Chapter 34

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Sasuke's POV

I sighed as I packed my clothes for the trip to China. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with my mother. I knew she wouldn't accept what Sakura and I have been doing. I mean how could she, after what Sakura did to her.

My phone rang and I picked it up my phone looking at the caller ID. I really wanted to see Naruto's name, it's been four days since he went on that vacation with his friends. Instead I saw Itachi's name.

"Yes," I said looking over my clothes.

"Little brother, are you parked and ready?," He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm ready for the road," I said zipping up my suitcase.

"Good, we leave first thing in the morning," he said and hung up.

I set on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. God I miss Naruto, it feels so empty and dull in this house. It feels oddly cold. I took my phone and began to look over Naruto's and I's photos. After a few minutes, I decided to call him to see how his vacation is going.

After a few rings he answered. I smiled.

"Sasuke?," He asked in surprised.

"Yeah, why do seem so surprised?," I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, it's so weird for you to call me," he said and I paused feeling guilty.

"How's your vacation going?," I asked.

"It's going great, I feel so relaxed. It's great out here, I should've done this a long time ago," he said and I could hear the smile and excitement in his voice.

"Maybe we can go on vacation just the two of us sometime," I said with a smile. He paused and I frowned.

"Is everything okay Sasuke?," He asked and I sighed.

"Everything is okay Naruto, I just wanted to hear from you. That's all," I said.

"I'm sorry, I just, from these past few months, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me," he said and I looked down feeling regretful and guilty," anyway, how is everyone?," He asked and I ran my hands through my hair.

"They are fine, busy but fine. I can send your regards to them if you like," I said and he laughed.

"Please do and tell them I miss them," he said and I could here the smile on the tone of his voice.

"Sure," I said with a chuckle.

"Anyway I have to go, Ino and Hinata are waiting for me, we have an appointment in a few minutes," he said and nodded.

"Okay then," I said said slowly.

"Bye then," he said, normally he would have said 'I love you,' but I know he's feeling scared of my response because I've been so cold to him, he's just protecting himself.

"Bye," I said and he hung up. I sighed as I leaned against the headboard. Hopefully I can make things right when he comes back.

Time skip~
Trip to China~

It's the next morning and my brother and I are going to China. This is going to be our biggest deal yet and I'm excited that we get to sign that contract hopefully. The butler put my suitcase in the boot of my car.

I nodded at him once he's done. I got inside my car and drove towards the Uchiha's private jet. The whole way there I was thinking of Naruto. I wonder what he's doing or who's with him right now. I don't know, for some reason I feel like there are things that Naruto knows about, but I don't know what.

I finally made it to the private jet and I got out my car after turning it off. The butlers took my luggage, there I found my brother talking to some guy. He looks up at me and he finishes the conversation he was having.

"Little brother, ready to go?," He asked and I nodded looking around finding other cars. I frowned as I saw a pink Ferrari. That's the car I bought Sakura. Oh no, you have got to be kidding me right now.

"Yeah, I'm ready. But why are there other cars?," I asked with a frown.

"I've decided to bring one of my best employees that do their jobs well," he said.

"Sakura does her job well?," I asked surprised at that revelation.

"I'm afraid she does, even though she's always late for work and fail to meet the deadlines, she's pretty good at what she does, she's excellent. I haven't found someone to replace her yet, I'm planning to fire her soon. She's just too rude to other employees and she's always around you. That's what I don't like about the woman. Come on, let's get inside, the others are already there," he said and I nodded slowly.

We walked up the short stairs and into the the jet. There I found Shikamaru, Shino, Sakura and Tenten. I looked at Sakura and she was looking out the window sitting by herself with her legs crossed. She was wearing a grey skirt, black long sleeved shirt and black heels. She was playing with her hair between her fingers.

"Why are you staring so hard at her?," Shikamaru asked and I quickly shook my head with a frown.

"I'm not staring," I said in a hard voice.

"Could've fooled me, just keep a safe distance from her," he said sitting down on the back. I sighed as I set on the front and away from Sakura. If I don't talk to her, or be around her nothing bad will happen.

I sighed as I tried to relax. God, I wish this trip was over already.


Until next time (- -).

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