Chapter 30

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Michael entered the garden where his brother spent a lot of time. He had felt a presence and had walked in its direction, but he didn't find Raphael. He saw a young blond man with short hair, sitting on the ground leaning against a tree with his eyes closed, a book in his left hand. When the light hit the boy and he opened his eyes, he saw for a moment the woman who followed him in his dreams. The woman he had sentenced to death – Sayenne. This cannot be a coincidence. But he needed certainty.

The blue eyes looked surprised when he saw Michael and a smile spread across his face. "Hello, my Prince," the voice greeted him.

He's not afraid of me. That was more than unusual. He always felt everyone's reluctance, but this angel was completely calm.

"Hello. We were interrupted at our last meeting when I inquired about your name. What's your name?" the archangel asked kindly.

"My name is Aleksander," the young man's voice rang out in front of him. It wasn't deep, but instead, it had a bright sound.

Aleksander. Who are you? Why are you in my brother's estate? Michael would get to the bottom of these questions. "Aleksander, who are your parents?" he asked the angel.

He just smiled. "That's a secret."

That upset Michael a bit. He refuses to answer me? Astonishing. "Why are your wings hidden? I don't think Gadriel told me what applied to your situation."

Aleks looked at him in surprise. So Michael knows he's dodged him. At that moment, Aleks came up with an idea. It was risky, but if the plan worked, he would finally be able to escape. Should I dare? Belial's image reappeared before his eyes. He had to do it. "I can't show them because of the shackle," he said, putting his hand on the neck ring, which was hidden by a spell.

Michael's brow raised. The spell disappeared after he knew about it, and he saw the angel shackle on Aleks' neck. It was clearly from his brother. Why did he put an angelic shackle on this angel? What did he do?

"What have you done, Aleksander?" he asked.

The angel looked at him with fixed eyes. "I have done nothing other than being alive."

This shook the archangel more than expected. Is he Sayenne's son? The prodigal son who disappeared twenty-eight years ago? But who is the father and why is he with Raphael?

"If you want to see my wings, take the ring off me for a moment," Aleks said, hoping to have lured the archangel. "You are the strongest archangel, what should I do against you? Do you think I could escape before you caught me? Do you think I'm that stupid?" he added. One fact and two questions, not a lie. Of course, he would try to escape, it was worth a try. He saw the archangel pondering what was springing up in Aleks' hope.

When the angel had decided, he created a hemispherical barrier around them and enclosed them. Aleks immediately recognized what kind it was, after all, he had recently read a book about it. It was strong, but had a weak point. A well-aimed concentrated blow could break it, but a lot of magic had to be discharged abruptly at once, which only a few could.

So Michael underestimated Aleks, which would be to his advantage. I only have one try. And in these few moments, he would put everything. For Belial and for Sai. He would put all his eggs in one basket.

Slowly, the archangel's hand approached and touched the neck ring. Aleks didn't take his eyes off him for a second, then he felt a magical impulse and the shackle began to glow.

"Michael, what are you doing?" his brother's voice rang out.

Surprised, he looked at Raphael, who was standing a few meters away from them, horror on his face. Then a bright rattle sounded. The shackle touched the ground.

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now