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Y/n was now a pregnant 17 year old living out of her car.

A few days had passed since Georgie and Connie got bailed out of jail and y/n was doing her same routine.

Waking up in her car, getting dressed for work, working a 13 hour shift all day, getting back in her car and sleeping in it.

One particular night at 9pm when y/n had finished her shift, she grabbed her jacket and walked outside only to run into Georgie.

"Georgie, hi." She said surprised.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." He said.

"Where do you think I am? I've been working all day everyday." Y/n shrugged.

"I went by your house today and your mum said you're no longer living there?" Georgie said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah," y/n said, avoiding his eye contact.

"So, where are you living?" He asked, confused.

Y/n didn't answer straight away.

"Y/n?" He urged her.

Y/n cleared her throat. "My current address is right there." She said pointing at her car that was parked on the street. "My parents kicked me out after I told them I dropped out of school."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Georgie asked, sounding more upset then confused. "You can come stay with me."

"Is that okay?" Y/n asked, she couldn't sleep in her car anymore. It wasn't good for her or her baby.

"Definitely." Georgie said.


Later, Georgie had helped y/n get her stuff out of her car and she was getting settled in the garage.

"You can hang your dresses and whatnot on the barbell." Georgie said, pointing to the barbell as y/n organised her clothes.

"Fancy." Y/n commented. "They won't fit me in a few weeks but they can look nice for the time being."

"Oh and so we're clear," y/n remembered, "Just cause we're sleeping together, doesn't mean we're sleeping together."

"I understand," Georgie shrugged. "If you want you can have the bed and I'll take the floor,"

"I cant ask you to do that," y/n said quickly. "We will share the bed, just keep your hands to yourself."

"Right back at you," Georgie smirked.

"I'm sure I'll manage," y/n chuckled.

"And if you find you can't that's okay too," Georgie said.

Y/n chuckled again and asked, "What's the bathroom situation?"

"You can use the one in the house." Georgie answered.

"Good, I was afraid you were gonna say that sink,"
y/n said and nodded towards the large old sink in the corner.

"The sink?" Georgie said disgusted, "That's kinda gross."

"Mhmm, I'll be right back." Y/n smiled and walked towards the garage door to use the bathroom.

Once she had exited the garage, Georgie looked over to the sink, "Looks like you're just a sink again," he said.

Y/n had entered the house and it was quiet considering it was late except—

"Oh, George."

Y/n heard Mary giggling from the bedroom. Y/n froze in her tracks, traumatised.

"Mm, you like that?" George SR replied to her.

"I love that," Mary said.

"How about we turn the lights off?" George SR suggested.

"Yes, please," Mary said and started chuckling and with that y/n ran back out of the house.

She couldn't believe she heard Georgie's parents going at it.

"Get out, get out." She told Georgie, as she entered the garage again.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I'm using the sink." Y/n said.

"Sweet," Georgie smiled and left the garage.


The following morning, y/n woke up along side Georgie who was still sleeping.

It wasn't weird sleeping in the same bed as him. It was just familiar.

Y/n sat up, and instantly felt the morning sickness.

"Oh, jeez." She said and scrambled out of the bed and over to the sink where she vomited in.

"Y/n?" Georgie yawned as he woke up. "You good?"

"Morning sickness," y/n said and moved away from the sink before feeling it again and running back to the sink.

Georgie got out of bed quickly and walked over to pat her back and pushed some hair behind her ears.

"This poor sink," y/n said after she finished vomiting.


Y/n and Georgie had both gotten dressed and y/n brushed her teeth in the same sink she vomited in and they both entered the house.

"Good morning," y/n said to Missy as Georgie held the door open for her. Missy was sitting at the table eating her breakfast.

"Mornin'" Georgie said too.

"Did someone have a sleepover?" Missy asked, slightly teasingly.

"Y/n's gonna be staying with me for a little bit," Georgie said, sounding happy.

"Mhmm," Missy hummed.

"It's not like that," y/n said.

"Didn't say it was," Missy said, smirking.

"Go ahead and take a seat, I'll make you some breakfast." Georgie told y/n who smiled at him before sitting next to Missy.

"Do you want some eggs?" He asked.

"Just some toast, please, my stomach is still queezy from morning sickness." Y/n answered.

"Toast i can do," Georgie said and began looking for the toaster.

"Good morning, everyone." Sheldon said as he entered the kitchen then looked at y/n, "Niblingo,"

"Excuse me?" Y/n asked, confused what he was calling her.

"It's a honorific i came up with to describe a woman who's carrying my future niece or nephew but is not related to me by law," Sheldon explained.

"You remember Sheldon," Missy said.

"How could I forget," y/n said as Sheldon could only be explained in one word, 'quirky'.

"I'm glad you're here." Sheldon said to y/n, "I have a question about robot ethics I was hoping you could help me with."

"Sheldon, leave her alone." Georgie sighed from the kitchen.

"No it's okay," y/n said quickly. "He can ask me a question I'm his...niblingo? What's your question?"

"Ethically, should a robot be programmed to never kill, even if killing would save lives? Sheldon asked.

"Where's the dang toaster!" Georgie said angrily from the kitchen.

"Welcome to breakfast at our house," Missy said to y/n.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now