‍ no idea, tengen.

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☆. warnings — 1.4k. fem!reader, tengen has zero house manners so reader gets mad about that, male masturbation, voyuer, tengen's a whimpering . . . feral mess, black coded, drabble. minors aren't welcomed! comments are appreciated. <3

have a roommate, they said

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have a roommate, they said. it'll be less stress on you having someone to split the rent with. have a roommate they said, surely they'd keep their end of the bargain and maintain a clean home? have a roommate, they said. definitely won't be an issue if they don't eat what's yours even if you put your name on it, right? whenever you tried to complain to tengen about his lack of anything, he always brushed it off with a few sorry's and my bad, won't happen again. hey, wanna go out to eat? hey, wanna play the game with me? hey, let's go to this party together.

   trying to buy his way out of it, and each time, he never fulfills his promises. you've learned now not to fall for it, coming home after a very frustrating day at work, doing a double today at the hospital and when you enter the dark home, the last thing you wanted to see were dirty dishes in the sink, an open pizza box on the counter, clothes scattered around the living room, and an unclean litter box for cinnamon, the fat ass garfield cat sleeping on the pile of tengen's mess. you swear you're ready to burst. clenching your fists, you fume silently, dropping your purse to the floor and kicking off your crocs, making your way towards his room, prepared to beat his ass.

   he was too damn grown to be acting like a child. he needed to get it together. you can hear the faint music playing from tengen's room, seeing the blue led lights illuminating from under the door, which was halfway cracked once you approached it fully.

   "ten . . woah," your eyes budlge out your sockets as you stumble back and hide behind the wall, hoping and praying he didn't hear you just now. the sight was almost too unbearable. your heart thrashes in your chest as you listen in to the faint sounds of moans streaming from his lips as he lays flat in the middle of his bed, fucking his cock into his hand.

   "fuck me," you can hear him mutter, a low, almost inaudible moan following behind it. his head drowses into the pillows as the pads of his fingers dance on the vein that sits along his cock, throbbing and aching to the point where he felt pain between his thighs. usually, tengen would tease himself until tears pooled at his eyes and every waft of air would cause him to wince at the soreness. however, with it being hours away from the sunrise and tengen only gaining about thirty minutes of sleep throughout the whole night, he didn't have enough time to dwell.

  so, he wraps his hand around his hard cock, squeezing it until he felt pre-cum oozing between his digits before giving himself three long strokes that caused a throaty groan to leave his lips. every pump his fist desperately makes becomes faster, rougher. the gritting at his teeth caused his chest to heave for air, lips moistening from his frustrated tongue. tengen pressed his tired eyes shut, thinking about the only thing that could truly make his release come the fastest; you.

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