Chapter 36

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Sasuke's POV

Today is the day we get to sign that deal, we are here in one of the most exquisite restaurants in China seated at a big table, soft classic music was playing at the background and eating traditional Chinese food.

There was a soft chatter going around and everything was pleasant. Mr Yoshi was making  most of the conversation and we are obviously listening to him.

"I am so glad that all off you were able to make it this fine evening, I hope the food and the restaurant is to your liking," he said with his gentle smile.

"Of course sir, everything is perfect thank you again for inviting us," Itachi said with a tiny smile.

"How are your spouse and kids back at home Itachi-san," the old man asked and Itachi chuckled.

"They are well, I called them this morning and they seemed well. I miss them already," he said and the old man chuckled nodding slightly.

"A family's man, I like that. There is nothing important in this world important then looking after your family, no matter how small it is," the old man said wisely.

"Well said Sir," Shikamaru said with a smile.

"Perhaps you have a family of your own young man?," Mr Yoshi asked and Shikamaru nodded with smile.

"Yes, I have two kids, a boy and a girl my spouse is carrying a third one," he said.

"Ah, and what's your spouse name?," The man asked.

"Neji Hyuuga," Shikamaru said with a fond smile.

"Ah, so he's one of the Hyuuga's. Then he comes from an excellent family," Mr Yoshi said with a smile. I'm liking this old man.

"Sasuke-san, you've been awfully quiet. You're not enjoying your night?," Mr Yoshi asked and I quickly set up clearing my throat.

"No sir, I'm enjoying my night. I just have a lot in my head right now," I said and he chuckled.

"Then clear your head, we are about to talk business and we all need full focus," he said and I nodded. Then all jokes were over, we got serious and talked business. We went through full operations, our finances and trading accounts.

We explained how we run our corporation and the strategies we us to get money in and keep the business running for a long time. We made sure we didn't let this moment slip through our fingers. We delivered what we needed to deliver and made sure that Mr Yoshi was happy and satisfied.

"I am loving your work boys, you might even surpasse Fugaku right now. This is just something else," Mr Yoshi said with a content look on his face as he nodding slightly.

"If there is something else you want to know sir you can always ask?," I asked professionally and he shook his head.

"No no, that won't be necessary young man. You both have shown me enough that you are ready to take this globally. Sarah can you please bring forth the contract," Mr Yoshi said to a woman besides him. Young lady nodded, opening a briefcase and taking out the papers and putting them at the middle of the table.

"I can't believe that this is happening," Tenten whispered in awe, looking at the papers and I have to agree with her.

"Alright Sasuke-sama, Itachi-sama this is it. You both ready to make partner and sign this contract?," Mr Yoshi asked taking out his gold pen.

"Yes sir, we are more than ready," I said and Itachi nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, and congratulations to the both of you," Mr Yoshi said with a smile.

And we signed the contract.

Time skip~

"I can't believe that just happened!," Tenten said with a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah, I mean we have to celebrate. This was our biggest deal after all, we finally made partner with The Mr Yoshi," Sakura said and Itachi nodded chuckling.

"Okay okay people settle down, we will celebrate once we get home. Right now we need some rest and pack to go back to Japan first thing in the morning," Itachi said with a smirk.

We nodded as we walked towards our hotel rooms. I can't wait to tell Naruto, I know he won't believe me when I tell him this. I chuckled shaking my head. I'm sure he's going to be proud of me.

Naruto's POV

I was packing up my clothes because tomorrow we will be leaving to go back home. It's been a wonderful vacation but you know, all good things don't last long. I sighed with a smile. I'm sure going to miss this place.

"You all packed Naru?," Ino asked from besides me. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm packed. I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow," I said with a smile.

"Yeah you know, we have big responsibilities back home waiting for us. I mean, you are finally planning on owning your own restaurant and you have these great ideas," She said in excitement. I giggled.

"Yeah, it's about time I make something that's originally mine. I want to be busy too and not sit around that big mansion and do nothing. It's time I do something with my life. I'm sure my family will be proud," I said and Ino nodded.

"Definitely, I'm proud of you already," she said with a smile.

"Thank you, Ino. You and Hinata are just amazing friends," I said and she smiled blushing.

"Aww, thank you Naru. Let's go and find the others. Remember we agreed to go to the waterfall and have a nice relaxing swim there and after that, we will go and partyyy~," she said in a sing song voice dancing slightly. I shook my head at her with a smile.

"You're crazy Ino," I said and she laughed as she dragged me out the room.


Until next time(^^).

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