Chapter 12

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After a few minutes, they came to the end of the corridor and landed in a cylindrical chamber with a dome ceiling. The walls were smooth and without patterns. If the one from which they had come was counted, there were ten identical passages. On the ceiling was a huge sculpture of a snake with nine snake heads and a human head with short curly hair. Each one went from the center of the dome to one of the passages. Above the passage from which they had come was the human head.

"What's that?" Aleks asked.

Elenoa marveled at this work of art. "Ulutini, a legendary Fijian god who possesses ten heads, one of which is a human and the other nine serpents. The human head is said to be so beautiful that it is almost too much for a mortal. This cave is supposedly his final resting place," she explained.

"Which corridor is the right one?" Lyric asked, taking a quick look at each of the nine possible ones. All he could see was nine dark corridors with no visible end. The rune demon activated a rune on his left chest and his fingertips began to glow. With a swiping motion, he threw the sparks into the first entrance. They dashed along it and lit it up. But the result was an end they couldn't see. The same was true for the others.

Something was strange. Lyric felt that the lights were swallowed, but couldn't explain it.

"What shall we do now?" he asked Belial.

They seemed to have no choice but to examine every passage. Aleks sat down on the floor in the middle and closed his eyes. He wasn't sure, but he thought he heard something.

"Can you be quiet for a moment?" he asked the three of them. Silence fell and Aleks concentrated on his ears. There! I was not mistaken. He heard a whisper—one that sounded familiar to him. He turned in that direction and raised his hand to point there with his eyes closed.

Belial, Lyric and Elenoa looked in the direction Aleks was pointing. It was the third aisle to the left of the one they had come from. Aleks opened his eyes.

"We have to go there," he said with conviction.

Elenoa raised her eyebrows. "How do you know?" she asked him.

Aleks was helped by Belial. "I can't explain that to you, I just know. It's a whisper that calls me. I'm supposed to follow it," Aleks replied.

The woman shook her head in disbelief, but Lyric and Belial walked to the aisle. They didn't question Aleks' decision.

Elenoa looked at them. You just follow his words? How can they trust a gut feeling just like that? She couldn't understand that. But in the end she had to follow them, because she certainly wouldn't walk back and forth here alone.

"Let Lyric go ahead, Tsuka, and stay close to me," Belial said affectionately, pressing a kiss to Aleks' lips. He had to be close to him so that he could protect him with his body in case of emergency. His angel nodded. Lyric activated the same rune as before, and five glowing orbs appeared, illuminating the entire aisle.

Elenoa was fascinated by the magic that Lyric so effortlessly made.

Together they walked along the cave passage until a wall appeared in front of them – a dead end. It was a massive wall with carvings on it, which depicted the scene of a pond. There were two fish and a small snake or something similar. One fish looked to the right, the other swam under them and looked in the same direction, the little snake made a bow and was further away on the right side outside the pond.

"What's that?" Lyric asked, hovering over it. It had an incredible amount of detail. In the fish you could see every single scale and also eyes and mouth, as well as fine fins. The snake, on the other hand, had no scales, which suggested that it had to be something else.

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