Chapter 27

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Naruto's POV

I ran my hands through my hair as the hot water ran over me. When I was done I walked out the bathroom and into the walk in closet to find something to wear. I chose to wear, blue shorts, an orange top and white sneakers.

 I chose to wear, blue shorts, an orange top and white sneakers

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Naruto's outfit.

I put on my clothes and walked out the master bedroom. I walked down the hallway and downstairs. When I walked towards the living room I found that I have a guest. It's the same pink haired women that Sasuke introduced me to the other day and how did she managed to get in this mansion, I have no clue.

"Hello?," I asked and she turned her head to look at me. She folded her legs and put her hands on her knee.

"Naruto Uzumaki I presume?," She asked with a smile but there was something off about that smile. I nodded walking towards the living room sitting down on a couch opposite hers.

"Yes, that's me and you are Sakura Haruno?," I asked and she laughed nodding slightly.

"Yes, that's me and I must say Naruto, you are such a lovely person. Keeping your house in order, keeping your 'relationship,' in check. I mean, you are a beautiful, with e beautiful house, a handsome rich boyfriend who has everything, cars, a mansion and money. I mean look at you, you have it all," she said laughing with that smile of hers.

"I don't really have it all. I do have some problems too, everyone is not perfect. As you yourself can see, I don't have it all," I said truthfully, my boyfriend has been acting very strange and now this woman comes telling me I have it all. Who does she think she is.

"I beg to differ. You have this life of luxury, what more can you ask for," she said with a smile showing off her purely white teeth, it was so fake and I could see that this woman has problems, big problems.

"You know, a life of luxury is not everything. You can easily loss everything in a blink of an eye," I said wisely. My father used to say that, that's why his morals are always clean and leads a happy life with my mother.

"Lose everything, you're such a fool. You can't loss anything when you have money or when you come from a powerful family. You of all people should know that, you come from a rich family too," she said folding her arms. I guess her act is finally over.

"Listen lady, is there something I could help you with because you can't come into somebody's house uninvited and talk about money and luxury," I said getting annoyed, I'm a person too I can't be always be nice. She frowned looking at me up and down.

"I guess you're not so delicate after all," she said coldly flipping her hair," I came here to tell you to watch everything. That boyfriend you trust so much, has a dark secret. I just came here to warn you," she said and I looked at her strangely. A dark secret?, What dark secret is she talking about?.

"What are you talking about?," I asked with a frown and she smiled getting up taking her expensive looking purse next to her.

"Just watch out. You have yourself a great day know," she said smiling walking out the house. I watched after her as she paused on the door looking at me, she shook her head laughing slightly and then walked out.

I leaned against the couch frowning deeply thinking about what just happened. She was so strange and a secretive. I think Sasuke has many secrets now, but is this dark one so important that this lady I barely know has to come here to the mansion passing security just to tell me that. My phone rang from besides me and I took it.

I looked at the caller ID and it was Sai, I answered it," Hey Sai, what's up?," I asked.

"Hey Naruto-kun, you're not busy at the moment right?," He asked in his calm voice.

"No I'm not, I'm actually having a crazy afternoon," I said laughing slightly.

"We'll talk about that later, right now can you come to Ichiraku's. There's some crazy things that we have found out," he said chuckling a bit. Now I'm curious.

"Alright, I'm on my way," I said getting up from the couch and walked towards the door taking the car keys from the bowl, I closed the door locking it.

I walked down the steps and towards my car. I got inside and drove out the mansion heading towards Ichiraku's. I hope what I'm about to find out is not that big. I drove for a few minutes and I finally made it to Ichiraku's, finding my friends sitting outside the restaurant on one of the tables. I parked my car and walked towards them.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile.

"Hey Naru," they all said with smiles on their faces.

"So, what did you guys find. Is it something big or…?," I asked looking at them.

"We think it's something big, because it's regarding that pink haired women I told you about," Ino started pushing her bang behind her ear.

"You don't say," I said leaning against my seat folding my arms and legs.

"What do you mean?," Hinata asked curious.

"She came over to the mansion just a few minutes ago," I said and they gasped in shock.

"What!," They all said and I nodded.

"What did she say?," Kiba asked curious.

"She said a lot of things that I didn't understand," I said with a shrug.

"Anyway Naruto, that's not why we called you out here. I want to read you my findings on that same women," Sai said seriously.

And I nodded leaning in with a frown.


Until next time(^^).

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