Chapter 41

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Sasuke's POV

It's been a month since I last saw Naruto. I've called him, texted him but he's answering me. The mansion is cold and lonely without him. There's no warmth anymore, no laughter anymore and no warm dinner anymore, I sighed as I took another swing from my bottle of wine.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through Naruto's pictures on my phone. I sighed longingly as I looked at his bright smile, his bright nature and his bright everything. God I miss him so much.

Sakura has been calling me none stop and harassing me at work. She has even made unexpected pop ups at my house in nothing but her undergarments. She has even tried to reach out to my parents and that did it, I got a restraining order against her.

I took another swing at my wine. I opened to my messages and sent a text to Naruto. I hoped he would respond but I know that he won't. I know he's heartbroken right now and he needs time to himself but I can't seem to give it to him. I need him.

I sometimes think what if he finds someone else?, What if he decides to move on without me?, What if he gets married and have kids with that person. I know I wouldn't be able to live through that, knowing that the person I love with all my heart is living happily with another person.

I got off the counter slowly and walking towards my room. I walked upstairs slowly because I was a little drunk and don't have the energy. I opened the door to the master bedroom and I couldn't help but feel disgusted as I remembered what I did on this very bed.

'I need to buy new sheets for when Naruto comes back,' I thought as I set on the neatly made bed. I put the wine bottle on the night stand.

"Naruto used to sleep on this side," I said softly taking the pillow against my face taking deep breath. I sighed as I clutched the pillow tightly. It smelled just like Naruto. Lavender and peppermint. I set the pillow down and decided to look through the cabinets.

I opened the first cabinet and looked inside, I found nothing out of the ordinary until I pushed my hand towards the back. I pulled this object out. It was a neatly wrapped box, and it was for me as I found my name outside. I frowned slightly as pulled the wrapper neatly.

Once I've done that, I opened the lid of the box and looked inside. I found a note first that was folded neatly. I took the note and unfolded it. It reads:

Sasuke, I would like to wish you a happy anniversary. I can't believe we made it this far together (well I can believe it since you've been so amazing to me). I know that sometimes I can be a handful and a bit too hyperactive, but I would like to say thank you for sticking by my side through all that.

Meeting you in our college years was the best day of my life. Although it didn't start off so romantically at first, but as I got to know you, I knew that you will become someone important and special to me.

I just want you to know that I don't regret anything, because being with you or being around you in every second in my life fills me with joy that sometimes I can't control myself. Loving you and taking care of you are the best moments in my life.

I love you, so much.

A single tear ran down my face. I didn't even get him anything, heck I even forgot our anniversary. I put the note aside and looked inside the box again.

"Wow," I said softly as I looked inside the box, there were two heart shaped necklaces, that go together like a puzzle piece, one was black with diamonds in the middle and the other one was white with diamonds in the middle.

"Wow," I said softly as I looked inside the box, there were two heart shaped necklaces, that go together like a puzzle piece, one was black with diamonds in the middle and the other one was white with diamonds in the middle

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The white one is Naruto's and the black one is Sasuke's.

I took the black one and looked behind it, I saw Naruto's name ingraved on it and I bet the white one has my name. I put the necklace back inside the box, putting the box back inside the cabinet. I looked out the window emotionlessly, it was dark outside. I couldn't sleep a single night since Naruto left.

My phone rang and I took it quickly, hoping that it was Naruto. I looked at the caller ID and my heart sank. It was Sakura. I frowned.

"What," I said with irritation in my voice.

"Sasuke, can you come over my house please. It's very important," she said her voice was shaking slightly. I rolled my eyes, I'm not going to fall for her tricks anymore.

"I can't, I'm busy and I think you should be busy too. Just focus on yourself," I said and she sighed.

"What part don't you understand when I say it's very important. Sasuke please, you need to come and see me. I can't talk about this over the phone and can you please forget about Naruto for a moment!," She said in frustration and I rolled.

"You caused this Sakura and you got to face the consequences. I told you we should split up and end this but no, you insisted on being in my life. Now you face what's troubling you, alone," I said hanging up. I threw my phone on the side of my bed.

I sighed laying back down looking up at the ceiling. 'I think I'm going to visit Naruto tommorow and maybe buy a anniversary gift for him, I bet he's going to love that,' I thought with determination.


Until next time(^^).

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