Chapter 27

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The next day, Aleks walked through the corridors to explore the property on his own and look for ways to escape. Gadriel was busy and finally didn't stick to the hem of his skirt. He ran to the kitchen and greeted all the staff in a friendly manner and chatted with them. But to his chagrin, he found that there was no such thing as an exit door.

How do the employees get out and in? He would have to ask Gadriel that. He walked on to the garden, which he now explored properly for the first time. It was like a huge greenhouse, with trees and colorful plants everywhere – the ceiling was made of glass, through which sunlight shone.

A potential escape route, but unfortunately only with wings. And these were locked in his body, so nothing came of it. The garden was laid out in circles that overlapped. There were colorful patterns of flowers in the middle of each circle, all with attention to detail. In the middle was a larger sand court with a small fountain with statues of little angels playing in the water. The piece of nature was balm for Aleks' soul. The separation with Belial gnawed at him. He had been here for days now and he already felt it. I have to think of other things. So he did what was most effective – a workout in front of the well. He pushed his muscles to their limits until they hurt and he gasped.

After some rest, he then practiced various movements that he had trained with Belial's warriors. He closed his eyes and imagined the movement of an opponent, then repelled it.

"What are you doing?" a voice came from behind and Aleks flinched in terror.

"Hell, Gadriel. Don't scare me like that."

The angel made a dismayed expression on his face and raised his hands defensively. "That was never my intention. I apologize," he said excitedly.

Aleks laughed. "All good. I do some exercises that represent defense techniques. However, since I don't have a training partner, I have to do it with my imagination," he explained to the angel.

Gadriel nodded in understanding. "Do you want me to help you?" he asked kindly, and when Aleks enthusiastically agreed, a bright smile appeared on his face. As it turned out, Gadriel was a trained warrior angel, which you would never have guessed at first glance. He fended off Aleks' attacks with fluid movements, deflecting them rather than blocking them. It was absolutely fascinating.

"Can you teach me this defensive technique?" Aleks asked, completely out of breath after an hour.

Gadriel nodded happily. "Every day at this time?" the angel asked, and Aleks immediately agreed. After all, something he would take with him here in his captivity in addition to medical knowledge. In addition, he would gain Gadriel's trust, which might open other doors.

The days passed and he established a friendly relationship with the employees and Gadriel. He had finally found the area of the library where records of the great war after Lucifer's fall were – the substitute lie for the extermination of his people. Again and again it was mentioned that some warriors held treasures, but nothing more precise. Something must be recorded.

He was sitting in the library reading hard when he heard someone enter the room. For a moment he feared that it might be his father, but fortunately it was Gadriel. "Am I disturbing?" the angel asked uncertainly.

"Why?" asked Aleks.

"Well, it's time for our training."

Aleks jumped up. "What so late? Excuse me, I guess I was too engrossed," he said.

Gadriel looked curiously at the book, which Aleks closed to put it back in its place. "What are you reading?"

"I'm reading the story of the angels, this one being Lucifer's case. I know it roughly, but there was no such detailed literature in hell," Aleks replied. "Above all, the treasures that the angels are said to have saved is intriguing ."

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now