Chapter 52

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Sakura's POV

"And done," I said as I finish typing the last word on my laptop. I sighed as I leaned back against my seat, caressing my stomach. It's been a month now since I found out I'm pregnant with Sasuke's baby. My belly hasn't grown yet, but in time it will.

I smiled, I'm sure Sasuke will do the right thing. Naruto can not give him what he wants after all. I took my purse and my coat walking out my office. I walked down the hallway passing Sasuke's office. I was thinking about going in but I know he wouldn't appreciate that.

I continued walking out the building with a smile on my face. I don't know why I'm happy, but I'm in a good mood. I walked towards the elevator and pressed the button for the last floor. I waited patiently.

But unfortunately luck wasn't on my side, this blonde blob had to come inside. I rolled my eyes, she's really starting to get on my nerves. She looks at me and she also rolled her eyes.

"Seriously," she said to herself folding her arms.

"Arg, you again. I'm starting to wonder why are you here in the Uchiha corporation everyday?," I asked not looking at her because I know, she's going to annoy me.

"I'm obviously here for a friend of mine not banging someone else's boyfriend," she said sassily rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me, Sasuke left Naruto a long time ago to be with me, right now he's in the process of breaking up with him," I said getting annoyed.

"Oh really?, You sure about that?," She asked with a smirk.

"Yeah," I said smugly folding my arms.

"Because last time I checked with Naruto, which was yesterday by the way, Sasuke has been making an effort to be with him. Sasuke has been buying him gifts and organizing dinners for Naruto, you can say he's courting Naruto again, just like back in college. If you know what's best for you Sakura, you should stay away from Sasuke," she said as the elevator doors binged open," Toodles~," she said walking out flipping her hair.

I rolled my eyes, she doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm pregnant with Sasuke's baby, Sasuke would never run away from a responsibility. He knows he should be with me not Naruto. I shook my head walking out the building trying to get that blondes words out my head.

I walked towards my car and got inside. I drove back towards my house trying to calm down. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for what Sasuke is doing.

Time skip~

I finally made it to my house but I frowned as I saw two cars parked on my driveway. I parked mine and got out. I didn't know I would have guests. I walked towards my door and turned the door knob, I found it was opened.

I walked inside slowly and the lights were on. I walked towards the living room pulling my phone out intending to call the police. But I stopped as I saw of who it was. I took a sigh of relief, smiling slightly.

"Mrs Uchiha, you scared me," I said setting my coat on the couch and I set down. Mrs Uchiha was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed elegantly.

"Yes it's me, I hope you don't mind me being here and of course I brought a dear friend of mine. She's at the kitchen currently grabbing us something to drink. You must be Sakura Haruno correct?," She asked with a smile but there was something off about that smile of hers, I brushed it off.

"Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure as always to be in your company Mrs Uchiha," I said feeling happy and excited. Maybe she's here to say she approves of Sasuke's and I's relationship, I knew she would come around.

"So you really are the girl who said all those unpleasant things on social media," she said her smile never wavering.

"Yes and I would like to apologise profusely, I was very upset at some things and I took it out on you and I'm so very sorry about what I've done to your name ma'am," I said trying to seem sincere and apologetic.

"Don't worry sweetie, I won't let past mistakes define you," she said flipping her black hair slightly.

"I'm back Mikoto with our tea and I hope our guest loves green tea," I looked up and my eyes widened. That's Kushina Namikaze Uzumaki, my mother used to talk about her all the time and of course she's Naruto's mother.

"Mrs Namikaze," I said trying to seem comfortable and relaxed.

"Haruno, a pleasant sight. I hope you like green tea," she said setting three cups of tea on the table.

"Of course," I said taking my cup. I watched them sipping on their cups elegantly," So what brings you guys to my house?," I asked looking at them.

"Okay, I'm not going to beat around the bush. Why are you with Sasuke?," Mrs Uchiha asked looking at me.

"I'm with him because I love him," I said trying to seem truthful.

"Is that so, well what do you love about him?," Kushina asked me this time.

"Umm, I love a lot of things about him," I said getting nervous.

"Name one," Mikoto said looking at me in the eyes.

"U-umm, he's very successful," I said looking at them and they laughed softly at that.

"She said she loves my son because he's very successful," Mikoto said shaking her head," Were you aware that my son was dating Kushina's son when you started a relationship with him?," Mikoto asked coldly this time.

"Yes but Sasuke initiated it," I said trying to defend myself.

"Yet you went with it, instead of being a lady and telling him to focus on his relationship," Kushina said in an icy voice.

"What do you want from me?," I said putting the cup back down on the table.

"We want you to stay away from Sasuke and out of his life," Mikoto said.

"I can't do that, I'm the mother of his child. I'm carrying his baby," I said with a frown.

"We know, if you think you are the one to raise that baby with him then you are sadly mistaken. We know that you want to trap Sasuke with that baby," Mikoto said.

"And we have information that could ruin you. You are a toxic person young lady, it's not alright to play with people's lives like that. If you know what's best for you, you will stay away from Sasuke. We are not asking you nor begging you, we are telling you to stay the F away from Sasuke and Naruto," Kushina said coldly.

I didn't know what to say, these women are powerful after all. I clenched my hands in fury.

"Then I'm going to-," I started but they cut me off.

"If you even dare to try that, you'll regret it for the rest of your worthless life. You'll find yourself living in the streets, begging for money and eating out of the garbage. Do not test us young lady," Mikoto said in a threatening voice. I had no choice but to nod, with an angry frown on my face.

"Well, I think we are done here," Kushina said happily clapping her hands, a gentle smile back on her face.

"Yes, and Haruno, it was an honor. Until next time," Mikoto said with a smile and they walked out my house.

I set there feeling powerless and out of ideas.


Until next time^_^.

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