Chapter 46

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Naruto's POV

"If you have loved her so much Sasuke, why didn't you try to fix things work back in your high school years. She clearly wanted your attention," I said and he sighed.

"It wouldn't have worked, she started seeing that college guy," I said.

"Yes, she wanted you to be jealous over her and to appreciate her more, she wanted you to get angry and fight for her. Anyway it doesn't matter," he sighed shaking his head," I just came by to check up on you because Kyuubi wouldn't stop nagging me about it," I said and I could see something flash in his eyes.

"Kyuubi convinced you to come over?," He asked again softly and I nodded.

"He's worried about you you know. Of course he's upset too but a month has passed now," I said with a sigh.

"Oh, I see," he said slowly ,"I really missed you. I couldn't stop thinking about you, can you please come back home," he asked and I shook my head not looking at him.

"I can't Sasuke, I'm still healing from what you did. To be honest, I think it's better for us if we just walk our separate ways," I said and I could see this look of desperation in his eyes.

"No you don't mean that, you can't mean that. I promise to be honest next time, I promise to be more open to you and to never betray you like that. Please, give us another chance Naruto," he said kneeling before me, looking up at me taking my hands.

"No Sasuke, I can't," I said softly as a tear ran down my cheeks, trying pull my hands away from his, but he only tightened his hold.

"Please Naruto, I'm not seeing her anymore. I blocked her number and I'm no longer texting her. I love you so much," he said with a tear coming down from his face, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Sasuke," I said softly.

"Tell me what to do to make things better again between us, please Naruto," he begged looking up at me desperately.

"I can't Sasuke, I just can't," I said trying to wipe my tears away.

"Why not?," He asked looking at me worriedly.

"Because I know that is going to be so hard for me to get over the fact that I saw you, having sex with your ex girlfriend on our bed Sasuke, you did it on our bed, where we sleep, where we used to make love," I said trying to wipe away my tears but more started rushing out. He said nothing, he just looked down in shame.

"For eight months Sasuke, I had to put up with your cold attitude. You coming home late, you spending long hours at work, you having extended business trips, you having calls late at night. And you didn't even consider of how I felt," I said looking down at him.

"Baby please–," he started trying to hold my face.

"No Sasuke!, You even brought that woman over when I wasn't home!, I couldn't believe that you would actually do that. I began finding things in the house and on your clothes," I said upset looking at him.

"What do you mean?," He asked with a slight frown.

"I found a woman's undergarment under the couch, so that means, you had sex with her on the living room and I found condoms in your jeans, lingerie panties in your hoodie and red lipstick on your button up shirt. All of these were evidence that you were cheating on me," I said sniffling. He didn't say anything, he just continued holding onto my hands.

"I didn't want to believe that the man I love so much was cheating on me, I didn't want to believe that you have lost all feelings for me, I wanted so desperately to believe that you still loved me and that all of this was just a lie but then I cought you, with her on our bed," I said tears running down my face again as I thought about that day.

"I know me saying sorry and apologizing a hundred times won't make the pain go away, but I know that I'm going to make things right. I don't want to part ways with you, I know we are stronger together," he said and I sighed," Sakura was just a confusion, I now know that my feelings for Sakura were a lie. I love you, I love you so much," he said trying to look at in the eyes.

"When did you realize that?," I asked softly.

"When you walked away with your suitcases going on that vacation, I thought I would never see you again. I've never been so scared in my life," he said wiping my tears away.

"Is there something else that you are hiding from me?," I asked and he sighed.

"No, but there is something I want to tell you but just know that it doesn't change the way I feel about you, Sakura came by just two days ago. She wanted to tell me something," he started and I frowned.

"And what's that?," I asked finally calm.

"She told me that she was pregnant, with my baby," he said and I looked at him shocked.

"O-Oh, a-a b-baby. You a-are going to be a father?," He asked stuttering uncontrollably. I held onto his hands tightly because he was shaking.

"Yes, I'm going to be a father and I want us to be the parents of that baby," I said and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"What!!, No Sasuke you can't ask that of me. No I can't, this proves it Sasuke, we can't be together anymore!. Oh God, you not only cheated on me but you got your mistress pregnant!!, You just striped me off my dignity Sasuke!!. How could you do this to me?!!!," He shouted getting up and I also got up quickly.

I knew this with destroy him but I really wanted us to be parents. I took him into my arms as he sobbed uncontrollably. I said sweet nothings against his ear trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this happen but it happened. I didn't mean to hurt you to this extent. Please don't cry anymore," I said burying my face against his petite shoulder.

"No Sasuke I can't do this with you, you have to go back to Sakura and raise this baby she's carrying. I don't want be a part of this," he said pulling away from me.

"I said I was sorry Naruto," I said softly looking down at him.

"Your sorry won't fix this mess you have gotten us into Sasuke!!!," He shouted angrily ,"And before you assume the baby that Sakura is carrying is yours, you should find out first if it's really yours!!," He said upset breathing heavily wiping his tears away.

"I know it's mine Naruto, Sakura would never do me like that," I said with a frown, kinda upset at what he just said.

"You don't know that Sasuke and you know what?, why don't you go back to your Sakura since you trust her so much," he said angrily walking away from me. I frowned.

"Naruto wait!, Please listen to me for a sec!!," I called out towards him as I followed him down the steps. I watched him get inside his car ,"Naruto please don't do this, you yourself don't want to do this and I know you still have feelings for me. You are just making things harder!!," I shouted feeling myself getting angry at Naruto because he's behaving like a child.

"I'm making things harder Sasuke!!, You the one to talk because you made things hard for me for eight fucking months!!, You don't have the right to say this things to me Sasuke. You are the one who got your mistress pregnant and you won't force me to accept this baby that you yourself don't know if it's really yours. You don't have the right to be angry at me right now Sasuke," he said breathing heavily, I could tell that he's really furious at me. I've never seen this side of him before.

"You brought this upon yourself Sasuke. Now face the mother fucking consequences," he said furiously through clenched teeth tears running down his face and he drove out my mansion angrily.

I just stood there shocked and speechless. That got out of hand really quickly.

"I really messed up this time," I said to myself with a tired sigh.


Until next time(^^).

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