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The sun shone brightly from the sky, the grass shone in a lush green, and the birds chirped their song. It was all peaceful and quiet. But everyone knew it was the calm before the storm. Hell and Heaven were in turmoil as the wheels of the prophecy of damnation began to spin and would soon come to a halt in their final position.

Clack, clack, sounds the hand of the time that was frozen.

Time awakens and empathy is born.

A miracle that opens everyone's heads.

Not long and they awaken the knowledge, but it sleeps.

There should be three keys.

One opens up time, one closes empathy, the other liberates knowledge.

United, the end begins. Time will decide.

It all started with three gods – Tori, Niyati and Metis.

In the beginning, there were four races – the demons, the angels, the humans and the Deva. The world was divided into three realms – the human world, hell, and heaven. The demons claimed hell for themselves, the angels Heaven. Together, the humans and Deva lived in peace on earth. The Deva were the beloved people of the supreme god and, like humans, were subject to the process of aging.

But the three gods were dissatisfied, jealousy and envy of the Deva drove them to an unforgivable act. Instigated by Niyati, they joined forces and created three elemental forces and three associated keys – time, empathy and knowledge. They planted them in three members of the Deva people and also gave them the keys.

But the Deva didn't use this power. They left the keys to three guards who hid them from the relatives. Their plan didn't seem to bear fruit, so the gods changed the keys so that their beloved people could use them.

One stole the key and used it to open time. There was much chaos since the carrier couldn't control the force. They were able to seal it again, but the damage was done. Humanity and the demon world had been set back thousands of years. All the evolution they had gone through was reset to zero.

The supreme deity was enraged, searched for those responsible, and finally found who he was looking for. The three were brought before the court and received an unspeakable punishment, according to the power they had created.

The god Tori, who had created empathy, was doomed to guard the entrance between the dead and the living, unable to bond with anyone in both realms – eternal loneliness.

The goddess Metis, who had created knowledge, was doomed to write down all knowledge that ever arose or arises. She was trapped in the divine library, where she had to write everything down.

The last of them was the god Niyati, who had created time. He received the worst of punishments. He was condemned to direct the fate of all living beings in a space without any time.

The only way to escape this punishment had been through the carriers of empathy, knowledge and time. But before they could act, the unspeakable happened. The angels could no longer ignore the power of the Deva and decided to rebel against the supreme deity. Led by Lucifer, numerous angels flew to earth and killed every Deva who was in the mortal realm.

The rebellious angels fell and lost their memory of it all, the rest of the living beings had their memory of what had happened overwritten. Instead, it was written down in the history books that, according to the prophecy of Nix at the time, Lucifer had instigated a war between the angels and the demons and therefore fell. It was the biggest lie that ever existed and was meant to serve as a warning never to start such a war again.

In this war, the guardians of the keys made sure that they split the keys up. The key to time was split into four parts, which were hidden in the human world. The key to empathy split into seven parts hidden in hell. The last one, on the other hand, disappeared. What happened to the carriers, no one knew, they simply disappeared.

After many centuries, the god Niyati – also called Fate – forged a plan to escape his damnation. The carriers were to be resurrected and the keys found, because if they were opened, they would escape. For this he used his mouthpieces in this world, the oracles. He directed everything in such a way that his plan was advanced.

Now all the threads had come together and the time had come. Two of the three carriers had appeared, two keys had already been found. The birth of the third was imminent. It wasn't long before time would decide the end of the world.

But what many didn't know was that in addition to the demons and Telos who want to bring about the end of the world, a third party began to act in the shadows. Soon they would make an appearance.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now