better, nanami.

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warnings 𑄽𑄺 3.7k. fem reader, she/her pronouns, mention of cheating, a lil romantic, spanking, biting, kinda fluffy, choking, age gap, sugar daddy energy, a lil vanilla, missionary, minors aren't allowed.

 fem reader, she/her pronouns, mention of cheating, a lil romantic, spanking, biting, kinda fluffy, choking, age gap, sugar daddy energy, a lil vanilla, missionary, minors aren't allowed

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a day you thought you'd never see was the day your spouse would admit they cheated on you.

heartache didn't sum up the feeling. it was worse than that; utter dreary. you found the video on his phone, unintentionally reading over a message sent to him by a girl you didn't know. you asked to borrow his phone to check the status of a flight he booked for you, seeing that the girl sent a video clip that he asked to have. what you saw ripped your heart to shreds.

he was fucking her, another girl. another girl screamed his name while he moaned hers. he wasn't very bright enough to be a cheater, allowing easy access to his phone like this could get someone in trouble if they were hiding something. maybe he wanted you to see it, that way it would be easier instead of sitting you down for a conversation and admitting his adultery. you didn't need an apology, or for him to explain. you didn't care. he'd done his deed and that was the end of that.

tonight, as you packed a bag and tried to sneak out without his knowledge, he caught you, and at that point, you had no choice but to confront and argue with him. watching him beg for forgiveness, holding you close so you wouldn't leave. that only resulted in you slapping and pushing him. he gave up and let you go. as you ran out the front door into the dark streets while thunder rumbled and rain poured, you cried like you never have before. your heart felt—empty. a certain void was there that you wanted to fill by committing murder, so angry that your mind conjured a wicked thought like that. you shook it away. there wouldn't be any good in that.

the streets were quiet since it was around three in the morning. you cursed yourself for not wearing a jacket, folding your bare arms, and speed walking to the bus stop as your shoulder bag hit the side of your waist. you didn't necessarily have a place to go. originally, you planned on paying for a hotel, but the closest vacancy was a motel—that was horrifying as is. you dig into your back pocket for your phone, finally approaching the bench at the stop and sheltering yourself under the glass roof, a bright light shunning the surrounding area.

taking deep breaths, you keep yourself from crying more, wiping your face and slapping your cheek to knock out of it. the first thing you do is check the bus schedule, seeing that the last bus up until 6 am would arrive in twenty minutes. good thing you left when you did. a name pops up in your mind, scrolling through your contacts to see his. nanami kento. a man half your age that you had a few flings with after you and your ex broke up once before. he was a wealthy man, sitting on piles of money, flaunting his flashy style and the buildings he owned. a man who catered to your every need, bought you nice things, treated you like you were the only thing that mattered.

you haven't seen him since you and your ex got back together, that was nearly five months ago. it was nice being with him, and you still felt guilty for leaving him to go back to a man who didn't care for you, and just wanted a prize to show off to his prissy family. even though you and nanami never agreed on anything, the two of you only gave each other what you needed—a distraction. you liked having him around and vice versa for him. your thumb hovered over the dial icon, blowing a raspberry before doing it, pressing the phone to your ear and staring up at the gloomy sky.

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