‍ carnal, toji.

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☆. warnings - 1.6k. fem!reader, pregnancy kink, thigh riding, weight gain, quickie, nipple play, size kink, toji is feral so breeding kink, thick reader bc she is, black coded. minors aren't welcomed! comments are appreciated. <3

fuck, there's no fucking way

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fuck, there's no fucking way. it's only been five months into your pregnancy, there's no way you should be this fucking thick. it's after midnight now, one of the many repercussions of being pregnant was having a hard time falling asleep early. toji fed you well, or he should say the two of you, craving vodka penne pasta with shrimp and italian sausage . . . without the vodka, unfortunately. currently, you're in the bathroom getting ready for bed, playing your music as you sing to yourself, applying lotion to your heavy breasts as you stare at yourself in the i mirror. toji is witnessing this all, laying in bed originally watching tv while waiting for you to finish, but caught glimpse of you and immediately lost interest.

he's been trying to hide his erection ever since you walked out of the living room leaving the dishes to him. ever since he took paternity leave, he's been noticing how careless you've become with clothing, slim to none at this point. oversized shirt and shorts turned to shorts and tank tops with no bra, and finally thin slip-on nightgowns that were way too tight, hugging your curves. he doesn't know if you're teasing him or you were genuinely uncomfortable in clothing now. he never asked. seeing you so plumped up now, face fat, hips wider, tits flourishing. he wants them in his mouth so badly his jaw aches. when's the last time he's touched you? maybe two weeks ago? he can't even remember that. it was long ago.

he swears he doesn't want to disrupt your peace, humming to your favorite song and smiling endearingly at your stomach . . . but he couldn't take it any longer. the man was pulsating below, precum leaking from the tip and he'll be damned if he hid in a room and jerked off like some teenager when you were here, already naked, warm, and lathered in body cream he could smell from the bedroom. this carnal desire to have you was fucking him up.

he approaches you with just a robe on, enigmatic figure entering the dimly lit room, the only light gleaming from the candles. you don't see him, more like hear him and his heavy footsteps, bopping your head to the tune. you feel when his long fingers tangle through your scalp, clasping your hair in his hold. he doesn't mean to be feverish about it, pulling your head back causing a gasp to fall from your parted lips, connecting eyes inside the mirror. they're iniquitous, and that glare you familiarized yourself with is the reason why you're pregnant now.

it's best you stay silent until he spoke first. his sable hair falls over his eyes just a bit, lips pressed in a firm line before you see him stare directly at your chest within the mirror, a prominent moan coming out from the back of his throat, raspy and needy.

"when did they get that fucking swollen?"

the air from his heaving hits the side of your neck, face heating up when you feel his dick press against your back, hard as a rock, visibly twitching.

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