Chapter 45

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Naruto's POV

I drove back to Sasuke's mansion. I'm not going to expect much or forgive him now but I'm just going to hear him out. I drove down the driveway and parked my car around the fountain.

I sighed as I paused inside my car. I was feeling a little nervous that I'm going to see Sasuke again after a month of separation. I finally got out my car and walked up the stairs and towards the door. I rang the doorbell three times. I waited a few minutes until it was opened finally.

"Wha-!," He paused as he saw me, his eyes wide. I smiled a little. He doesn't look so good.

"Naruto?," he whispered softly as if not believing that I'm here," is it really you, you finally come back home?," he asked and I shook my head.

"I just came to check up on you Sasuke, can I come in?," I asked and he nodded making space for me to go through. I walked towards the living room and looked around. The place was a mess. There were wine bottles everywhere, canes on the table and dirty glasses on the floor and on the table.

"Sasuke, this place is a mess," I said looking at him. He looks down scratching the back of his head shame.

"I wasn't expecting any visitors," he said embarrassed.

"Okay then, let's go outside to the patio then," I said walking towards the direction of the patio. We set on the couch and he set across from me.

Sasuke's POV

I looked at Naruto as he looks around. I think he was taking everything in. He looked different somehow, he looked good and he has this glow about him.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?," I asked as I was ready to prepare something.

"No thank you, so how are you?," He asked looking at me with no emotions.

"I don't really feel good, it's been lonely without you," I said and he nodded slowly.

"What about Sakura?," He I asked and I shook my head.

"There's nothing to mention about her," I said and he nodded again," Listen Naruto, I know there are lot of things that happened between us and I know you want some answers, so I'm going to explain to you why I started having an affair against you and I'm going to start at the beginning," I said and he nodded not saying anything.

I sighed as I began with the story, my heart racing," Sakura and I have known each other way back in middle School. We weren't friends at the moment but we were on the same class. So one day we had to do an assignment together, we didn't get along at first but as time went by, we hit it off," I said looking at my fingers.

"She was a fun person, who likes going out, she was never afraid to speak her mind and she always gets what she wants. She was really stubborn and fierce and not only that she was really smart girl, a beautiful smart girl and somehow I found that attractive about her. We didn't start dating until high school. I know I felt something for her and I knew it wasn't just a petty crush. One day I decided to ask her to date me, in front of the whole school," I said looking up at Naruto. He said nothing just listening in.

"And luckily she felt the same way and we began dating. I loved being around her, we would have lots of fun together. I would sneak into her room at times whilst her mother was asleep so we could go out with some of our friends. We would cause trouble and somehow we would always get away with it. Everyone in our high school knew that we were dating, we were like one of those popular couple that everyone loved to be around,"

"Everything was fun until our final year in high school. We had to get serious with our studies so we can in rolled into College. So I told Sakura that we needed to get serious about our studies if we wanted to go into the same College, she agreed and we got to work. Yeah, we had fun here and there but it was limited and I for one really wanted to do my best,"

"Everything seems to be going good for two months until she suddenly changed on me. I would usually see her hanging around college students, I didn't think about much about it at first because I thought she can handle herself. That is until she started hanging out with this College guy, obviously I didn't like that and I confronted her about it but she wouldn't listen to anything I say,"

"One day I was walking out the school with my friends towards the parking lot there, I saw her making out with this guy against her car. I couldn't do anything at the time, I was so shocked, heartbroken and most of all betrayed because I trusted her. From that day on I just told myself to focus on what's needed to be done and that was to enroll into college,"

"So we started to distant from each other, there was no communication and we just stopped talking to each other. She started seeing that College guy and I focused on my studies. So for six months we didn't talk to each other until one day, it getting closer towards our final exams and I was studying with my friends. She came towards me busting through doors blazing with anger,"

"She started shouting at me, telling me I wasn't giving her the attention she deserved and that I loved my books more than I loved her. So I decided that I'm not going to put up with her shit and I broke it off with her. She was shocked but mostly furious, she left running with tears in her eyes but I knew it had to be done. And one day I found out that she posted was some mean things against my mother on Instagram, she just started attacking my mother,"

"After was done writing my exams, I went to her house to tell her to stop what she was doing, but I found out she had moved with her mother. I didn't know how I felt about the whole situation. I was accepted into college and continued with my studies,"

"And after so many years of not seeing Sakura, I finally saw her at my parents ball and all those feelings I thought had for her, came rushing back. To be honest I wasn't really satisfied in and happy in our relationship at the time Naruto, so I started seeing Sakura again behind your back and she showed me that excitement that I craved and she brought up so many emotions in me. But I know now that what I felt for her wasn't real and it wasn't true, she just wanted my money,"

"I'm so sorry Naruto, I don't know what came over me," I said looking up at him and he nodded.

"I understand I guess," he said looking up at me.

"But I know now that my feelings for you are strong and I'll do anything to earn your love and trust back," I said seriously.


Until next chapter(^^).

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