Chapter 28

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Naruto's POV

"Wow, okay that's a lot to take in," I said shaking my head," She coned a guy 20 million dollars and she has a child, shouldn't she be taking care of her child?," I asked and they sighed.

"We don't know why she's doing all these things but I guess she's so used to living the high life that a taste of the normal life just sets her off," Ino said shaking her head.

"But, shouldn't she be taking that responsibility and work for that luxurious life. There is no short cut in life after all," I said looking at them.

"Naruto, you just got to accept. Some people do not want to work, they want the easy way out, whether it's a man or woman," Kiba said and I nodded.

"Well, if she keeps doing this she'll never be happy with herself. I know I will be unhappy living off somebody's wealth, that's why I don't use any of Sasuke's money," I said thoughtfully.

"Unfortunately not all people have a mind or heart like yours Naruto, and since we are on that topic I've got something to share with you Naruto," Ino began pushing some of her long hair behind her shoulder.

"Okay," I nodded listening.

"So just this morning I was going to Shikamaru's office again to drop off a report that he forgot again, I met Sakura this time on the elevator," Ino began and I leaned in closer.

"She was so egotistical and self centered that I really wanted to punch her on the face," she said and I knew what she meant," So she asked me if I'm one of your friends and I said yes asking her why she asked and know about you," she said sipping on her wine and we all followed her lead.

"She said Sasuke's wouldn't stop talking about you when they were alone, which is suspicious if I may add. Then I said, well it's normal since Sasuke is crazy about you Naruto and that's not a lie by the way. When I said that, I wanted to see her reactions and what would she say and you won't believe what the bitch said," she said clapping her hands dramatically.

"What did she say?," We asked with wide eyes. Well except for Sai.

"She said to me, I wouldn't be so sure about that sweetie, can you believe that, she called me, sweetie. Then she said there could be someone else in the picture, which sounds even more suspicious coming from her, then she went on saying that a guy like Sasuke couldn't possibly have one lover and he would get bored easily. At that moment I ask her how would she know that," She paused again downing her wine. Damn.

"Then the bitch said she knows because that bastard Sasuke spends most of his time with her, after that she walks out the elevator looking like she won an award or something," Ino ended her words with a roll of her eye asking the waiter for another glass of wine.

"Well we know that Sasuke is definitely spending time with someone and that someone could be potentially be Sakura. This woman is so strange and weird," I said and Hinata nodded.

"Yeah, she creeps me out sometimes. So, what are we going to do know?," Hinata asked and I sighed. We set there thinking about it.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I found lingerie in the mansion," I said.

"WHAT!," they all should and I nodded.

"Yeah, I found a red bra, pink lace panties, condoms and a red lipstick on his shirt," I said counting out all my findings," Honestly guys, this is stressing me out, it's giving me a headache and a heartache. All I want to do is run away from this place and far away from Sasuke and the problems his giving me," I said holding my head between my hands.

"Okay okay, how about we all go on vacation as a group and get Naruto away from this crazy place. We all need a vacation from all the hard work anyway," Kiba said and we nodded.

"Who knows, maybe Naruto will find someone over there," Sai said with a smirk.

"Noo, Saaai~, that's so disgusting," I said with a whine. So we set there enjoying our time and our day.

Time skip~

I drove inside the mansion smiling a bit. We agreed to go on a vacation for maybe a week or so, to get away from all this craziness. And I need to take a break from Sasuke, he's coursing me stress and I'm so close to having a meltdown.

I parked my car around the fountain and got out. I walked towards the door and inside the mansion. I sighed setting my keys inside the bowl and untying my hair from it's bun. I walked towards the living and paused.

There, I see rose petals around the floor, candles on the table and around the room, which is dangerous by the way. There was this romantic music playing on the background, I frowned. What's going on?.

"Hey, you are back finally," Sasuke said and I turned around to find him standing there with his black sweat pants and slippers, he was wearing nothing on top, revealing his muscled body.

"Sasuke?, What's happening?," I asked him. He smiled.

"Come here," he said gently, taking my hand and leading me towards the living room. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mines on his arms. We swayed around slowly, and I followed confused.

"Can you tell me what's this about?," I asked again.

"My first step to apologise," he said and I nodded.

"I see," I said softly," I will be going on a vacation with my friends," I said.

"But you just got back home from your parents," he said frowning.

"I know, but I need to get away for a few days, staying here just courses me stress," I said and he nodded.

"Okay, I understand," he said pulling me closer into a hug. I really felt uncomfortable.


Until next time(^^).

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