Chapter 9 (with smut-scene)

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Shortly before the middle of the 10th month of pregnancy, a few days before Hope's rebirth and awakening from a coma...

"Finally!" Aleks exclaimed joyfully. After a long time of waiting, the letter from the authority had arrived. With trembling hands, Aleks opened the letter, couldn't wait to find out where his grandmother came from, to finally explore his roots.

"Quiet, Tsuka," Belial smiled and waited patiently for his mate to take the letter out of the envelope and unfold it. Aleks' eyes wandered excitedly from left to right, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"The Fiji Islands," he said in astonishment. "Bel, I'm from Fiji."

Belial wondered why it surprised him so much, was there something wrong with it? "Why do you have such a puzzled tone?" he asked his sweetheart.

Aleks looked thoughtfully at the document.

"Well, I've already seen a documentary about it and the inhabitants all have dark skin and black hair – nothing that would apply to me. What if they were wrong?" he asked nervously. He didn't want to be disappointed again.

Belial took his angel in his arms and gave him a gentle kiss. "That, Tsuka, we will find out when we visit these islands. But before that, we should get artifacts that will allow us to understand the language of the locals – who knows what awaits us there," his demon spoke reassuringly.

Aleks sighed and snuggled up to his mate.

The next day, they found themselves in Aleks' apartment, equipped with two arm rings with which they understood Fiji. Belial had had to do a favor for that, but it was worth it, he knew that. Meanwhile, while sitting on the sofa with his laptop, Aleks had googled everything there was to know about his supposed homeland.

"And what did you find out, Tsuka?" Belial asked, amused, when he saw his angel's focused gaze.

"Sit down and I'll tell you what I found," Aleks said, laughing.

Belial pushed himself behind him and clasped him in his arms. "Go ahead, Tsuka."

Aleks nodded and told him what he had found out so far.

"Fiji, or officially the Republic of Fiji, is an island nation in the South Pacific. It is located about 1,100 nautical miles northeast of New Zealand.

Fiji consists of an archipelago of more than 330 islands – of which about 110 are permanently inhabited – and more than 500 islets, for a total area of about 18,300 square kilometers. The furthest group of islands is Ono-i-Lau.

About 87% of the total population lives on the two large islands of Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. About three-quarters of Fijians live on the coasts of Viti Levu: either in the capital Suva; or in smaller urban centers such as Nadi.

Most of Fiji's islands were formed by volcanic activity that began about 150 million years ago. Some geothermal activity still takes place today on the islands of Vanua Levu and Taveuni.

People have lived in Fiji since the second millennium BC – first Austroneseans and later Melanesians with some Polynesian influences. Europeans first visited Fiji in the 17th century.

The population of Fijian islands consists mainly of indigenous Fijians – the iTaukei, who are Melanesians, although many are also of Polynesian descent, and Indo-Fijians, descendants of Indian contract workers brought to the islands by the British colonial powers in the 19th century.

There are countless myths that revolve around Fiji and how it came about, it's insane. I think it's best if we get an idea on site and ask a guide. The best thing to do is to find out where my grandmother lived before she emigrated, then maybe we can narrow down the search a bit."

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