Chapter 6

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They entered the room and the soft voice of Sister Mary greeted them. Aleks' heart jumped for joy when he saw her.

"Sister Maria!" he shouted excitedly, and quickly ran to her to embrace her.

The nun gasped in surprise, but then warmly returned the embrace.

"My little angel has returned," she said happily. However, when her gaze fell on Belial, the laughter died immediately.

"Sister Corinna, please leave us alone," said the nun. She nodded and said goodbye. Sister Maria was already 63 years old, but her face was still full of youthful charm. She had brown eyes and soft, round cheeks. Above the black nun's cloth habit – she wore a metal cross.

"Sister Maria, why are you in the abbess's room?" Aleks asked, surprised.

"Well, my boy, I took over this office and the leadership of our order two years ago. But something else – what is a demon doing in our hallowed halls?" she asked with narrowed eyes.

Belial wasn't surprised that the nun recognized him. She had an incredibly strong soul and connection to her God. The god of humans was said to harbor displeasure with demons, which his followers probably also felt.

Aleks looked at her in surprise.

"Sister Maria. This is my mate, we are bonded," he said. The nun looked at him in shock.

"Has a devil seduced you?" she asked.

Aleks went to Belial and stood in front of him.

"No, fate has ordained us for each other. He's my second half. Please don't speak ill of him. He is a kind-hearted being and has done nothing wrong for which he should be condemned," Aleks said with a serious expression on his face.

"How do you know that his soul is not dark and corrupt? He brain-washed your head, child," the nun replied.

"Because I'm an angel," Aleks said.

Sister Maria looked at him in disbelief. Aleks knew it was risky, but he needed her help. With a jerk, he unfolded his white wings.

Sister Mary froze when she saw the sacred wings. She got down on her knees and crossed herself. She had always known that Aleks' soul was pure and immaculate. But she never expected him to be an angel.

Aleks retracted his wings and sat down. "Sister Maria, I need your help," he said kindly.

The nun had to sit down first. Being in a room with an angel and a demon had been too much for her. But if a warrior of God asked her for help, she would do anything to give it to him.

"How can I help you?" she asked reverently.

Aleks grimaced. "Please don't, I'm still the same person you knew as before. I'm here because I'm looking for my parents. Do you know anything about my origins?" he asked the sister.

The nurse exhaled heavily. "Aleksander, I'm sorry. But I can't help you in this case. I found you on the stairs with Sister Karin. You were wrapped in a white cloth on which the words Aleksander and Esai were embroidered. Apart from this, you only wore the amulet that is now emblazoned around your neck."

She looked at the amulet in amazement. Has there always been a black stone there? Was her memory playing tricks on her? Aleks made a sad expression.

"Do you still have this cloth?" he asked hopefully.

The sister looked thoughtfully at the table. "I think it would have to be in the chamber where we keep lost items." She had folded it neatly at the time and stowed it there. Over time, she had forgotten about it, but Aleks had reminded her.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now