruto dear, are you ready to eat?. I made your favorite dish," my mother asked lovingly walking inside my room and setting the tray of food on my night stand. I nodded.

"Thanks Mom, I'm sorry for being such a pain," I said looking at her and she just shook her head sitting next to me.

"You are heartbroken and all I needed to do was to be there for you Naruto. I'm not going to give you a hard time for this. I love you," she said pulling me into a tight hug kissing me all over my head and I giggled trying to break free.

"Mom stop, okay okay," I said giggling and she smiled.

"See, that's what I want to see. A happy and bright Naruto," she said with a smile and my father chuckled.

"Naruto!!!," Ino and Hinata shouted running into my room and threw themselves on me.

"Awu, guys that hurt," I said with a whine.

"We'll give you kids some space," my father said as they both got up and walked out my room.

"Naruto are you okay, I heard what happened. I am so sorry friend. I should have done more and get more information for you. God I should have seen something more convincing that he's cheating, this is all my fault," Ino said running her hands through her hair with a sorrowful look.

"Hey hey, this is not of your fault okay, I should have believed in myself more, I kinda knew that Sasuke was unfaithful but I didn't want to believe it. Thanks for coming," I said smiling.

"Of course Naru," they said hugging me. I smiled.


Until next time(^^).

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